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Chapter 1253 Farmhouse

Chapter 1253 Farmhouse

When walking in Sapporo, what you can see is actually better than many places in the Central Plains.

At least in many places in the mainland, you will never see so many spacious and bright brick houses.


In order to allow the immigrants to feel completely at ease in this far north, Xia Guo also spent a lot of money.

In terms of housing alone, we have arranged the best brick and tile houses that ordinary people can't even imagine.

In fact, the government does not count the cost.

Because no matter what you do in the far north, it actually costs nothing.

If you want to build a brick house, you can just find an open space and build a brick factory.

No matter what they do, these immigrants do it themselves. At best, the government can provide guidance and teach them how to build brick houses.

It can be said that from beginning to end, the government invested zero cost in the construction of so many houses.

But when it falls on the people, it is a great example of good governance.

When they were in their hometown, it was a good life if they could have a thatched house to live in.

Many people can only live in filthy sheds that are leaky and dirty.

Now that I have lived in a sturdy, warm and safe large tile-roofed house, what else could I not be satisfied with?

Zuo Mengeng, accompanied by Meng Zhiying, walked and watched all the way, feeling particularly happy.

As a politician, the greatest satisfaction lies in this moment.

The appearance of such a large group of people on the street has long attracted the attention of the people.

The relationship between the people of Xia and the army is naturally very harmonious, and they are not afraid even when they see fully armed soldiers.

A man stood at the door with his sleeves rolled up, watching the excitement. When he saw Meng Zhiying, he actually took the initiative to say hello.

"Mayor Meng, is there another wild boar running in? Do you want us guys to help?"

The wild boar ran into the city...

Don’t believe it, this is daily life in Jilin.

After all, it was developed late, and the territorial division between humans and animals is still relatively blurry.

Not to mention wild boars, tigers, bears, and wolves also often run into human settlements.

At first, these immigrants were extremely scared, but as time went by, they became accustomed to it.

Zuo Mengeng observed carefully.

What he saw was that ordinary people did not have any fear when they saw the mayor Meng Zhiying, they treated him calmly and spoke as if they were talking about everyday things.

This shows that the relationship between the local government and the people is very good, Meng Zhiying can also keep a low profile, and is a pragmatic and good official.

Meng Zhiying had no idea that in such a short period of time, His Highness Prince Xia would speak highly of him.

It is unusual for local officials and people to mingle like this. After all, everyone is from outside, and the population is too small. They usually look down and don't look up to see each other, and it is difficult to recognize them.

Now that the man spoke, Meng Zhiying followed suit.

"Shi Laosan, I count you lucky. His Highness King Xia wants to see your new life, so just come to your house."

The man was leaning against the courtyard gate to watch the excitement, but when he heard that it was His Highness King Xia, he immediately walked out and sat on the ground.

"King Xia...His Royal Highness King Xia?"

Sadly, the greatest official he had ever seen in his life was Meng Zhiying.

In addition, Meng Zhiying had no official airs, so he could not feel awe.

His Royal Highness King Xia...

That is the Bodhisattva in the hearts of ordinary people!

The man was really frightened. Thinking that he was being disrespectful, he quickly got up and wanted to kowtow.

Before he could knock it down, a pair of big hands grabbed him.

These hands are so powerful. Shi Laosan is also a good hand in the farmland. What he is most proud of is his strength. But the result is not enough at all, and he is pulled up lightly.

"Isn't it already a rule that you are not allowed to kneel?"

Shi Laosan's heart was burning, and he felt dizzy looking at King Xia who was so close.

He had countless imaginations in his mind about this king who brought a good life to the people, and they were all undoubtedly tinged with mythology.

Now that Zuo Mengeng was face to face, Shi Laosan could only feel that the other person was extremely tall and tall, like a god, and he couldn't help but be impressed.

"The grass people...the grass people kowtow to His Highness sincerely."

His simple look made Zuo Mengeng laugh.

"Brother is a little older than me. If you kowtow to me, it won't shorten my life."

When he said this, Shi Laosan could only giggle and didn't know how to respond.

Zuo Mengeng looked at the farmyard in front of him.

I saw that everything was kept clean and orderly, which proved that Shi Laosan was a hardworking person.

The yard is fenced with red bricks and is almost as tall as a person. The double-opening wooden gate is large enough for large vehicles to enter and exit smoothly, making it very convenient for work.

After entering, there is a spacious and flat yard, with a cement path in the middle and dirt fields on both sides.

Free-range chickens and ducks strolled leisurely on it, digging around in the soil from time to time in search of food.

At the other end of the yard, the three large tile-roofed houses are particularly grand.

The large three-sided glass windows sparkled in the sunlight and were wiped clean.

In front of the big tile-roofed house, there is a spacious cement platform with a wooden shelf set up on it. It is now covered with morning glories and unknown plants.

At the right time, the flowers are in full bloom, making the farmyard full of life and prosperity.

Zuo Mengeng liked it very much and walked in casually.

Shi Laosan was even more dizzy.

No matter what, I couldn't imagine that my small courtyard would welcome such a distinguished guest as King Xia.

He quickly pulled his neck and shouted towards the house.

"Brother, come out quickly, we have a distinguished guest."

It turns out there is someone else in the house.

"Dignified guest? Who is it? Is it Mayor Meng? Is there any news? Dongtou Lao Wanjia has agreed?"

Amidst the shouting, another man ran out of the house.

Judging from his appearance, he is older than Shi Laosan, and his facial features are quite similar. Anyone who looks at him will know that these are definitely brothers.

The man ran out and saw that the yard was full of people, all of them soldiers, and he couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"Brother Shitou, are you crazy about your daughter-in-law? Don't worry, Lao Wan's family has agreed. Get ready to welcome your daughter-in-law when she comes over."

When Meng Zhiying saw the man, he started teasing him, causing him to blush, but he looked happy, obviously he was right.

Zuo Mengeng was very curious.

"You, a great mayor, still act as a matchmaker?"

Meng Zhiying smiled bitterly.

"The people in this place come from all over the world. When they get here, they have no roots and no foundation, so they have to worry a lot. Especially for people like the Shi family brothers, who have no old people and no children, so they have to live a lot.

Take care of it. Let these immigrants combine with each other, resolve marriage issues, and multiply the population, so that this place can be stable in the future."

Zuo Mengeng nodded, appreciating the officials here a little more.

Over there, Shi Laosan had already told his brother Zuo Mengeng's identity.

Shitou came closer, surprised and happy at the same time. He was completely out of control and didn't know how to entertain him.

If you think about it carefully, a poor family like them really has nothing to offer.

Just when Shitou was about to cry but had no tears and was at a loss, Zuo Mengeng eased his dilemma.

"Brother Shitou, we have been walking for a day and we are very tired. How about we have a meal here? I heard that you had a great harvest last year and the grain was piled up in the warehouse. Don't let us go hungry."

(End of chapter)

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