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Chapter 122 Strategic Anticipation

Zuo Mengeng took apart the telescope and showed it to the children.

"Does anyone know what this is?"


The children in Zhuangzi are no strangers to glass. After all, their classrooms also use glass windows.

Zuo Mengeng casually called a child forward and asked him to pick up the lenses.

"Xiaohu, tell me, what's the difference with this piece of glass?"

What Xiaohu is holding is exactly a convex lens.

"Principal, this piece of glass is thick in the middle and thin on both sides."

"Then put this piece of glass in front of your eyes and take a look."

Xiaohu did as he was told, and as soon as he took one look, he was so frightened that he almost threw the lens away.


Zuo Mengeng stabilized the lens and asked: "What did you see?"

Xiaohu waved his arms in an exaggerated gesture.

"I saw how big Li Kang's head was."

Another child became anxious and yelled.

"Bah, Wang Xiaohu, your head is so... big."

A group of children laughed and were very lively.

Zuo Mengeng called Li Kang over again.

"Here, come and see if Wang Xiaohu's head is also that... big."

Li Kang also took a look with a convex lens.

"Yeah, Wang Xiaohu's head has really gotten bigger."

After Zuo Mengeng asked the two children to go back, he held a convex lens in his hand to show everyone.

"This is called a convex lens. It is different from the glass you usually see. It has a shape. Why is the thing seen with this mirror magnified? That's because when light enters such a lens, it will


Next, Zuo Mengeng talked in great detail.

The principle of how people can see objects, the existence of light, the refraction of light and how to use the refraction of light were all explained.

He didn't talk about any formulas or teachings, he just told the children a story, and he also gave the children telescopes to use.

When children use telescopes to see extremely distant objects clearly appearing in front of their eyes, the novelty and shock must be engraved in their minds for a lifetime.

There are several children among them who love telescopes.

They begged Zuo Mengeng for help, dismantled the telescope into parts, and then reassembled it under Zuo Mengeng's guidance.

During this process, they asked many questions.

The answers Zuo Menggeng told them were far easier to remember than their boring study.

Wang Xiuqin and Zuo Xianmei stood on the periphery and listened to the lecture. It was the first time they knew that such ordinary sunlight was so important and had so many uses.

After the class, Zuo Mengeng packed up his things and walked over to join Zuo Xianmei and Wang Xiuqin.

But there is a little tail hanging behind him.

I am very timid and want to speak, but I dare not.

Zuo Mengeng heard footsteps and turned around, only to realize that it was Lu An.

"Girl, why are you following me? Is there something you don't understand?"

Lu An clasped his hands behind his back, his big eyes always looking longingly at the telescope in Zuo Mengeng's hand.


This was not in class, Zuo Mengeng asked her to correct it.

"Call me brother."

Lu An mustered up his courage.

"elder brother."

She pointed at the telescope and asked eagerly: "Brother, can you... see the moon with that thing?"

Zuo Mengeng squatted beside her and shook his head.

"This won't work, but if we can make a bigger telescope, we can see the moon."

Lu An's eyes suddenly became dazzling, and his little face was full of eagerness.

Zuo Mengeng was very curious.

"Why do you want to see the moon?"

Lu An rubbed his fingers together, making a sound like a mosquito.

"My mother said that if we miss her, my brother and I can see her as long as we see the moon."

Zuo Mengeng's eyes suddenly turned red. He quickly turned his head and wiped it quickly, which turned into a smile.

"Brother, help you. Let's make a bigger telescope together, so we can see your mother."

Lu An's pupils were filled with water-like light patterns.

"Is it really possible?"

Zuo Mengeng rubbed her head and said firmly: "Of course, when has my brother ever lied to you?"

Wang Xiuqin told the story about the two brothers Lu Ping and Lu An. Zuo Xianmei was even more unbearable and cried straight away.

Zuo Menggeng's solemnity made Lu An very happy.

"Oh, then I have to study hard and make a bigger telescope one day earlier. But... I'm so stupid. I... I didn't even remember what my brother just said."

Lu An's tears fell when he thought that he couldn't make a telescope and couldn't see his mother because of his stupidity.

Zuo Xianmei couldn't bear it anymore. She ran forward, took Lu An's little hand, and comforted: "Don't be afraid, sister. Sister remembers it. Sister will teach you."

Lu An looked up and saw a strange sister, but she was as beautiful as a fairy, and he couldn't help but admire her.

"Thank you sister."

Zuo Xianmei turned around and asked Zuo Mengeng: "Brother, can I come here more often in the future? I want to teach her."

Zuo Mengeng laughed loudly.

"What does it mean to come often? You might as well just live here. Director Wang, clean up a room for my sister. From now on, she is one of us."

