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Chapter 1237 Blood Night

Chapter 1237 Bloody Night

Human society inevitably has centripetality.

The core of this trend is the economy.

Although Spanish colonization caused great harm to Luzon, the social model and economic and trade wealth brought by the Spanish also allowed people here to gradually gather in the most prosperous and affluent places.

With the castle built by the Spanish as the core, the nearby areas have transformed from being desolate and barren to now becoming densely populated towns.

Not only the Spaniards and Han Chinese, but also the indigenous people live here.

Although the various forces have demarcated different territories due to different races, they are not far apart from each other.

The Kakun tribe is only separated from the gathering place of the Han people by a mountain.

When the sun set in the west, more than 6,000 Han people, personally commanded by the Xia Army's special forces, were divided into groups.

They all received weapons in their hands.

There are knives, guns, even shields and bows and arrows.

Regardless of whether these Han people are brave or cowardly in nature, on this night, they can only fight hard to survive.

If it were just them, they might not dare to take this step.

The arrival and leadership of the Xia Army's special forces allowed them to find their backbone, and they followed with unusual determination.

The darkness gradually fell, and the surrounding vision began to shrink sharply.

The six thousand Han people couldn't see what was happening in front of them, so they could only follow one by one and move forward blindly.

Someone was walking when he suddenly tripped and fell to the ground.

When he fumbled to get up, his hand hit something.

After touching it carefully, he suddenly discovered that it was a body as cold as iron.

The man yelled "Ah" and just as he was about to shout, a reprimand from the special forces came next to him.

"Shut up and follow me quickly."

Someone died.

Although I don't know who it is, the bloodshed of this night has been felt by six thousand Han people.

As we move forward, we encounter more and more corpses.

Some of them were clearly visible to the Han people in bright places, and they were clearly the most elite warriors of the Kakun tribe.

These people usually show off their power, are cruel and easy to kill, and even dare to eat human flesh alive. It is not an exaggeration to call them devils.

However, no one knows how he was killed.

In the dark night, there was no sound at all, which made it even more eerie.

In the gathering area of ​​Han people, Chen Changjiu kept looking at the watch on his wrist.

This novel thing was given to him by Zhu Jin.

Zhu Jin told him that when the shortest and thickest needle above points to the number eight, they can start.

As a big event approached, Chen Changjiu became more and more nervous. He felt his heart pounding so fast that he almost fainted.

But the life and death of tens of thousands of Han people were on his shoulders, so he had no choice but to hold on.

Watching the hands go round and round, the time seems extremely long.

He really wanted to break the glass cover on it and move the hands of the watch to go faster.

Finally, the shortest and thickest hand pointed at eight.

Chen Jiujiu jumped up, feeling slightly dizzy in his head.

When he was unsteady on his feet, the words he blurted out were slightly different.

"Let the big guys stir up trouble and kill all the natives."

The task Zhu Jin gave him was just to create chaos in the town. As for killing, that was secondary.

But as a member of the Han people, Chen Jiujiu suppressed the surging fire of hatred in his heart after encountering too many bullying from the natives.

Now that someone gave him a chance to vent his anger, he transformed into the most terrifying ghost.

Like him, once all Han people go crazy, it is actually the most terrifying thing.

More than two thousand Han people, armed with weapons like a pack of wolves, rushed out of the yard and rushed into the town.

At this moment, everything should be destroyed in their eyes.

So the door of the native's house was broken open, and all the people inside, regardless of age or sex, were hacked to death with knives.

Some indigenous noble houses are strong, so just throw torches into them.

Soon, the whole town became restless.

The fire started at one point, then two points, and then spread into a large area, raging like the sea.

The whole night was lit by flames.

Under the flames, the wails of the killings rose loudly, shocking all living beings in the world.

The Spanish castle in the distance was immediately alarmed.

"Mr. Governor, there is a commotion in the city."

Asura Torres received the report and quickly climbed onto the city wall and looked into the city.

However, the distance was too far and apart from hearing the shouts of killing, nothing could be seen clearly.

"Damn the natives, it's not the agreed time yet, why did they take action first?"

"Mr. Governor, I think I have seen through the minds of these natives."

A tall officer with a beard and shrewd eyes came closer.

Seeing this person, Asura Torres actually had some displeasure in his expression.

"Captain Peake, tell me what you think."

The officer was very proud, and at the same time there was some faint contempt for Asura Torres in his eyes.

"Those natives are very greedy. In their eyes, treasure is greater than anything else. Obviously they are afraid that when we take action, we will take away all the treasure, so they decided to attack first."

Asura Torres listened carefully and couldn't help asking: "Then we also want to take action?"

Captain Peake shook his head.

"On a night like this, if we rush out rashly, we may have conflicts with these natives. It's just right to let the Han and these natives fight more fiercely first. It's best for both sides to suffer heavy casualties. When it gets dawn tomorrow, we can clean up the mess.

Maybe those indigenous people who are not respectful enough to us can disappear forever."

What a vicious trick.

Asura Torres nodded silently.

"I have already remembered your merits. When the time is right, I will definitely recommend you to the country."

In fact, he was cursing in his heart.

Damn Catalans, they will never get ahead in the Spanish army.

The situation was unclear in the dark night, so the Spaniards did not dare to leave the city and could only watch on the sidelines.

Without the Spaniards to hold the battle, the deficiencies of the natives were completely exposed.

Facing the organized premeditation of the Han people, they had no power to fight back.

The natives in the city were strangled one after another in fear and confusion, and the red-eyed Han people had occupied the entire city outside the castle.

On the other side of the mountain, the attack of the special forces was like a hot knife cutting through butter, silently breaking through the Kakun tribe's defense.

Kacun, an ambitious man, was discussing with the tribal leaders how to deal with the Spaniards after wiping out the Han people.

Before the outcome of the discussion was reached, the special forces surrounded his residence like ghosts.

Each other is a life-and-death enemy, and there is no possibility of reconciliation.

The special forces are merciless.

Several grenades were thrown in, killing all the leaders of the Kakun tribe on the spot.

Those tribal warriors who reacted were beaten to death by the special forces' muskets as soon as they drew their swords.

The six thousand Han people who were still rushing on their way immediately cheered up when they heard the sound of gunfire, and rushed into the unsuspecting Kakun tribe brandishing their weapons.

(End of chapter)

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