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Chapter 1215 Resurrection

The success of the march made Zhang Keda and others suspect that this was not about destroying the country, but about traveling.

The people of Ryukyu were very excited about the arrival of China, and they welcomed the arrival of China.


It doesn't exist at all.

The gates of Shuri Castle were completely opened, and the people in the city ran out. Seeing the Xia army appeared, cheers filled the sky.

It was clear that their king had set himself on fire in the palace behind him, but no one cared at all.

Originally, King Shotoyo had a very bad reputation among the Ryukyu people.

It was he who became the king in a very strange way and chose to cooperate with the Japanese people, causing the Ryukyu people to become slaves who were oppressed by others.

Everyone lives a life of darkness and has long hated him. They are even more looking forward to the Heavenly Kingdom coming over as soon as possible to save the people from the fire and water.

Now that Shangguo has finally arrived, all the dark clouds over the heads of the Ryukyu people have dissipated, and they can start a new life with their heads held high.

"The people here have such deep feelings for the country, and they must not let down their good intentions. As an official here, you must be more vigilant and must not hurt the hearts of the people."

When Huang Pei entered the city with his army, he earnestly taught and warned the officials who followed him.

No one expected that Ryukyu would be transferred to Xia Kingdom so smoothly. But because it was so smooth, Huang Pei was afraid that the officials below would not appreciate it.

Sure enough, some young people who were only happy at first quickly calmed down after hearing his warning.

Without his timely warning, these inexperienced officials might have caused trouble.

The Xia army successfully took control of Shuri Castle. Apart from being strictly vigilant, they did not do anything to disturb the people.

Only the original Ryukyu nobles were all unlucky.

Xia Jun forcibly broke in, captured them, and put them in prison. At the same time, he encouraged the people to expose them and not let any traitor go.

On the next day, just outside Shuri Castle, in front of all the people, these Ryukyu nobles who had taken refuge with the Japanese were all shot one by one.

The murderous aura soaring to the sky was very good at frightening the insignificant strange sounds.

It also made everyone realize that although Xia Jun had done nothing wrong, he was also ruthless in his treatment of the enemy.

Zhang Keda, Huang Pei and others always adhere to the approach of using a stick in one hand and a carrot in the other.

On the one hand, the traitors were liquidated, and on the other hand, Huang Pei began to take various measures to target people's livelihood.

All the wealth confiscated from the homes of Ryukyu nobles was used by Huang Pei to relieve poor people.

Especially the lands controlled by the Ryukyu nobles were all distributed fairly and equitably by Huang Pei to all the people.

With just this move, all the Ryukyu civilians were completely at home.

When it came to conquering foreign lands, Zuo Menggeng had already taught Xia's troops and officials the art of non-duality.

Completely eliminate the original interest groups in the local area and distribute the benefits to the most basic people. This can be done once and for all, and China's influence can be quickly deepened, making the local area no different from the Central Plains.

This method is based on Zuo Menggen's experience after summarizing the lessons of the Yongle Dynasty's conquest of Annan.

Zhu Di sent Zhang Fu to conquer Annan. The military operation was not smooth. However, for a long time afterwards, the Ming Dynasty's power was completely trapped in the quagmire of Annan. In the end, it could not bear the disturbance and had to retreat in embarrassment.

The reason lies in the fact that the Ming court was too trusting and close to the original upper-class people in Annan.

They thought that these people were deeply influenced by the Confucian culture of the Central Plains and had common languages ​​and thoughts, so they would help the Ming Dynasty maintain its rule.

I never expected that these were originally Annan's upper class people, who were already domineering in the local area and living a life of superiority to others.

How can you still be willing to surrender to others?

I would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail.

This is the true thinking of Annan’s upper class.

These people have great influence in the local area. They have both manpower and financial resources. Through their secret troubles, Ming Dynasty has never been able to gain a foothold in Annan.

Taking history as a guide, Zuo Mengeng put forward corresponding strategies in the process of recovering Ryukyu.

