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Chapter 1198 Marry you with thousands of troops

"Should I call you uncle, or should I call you uncle?"

Wang Siyi's question confused Mang Gurtai.

But he was a human spirit after all, and he reacted quickly.

"You...are you a descendant of Menggebulu?"

Wang Siyi nodded.

"My father is Wang Shizhong."

Mang Gurtai looked at Wang Siyi's appearance carefully and was filled with emotion.

"Yes, there are still some traces of our Jurchens in your appearance."

This discovery made Mang Gurtai very happy.

Since he rebelled against the Manchu Qing Dynasty and came to the Xia Kingdom, although there was no problem with his treatment, he still encountered annoying things.

Anyone who comes into contact with him cannot help but ask questions.

Questions such as "Does Huang Taiji eat a sheep for one meal?" "Do all Jurchens eat human flesh?" etc., annoyed him greatly.

Just like when people in later generations see foreigners, they always ask if they speak the native language well.

In this respect, Mang Gurtai in the Xia Kingdom was lonely.

Now he finally met someone of the same race, and he immediately felt close to him.

What surprised him the most was that this person from the same clan was actually Zuo Mengeng's princess, the future Queen Wu.

Although Zuo Menggeng had told him more than once that all ethnic groups were equal and would not discriminate against Jurchens, how could Mang Gurtai easily believe it?

He himself is a top politician in Houjin, and he is very familiar with the temperament of political figures.

He just felt that what Zuo Mengeng said was just a slogan to appease him.

But now, knowing Wang Siyi's identity finally convinced him.

As sharp as he is, he even thought of many things in an instant.

With the strength of the Xia Kingdom, they will definitely invade Liaodong and destroy the Manchu Qing Dynasty in the future.

Although he defected, the blood of the Jurchens flowed in his bones. What would he do if the Xia Kingdom killed all the Jurchens?

Although Mang Gurtai is ferocious and cruel, it is always very difficult to attack his own people.

Now Zuo Menggeng's princess is a Jurchen, and she is even a top general in the army. This is enough to show that Zuo Menggen and even the Xia Kingdom have a very peaceful attitude towards the Jurchens.

Even if the Manchus were wiped out in the future, the innocent Jurchen people would not be exterminated.

If the Xia Kingdom really treated the Jurchen people equally, then Mang Gurtai would be extremely happy.

What kind of life did the people of Xia live like?

What kind of life did the Jurchen people live?

What is it if it's not lucky to be a citizen of Xia Kingdom?

When Nurhaci rebelled, it was certainly driven by ambition, but the cruel oppression of the Ming Dynasty was the bigger reason.

The "Seven Hatreds" were not fabricated out of thin air.

If Wang Siyi calls Mang Gurtai uncle, it is because Mang Gurtai is married to Wu Ergudai.

Wu Ergudai is Wang Shizhong's elder brother.

If Wang Siyi calls Mang Gurtai uncle, it is because Meng Gebulu's third daughter married Mang Gurtai.

No matter which way you look at it, the two of them are real relatives.

"You should call me uncle."

Mang Gurtai figured it out in an instant.

From the perspective of Mangguji, the relationship will undoubtedly be much alienated. But from the perspective of his wife, it will be much closer.

Although his wife had been killed by Huang Taiji.

And with Wang Siyi as his niece, his position in the Xia Kingdom camp will definitely be solid from now on.

Wang Siyi understood what he was thinking, but didn't care.

"I heard that you are getting married soon, so I have prepared a gift for you. I am also getting married, and you must attend."

Mang Gurtai nodded heavily.

"That's natural."

The fifteenth day of the first lunar month is a good day.

Even in previous years, people would celebrate grandly.

However, the fifteenth day of the first lunar month this year is particularly different.

Because on this day, Zuo Mengeng and Wang Siyi will complete their wedding.

Starting from the first three days, the entire Jinan began to be decorated grandly.

Although Zuo Mengeng made many promises and advocated frugality, his status and status, as long as he fiddled with it a little, would be seen as a big deal in the eyes of ordinary people.

Different from traditional weddings, Zuo Menggeng’s wedding time is after noon and at dawn tomorrow.

This time, countless people witnessed this unique wedding with their own eyes.

Starting from Prince Xia's Mansion to the military camp outside the city, both sides of the road were already occupied by soldiers in uniform.

Every five steps, there is a pair of cavalry with bright armor.

It extends endlessly.

What Zuo Mengeng is wearing today is the uniform of the Generalissimo of the entire army.

This dress is so gorgeous that just the medals on the chest can blind people.

At this time, he was wearing Zuo Mengeng's body and riding a tall and handsome white horse. It was really the overlord who was alive and reborn first.

Countless women on both sides of the road looked at him, their hearts trembled, and their standards for choosing a mate were raised out of thin air.

Riding slowly all the way, we finally arrived in front of the military camp.

There is no joy like a normal wedding here, instead it has a solemn atmosphere.

Dozens of infantry phalanxes were formed in a mighty formation, one on the left and one on the left, and Zuo Mengeng was sent in.

When he rode up to the stage, tens of thousands of officers and soldiers drew their swords from their sheaths, and the cold front was like a wave, which was breathtaking.

Under the gaze of everyone, Zuo Mengeng walked towards the high platform with his head held high.

Just at this moment, Wang Siyi put on her formal clothes and walked up from the other side.

The steps of the two people were rehearsed, and they finally stood opposite each other in the middle of the high platform.

Zuo Mengeng smiled slightly and took Wang Siyi's hand. The two of them turned to the front at the same time, allowing countless officers and soldiers to witness this scene.

At this moment, the salute that had been prepared began to roar.

There were a total of one hundred and eight sounds, which made the whole world move.

Huang Zongxi, Zhou You, Liu Yiyuan, Zhang Yan, Mao Yuanyi, Zuo Rong and other senior generals who were able to attend stepped forward, dressed up with dignity, and protected a path.

Zuo Mengeng personally put on the jade crown of the Nine Phoenix Flying General on Wang Siyi, and they embarked on the return journey along the red carpet.

The two walked hand in hand. Whenever they passed by, the soldiers on both sides of the red carpet would raise their swords to their chests, their eyes full of heat.

Of these two people, the man is the founder of the entire army and gives this army the most noble soul; the woman is the idol of the entire army, a peerless general who is invincible in the world, and the most desired goal of all soldiers.

The two of them walked to the gate of the military camp and mounted their horses respectively.

The white horse is like a dragon, and the black horse is like the underworld, which makes the newlywed couple even more outstanding in the world.

The people watching the excitement around could no longer bear it and burst into endless cheers.

They have never seen such a wedding, and they have never seen such a heroic bride.

I believe that this scene, no matter how many years pass, will become a legend told by the world.

The military band slowly walked out and walked in front of the two people. Various heroic and lively military music played continuously, and hundreds of generals escorted them, adding to the power.

I believe this scene will definitely become the lifelong dream of countless women.

After all, in this world, the only person who can bring thousands of troops to marry you is Zuo Mengeng, without thinking of anyone else.

This chapter has been completed!
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