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Chapter 1192 Case

"In this marriage, Ms. Zhang, you did nothing wrong. You were innocent at the beginning of the marriage. You are also innocent at the end of the marriage. As a justice, what I can do is to protect your rights with all my strength.


This marriage change is actually very simple.

If we look at the current secular world, Chen Zilong chose the young and beautiful Liu Rushi instead of his wretched wife when Chen Shimei was still alive.

It deserves to be spurned.

But if you go deep into the heart of the person involved, it’s not that confusing.

This marriage was not what Chen Zilong wanted from the beginning.

But under the oppression of feudal ethics at that time, he could not refuse.

He has always wanted to break free from this prison.

Originally he had no chance.

Even if his father passed away like history, there was nothing he could do.

It turns out that Chen Zilong in history did not even survive the death of his father. Because Chen Zhang rushed to the South Tower to cause trouble, he had to separate from Liu Rushi and Lao Yan.

From then on, he deeply hid his feelings, transformed into a bright star in the literary world, actively participated in political activities, and finally gave his life for it.

As for his wife Chen Zhang, she is just a symbol placed at home.

It is difficult to guess whether Chen Zilong had such a person in his heart at the moment when he was about to die.

The appearance of Xia Guo gave Chen Zilong a different kind of life.

In the eyes of outsiders, he is no longer the high-spirited and talented man who scolds Fang Qiu, but a practical scholar who bows his head in the field.

Moreover, due to historical changes, his acquaintance with Liu Rushi was postponed for a long time.

The thoughts Xia Guo upheld also made him bolder and bravely began to pursue his love.

He met someone he really liked, and the curse on his head disappeared.

When Mrs. Chen Zhang found out what he was thinking, she went to Shandong and made a big fuss. He simply kept complaining and filed for divorce.

Chen Zilong is very confident that his approach will be successful.

This is also true.

Even if the person presiding over the trial was Zuo Mengeng, he still felt that it would be better for the couple to divorce.

After all, there is no emotional basis, and forceful melons are not sweet. If this stalemate continues, the days to come will be even worse.

He also discovered that not only did Chen Zilong have no feelings for Chen Zhang, but Chen Zhang's love for Chen Zilong could not be called love at all.

What Chen Zhang couldn't let go of was actually the years he had wasted in vain, and the confusion after losing his current identity.

She is a traditional woman, with the three obediences and four virtues integrated into her bones.

Although she didn't know how many new ideas she had received while living in Songjiang Mansion, Zuo Mengeng thought that this might be a good opportunity to save a tragic woman.


In the eyes of many people, Zuo Menggeng's actions seemed to be beating a mandarin duck. But only he knew that he was saving the Chen Zhang family.

In the whole incident, Liu Rushi's position is absolutely untenable. In any case, he is still the mistress.

Fortunately, Liu Rushi and Chen Zilong did not break the rules and were not married.

In comparison, Chen Zhang is the only victim.

Zuo Menggeng decided to use this opportunity to seek justice for Chen Zhang and help her regain her new life, while also showing a way out for women in the world.

There are still too few new women like Wang Siyi, Wang Xiuqin and Tian Xiaoe.

"Ms. Zhang, you have given everything to your family and your husband over the years, and no one can ignore your contribution. I hope you can raise your head and live an upright life from now on. You need to remember that you have done nothing wrong. You

You have not apologized to anyone and you are worthy of pride."

Mrs. Chen Zhang listened blankly, her eyes wandering, taking in the expressions of the audience.

What she saw was everyone nodding in agreement.

Yes, in everyone's mind, she was the most deserving of sympathy at that moment.

Then it was Zuo Mengeng's words that warmed her heart the most.

She doesn't need sympathy because she has done nothing wrong.

This affirmation is better than ten thousand words of pity for him.

Zuo Mengeng looked at Chen Zilong.

"Although you and Ms. Zhang have no emotional foundation, which makes your marriage unable to continue. But you cannot turn a blind eye to the hard work Ms. Chen has put in for the family and for you over the past ten years."

Chen Zilong took a deep breath and nodded heavily.

Everything Zuo Mengeng said hit his heart.

He just doesn't love this woman, but that doesn't mean he is blind.

He knew everything Chen Zhang had done for the Chen family.

Still the same sentence.

From the bottom of his heart, he was extremely grateful to Chen Zhang.

It's a pity that this is not love.

"Based on the principle of fairness and justice, efforts must be rewarded. While this judge sentences you to dissolve your marriage, in order to make up for Ms. Zhang's efforts over the years, all the property you two share needs to be assigned to Ms. Zhang's name.


There was a roar in the Dharma hall.

No one expected that Zuo Mengeng's verdict would be so harsh, and he would actually rule that Chen Zilong should cleanse himself and leave the house.

This is tantamount to leaving him with nothing.


Chen Zilong is a senior government official. No matter how much he loses now, he can easily earn it back based on his status.

This sentence was actually a punishment in disguise.

After all, he took the initiative to betray the family, so he must bear responsibility for it.

From Chen Zhang's perspective, after dissolving her marriage to Chen Zilong, she must carefully consider her life issues.

Obtaining all the current property is enough to ensure that she does not have to endure material suffering for the rest of her life.

Those with a keen mind can taste a deeper meaning from Zuo Mengeng's judgment.

Zuo Mengeng almost used this sentence to declare Chen Zhang's innocence to the whole world.

From now on, in the eyes of the world, Mrs. Chen Zhang will no longer be a resentful woman abandoned by men, and there will be no stain on her body.

Just like Zuo Mengeng said before, she can live her own life in an upright manner.

She is actually not that old, not even thirty years old, which is a woman's best years.

For the rest of her life, she finally got rid of all the shackles and could only be herself.

From this perspective, I don’t know how many women in the world would envy her.

Chen Zhang didn't expect that much.

She was quite surprised to receive all the property of the Chen family, but the sadness and anger in her heart also dissipated a lot.

Even though Chen Zilong and I are no longer husband and wife from now on, we still have a lot less worries.

She knew only too well how much wealth the Chen family had.

With all that wealth, she doesn't have to suffer any hardship.

Now that the matter has come to this, she is very satisfied with the verdict.

But the matter is not over yet.

Zuo Mengeng looked at Liu Rushi.

"Although you and Chen Zilong truly love each other, what you did actually destroyed other people's marriages. Right is right, wrong is wrong, and you must bear your own responsibility."

Just when Liu Rushi looked over in fear, Zuo Mengeng explained his intention.

"This judge orders you to write a public letter of apology to Ms. Zhang and obtain her understanding."

Seeing Liu Rushi trembling and frightened, Zuo Mengeng's attitude was very determined.

"Since you want to be a rare and extraordinary woman in the world and want to bravely pursue your love, then you must have the courage you need."
This chapter has been completed!
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