All the original upper strata of Ryukyu were wiped out, leaving only the simple people.

Then, by using the trophies seized from the upper class, the profits and benefits are distributed to the people. Then, with certain education and policies, long-term peace and stability will surely be achieved.

Huang Pei followed his instructions and took a few actions. The effect was very significant, and the officials were completely convinced by His Highness the King of Xia.

Seeing that the situation in Shuri was completely stable, Zhang Keda divided the North Sea Fleet into several parts, attacked in all directions, and sent them to various islands.

The complete recovery of the entire Ryukyu Islands is not far away.

It's April, and Daming can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

The Qing army that broke through the border last autumn finally crossed the border from Datong and withdrew its troops after a lot of troubles.

This time the Qing army invaded and completely destroyed large areas of the capital, Henan, and Shanxi. The number of people taken captive alone exceeded half a million.

As for the economic losses, it is impossible to calculate them at all.

An official who went to the capital from the south described it this way.

Ever since we passed Dezhou and entered Gyeonggi, all the way to the capital, there was no human habitation at all. The roadside was full of bones, and the cities and villages were reduced to ashes.

It is simply unimaginable that this is the most beautiful place at the feet of the Emperor.

The losses in Shanxi were even more serious.

Even Taiyuan was captured by the Qing army, and the entire family of the King of Jin was captured by the Qing army and became prisoners.

King De, who was supposed to suffer this fate, was replaced by King Jin.

It has to be said that history also pays attention to the conservation of energy.

Even Song Xian, the governor of Shanxi, died at the hands of the Qing army in the battle to defend Taiyuan.

The entire northern Ming Dynasty has completely lost its vitality, and the Ming Dynasty has begun to rapidly slide into the abyss.

Huguang, Gucheng.

County Magistrate Ruan Zhidianku was sitting in the room, looking at paper and pen in front of him and a bowl of wine on the other side.

The cold wine was glowing with green light, which was quite strange.

The paper in front of him was already densely packed with words, which could be summarized in just one sentence.

[Zhang Xianzhong will definitely rebel again]

Under pressure from the Ming court, Zhang Xianzhong and other bandits had no choice but to surrender.

Originally, what the Ming court should have done was to patiently and carefully sort out these surrendered bandits to prevent them from resurrecting.

However, Chongzhen and Yang Sichang were eager for quick success and wanted to take advantage of the situation to destroy the Xia Kingdom, so they transferred all the troops used to suppress the rogue bandits.

Without the army at their side, local officials in Huguang were afraid that these bandits would cause trouble and cause chaos, so they had to adopt a policy of appeasement and make concessions step by step.

As a result, the arrogance of rogue bandits such as Zhang Xianzhong and Gezuo Wuying became more and more arrogant. In the name of surrendering troops to the Ming Dynasty, they actually caused harm to the countryside and became more violent than before.

If the Ming Dynasty successfully eliminates the Xia Kingdom, I am afraid that Zhang Xianzhong and others will inevitably accept their fate.

But it is a pity that the Ming Dynasty encountered the invasion of the Qing army before it launched force against the Xia Kingdom. Not only that, the Ming Dynasty also suffered tragic losses, and its national power further declined.

Hong Chengchou, Sun Chuanting and others were all near the capital, trying their best to deal with the Qing army, but they were unable to do anything.

As a result, Zhang Xianzhong and other bandits who were thousands of miles away were keenly aware of the God-given opportunity.

Local officials in Huguang have long discovered that these bandits have gradually become unable to be suppressed and will soon reappear.

In panic, they reported to the authorities again and again, hoping to get the attention of the court.

However, all the attention of the imperial court was focused on dealing with the Qing army, and they did not care about this at all.

Gucheng is Zhang Xianzhong's residence, and Ruan Zhidian knows better than anyone that Zhang Xianzhong is about to take action.

As a local official, his death date has come.
This chapter has been completed!
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