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Chapter 1218 The Battle of Qinghai Lake

A long time ago, Qinghai Lake and the Yellow River were connected as one.

The water of Qinghai Lake can flow into the Yellow River through rivers and flow eastward to the sea.

It is precisely because of this channel that Qinghai Lake is in a flowing state and is a large fresh water lake.

But later, Riyue Mountain and Tieniushan Mountain on the north bank of Huangshui River continued to rise, causing the terrain between Qinghai Lake and the Yellow River to rise.

The river that originally connected the two major bodies of water was disconnected, and Qinghai Lake became an inland lake.

After losing the channel for leakage, the water in Qinghai Lake has evaporated for millions of years, and the salt content in the lake has increased day by day, gradually evolving into a saltwater lake.

The straight-line distance between Qinghai Lake and the Yellow River is only 40 kilometers, but the height difference between the two sides exceeds one thousand meters.

This is why Jiang Chaoyun and others felt it was like climbing a mountain.

In view of the harsh environment inside Qinghai, Liang Yue gave up his plan to march and instead guarded the only channel between Qinghai and Xining.

Liang Yue deployed his main force in Huangyuan.

This has been an important link between Qinghai and the Central Plains for thousands of years.

As long as we hold on here, we can attack at any time to clean up the Qinghai grassland.

At the same time, he sent two small troops to block the paths between the south and north mountains respectively.

Of these two small roads, the one to the north is what became the Chengxi Highway, and the one to the south is what became the Zaha Highway.

These two trails are very secret passages nearby, which can bypass Huangyuan and go directly to Xining.

Liang Yue completely blocked all the passages and waited patiently for Gushi Khan's arrival.

Gushihan will definitely come.

He could not allow a powerful force to entrench itself next to Qinghai Lake.

Otherwise, this force will come out of Qinghai from time to time, and the various tribes on the grassland will never have peace.

This will have a huge blow to his rule.

Only by eliminating or driving away this powerful force can he consolidate his position as King of Qinghai.

For Liang Yue, the current situation is very good.

The Ming Dynasty's military power in the northwest no longer exists at all.

It is a blessing to be able to defend various places according to the city, and it is impossible to cause any danger to him.

On the contrary, he could also get an endless supply of supplies from the Hehuang Valley, without having to worry about Gushi Khan outflanking his retreat.

As long as we hold on to Huangyuan, which has a dangerous terrain, we will have complete initiative.

Liang Yue did not wait long. Just one month later, the Qinghai coalition forces led by Gushi Khan rushed into the river valley and approached Huangyuan.

"But after checking it out, the person opposite is really a traitor to the Ming Dynasty?"

Gushi Khan let the army set up camp while going out to look at the enemy's formation.

"I report to the Great Khan that the leader opposite is Liang Yue, a traitor among the Han people. This guy somehow colluded with the Chahar people. He cannot stand in the Hetao and wants to invade our territory."

There is no doubt about Gushi Khan's ability, and his intelligence collection before the war was very sufficient.

"How many enemy troops are there?"

An experienced scout will report it immediately.

"There are about 30,000 enemy troops."

As soon as this number was reported, many people in the Qinghai Allied Forces began to become arrogant.

"Great Khan, our strength is more than five times that of the enemy. Attack, completely tear these ungrateful wolves to pieces, and let them understand that Qinghai should not be something they can take a look at."

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Amid the noise, Gushi Khan waved his hand to suppress the noise.

"How about the north and south roads? Is there any progress?"

Someone will report it immediately.

"The enemy on the opposite side is very careful and has deployed troops and horses on both the north and south routes. Because the terrain is difficult and easy to defend but difficult to attack, it is not possible to break through it yet."

Gushi Khan knew the terrain here better than anyone else.

The two small roads in the north and south are very secretive, and not many people know about them. He originally planned to bully Liang Yue, a new arrival and unfamiliar with the terrain, to engage in an outflanking and annihilation battle.

But since he was blocked by Liang Yue, he knew that there would be no progress on the north and south routes.

That kind of steep terrain doesn't require too many soldiers and horses to defend at all.

As long as there are three hundred people standing high, even a thousand troops cannot defeat them.

It seems that the only way to win is to fight head-on.

"Great Khan, the enemy has occupied the mountain pass and dug a large ditch in front of the formation. I'm afraid it will be difficult to attack."

Baisang Taiji was an experienced warrior. After checking the terrain and the enemy's deployment, he instinctively felt that the situation was not good.

Why didn't Gushi Khan see it?

But this battle must be fought, and he has no way to retreat.

He finally summoned all the tribes to go on the expedition. If he retreated back in vain, no one would listen to his orders in the future.

"Don't worry, we have the blessing of the Immortal Heaven and we will win this battle. Aksang, lead your troops to attack at the foot of the mountain to the north. Liduoji, lead your subordinates to dismount and attack from the front. Mondork, turn your right wing.

Here you go. We must take advantage of our large numbers and don’t give the enemy a chance to breathe. They will definitely not be able to stop our attack."

Gushi Khan decided to devote all his strength from the beginning.

Liang Yue occupies favorable terrain. If it is consumed, it will not be good news for the Qinghai Allied Forces.

Only by giving full play to the advantage of having a large number of people and attacking wave after wave like a wave. Even at the cost of human lives, the enemy can eventually be overwhelmed.

Following Gushi Khan's order, the Qinghai Allied Forces began to take action.

Liang Yue was condescending and saw his opponent's deployment clearly.

"Don't these people have muskets and cannon?"

Liang Yue discovered a big problem.

Although the Qinghai Allied Forces were large in number, their weapons were very crude. In addition to useless war horses, they only had scimitars and bows and arrows.

Even those wearing armor were few and far between.

Cloudy Mountains and Seas is very familiar with the situation in Qinghai.

"Before Gushi Khan came here, the forces here were very scattered. Coupled with the Ming Dynasty's many restrictions, powerful weapons were not available at all."

Liang understood more and became more confident.

"Does Gushi Khan think he can defeat us just because of his large numbers?"

He has more than fifty cannons in his hands.

Among them were the bronze artillery pieces given to him by Li Zicheng, as well as the artillery pieces from Tsarist Russia transported by the Junggar tribe.

To put it bluntly, these artillery pieces alone are enough to make it difficult for the Qinghai Allied Forces to take a step forward.

"Brother, I think our artillery should be hidden for now, and we must not let the enemy know how powerful it is. Otherwise, once they withdraw, there will be nothing we can do."

Liang Yue understood immediately.

"Are you planning to consume more of the enemy's troops here?"

Jiang Chaoyun complimented: "Brother knows everything. Let's fight slowly and let the opponent kill more people. After that, if we march into Qinghai, no one can beat us."

Liang Yue chuckled, his eyes flashing with an inexplicable light.

Jiang Chaoyun's proposal coincided with his thoughts.

"Then it depends on all the brothers to work hard."
This chapter has been completed!
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