Zuo Xianmei didn't think deeply about the meaning of this sentence and took Lu An away.

Wang Xiuqin was still sighing.

"Qianzao, can we really see what the moon looks like? There are gods living up there."

Zuo Mengeng shook his head and told the truth.

"There is nothing on the moon, just a big desolate ball."

Wang Xiuqin was startled.

"Then...then if Lu An sees it in the future, will he go crazy?"

Zuo Mengeng was more confident.

"By the time she can see the moon, she will be older and will not be so naive. But a child's simplest and most beautiful dreams can produce the greatest results."


A carriage almost galloped into the rear camp.

Zhang Jimeng, regardless of appearance, found Zuo Mengeng and brought a big news.

In June of the second year of Chongzhen, Yuan Chonghuan killed Mao Wenlong on Shuangdao, which shocked the world!

The history that was supposed to come has come.

After learning about this, Zuo Mengeng understood that nothing had changed.

Of course, the necessary preparations must also be made.

He immediately ordered to convene a meeting with the entire army squad and officers above.

Looking at the officers sitting at attention, Zuo Mengeng was somewhat heroic and said to Zuo Fu: "Director of the Intelligence Department, I will brief everyone on military intelligence."

The current functions and strength of the Intelligence Department are insufficient, so it cannot do more.

In fact, many of the things in this report were reported by the imperial court.

But even so, there is enough information contained in it.

Zuo Fu stood up and informed everyone of the situation in the past one or two years one by one.

"Last September, the Donglu defeated Lindan Khan and annexed the former lands of Chahar and Halashen. Lindan Khan only held the area west of Xuanfu, Hetao and Tumochuan."

After he finished speaking, Zuo Mengeng drew a circle and crossed it on the big map behind, representing Lin Danhan's position.

Although the specific geographical details are temporarily unavailable, it is not difficult for Zuo Menggen to create a complete large map.

Even the primary school students of later generations can draw a rough sketch.

But this method gives people today a very intuitive feeling.

Zuo Fu continued: "The year before last, the Donglu conquered North Korea, and North Korea sued for peace."

Zuo Mengeng drew another circle on the map where North Korea was located and also marked it with a cross.

"The newspaper I just received listed Superintendent Yuan Chonghuan as one of the twelve deadly sins and ordered the murder of Mao Wenlong."

Zuo Mengeng circled and marked the location of Pi Island again.

Zuo Fu announced the last message.

"Not long ago, the imperial court issued a decree that the governor of Shuntian, Wang Yingzhi, should eliminate the armies in Jimi, Yongxin and other places, and a mutiny broke out in Jizhen."

Zuo Mengeng drew a circle at the approximate locations of Xuanfu, Jizhou, Zunhua, and Yongping, but this time he placed question marks.

He asked Zuo Fu to return to his position, then looked at the officers below and asked with burning eyes: "Everyone, what do you see?"

There was silence below, everyone was staring at the map, frowning in thought.

Zhang Jimeng sat aside.

This was the first time for him to participate in a military meeting in the rear camp. He was very unfamiliar with this new model, but it was also very novel.

From his understanding, when an army moves, isn't it always the case that the commander gives an order and the troops below him act accordingly?

How come we are here and still discussing it?

Moreover, Zuo Mengeng has marked all the situations that have occurred in Liaodong and surrounding areas in the past two or three years. What does he intend to do?

Before he could figure it out, Zuo Yong was the first to speak.

"Thousands of seats, on the right side of the Liaoxi Corridor, the former Chahar tribe's former homeland is already empty. In addition, there is a mutiny in Ji Town, and it is unknown how much combat power the troops still have. If I were Huang Taiji, I would ignore Liaoxi, concentrate the main force, and bypass Ningjin

, enter the customs directly from Jizhen. Not to mention capturing the capital, at least Jifu will lead to war disasters in various places."

Amid the roar of the crowd, Zhang Jimeng felt a chill rush straight to his forehead.

He didn't need to know anything about military affairs. He only needed to look at the map on the wall and match it with the situation distribution drawn by Zuo Mengeng, and he could realize how terrible what Zuo Yong said would be if it happened.

The Ming army was compressed into the narrow strip of Ningjin in western Liaoning, Mao Wenlong was killed, North Korea surrendered, and the role of flanking containment was completely lost.

Lin Dan Khan was beaten away, and Jizhen lost its outer defense line. In addition, there had just been a mutiny, and the army had no fighting spirit.

If Huang Taiji really wants to do what Zuo Yong said...

At this point, Zhang Jimeng finally understood the significance of Zuo Mengeng's meeting.

This chapter has been completed!
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