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Chapter 1256 New World

Chapter 1256 New World

Zuo Mengeng never thought that he would meet Inuit people.

I never thought that the Inuit would come to China.

But the real fact forced him to accept it.

"We have never stopped exploring. Just last year, the fleet crossed the Zhenping Strait (Bering Strait) and reached the continent on the other side. But it was covered with snow and the climate was cold, which seemed unsuitable for survival. But we discovered human beings

From the traces of activities, we know that this place is not completely wild. After several trials, we found that the number of people involved in these activities in the ice and snow is very small, and there is no threat. We tried to trade things a few times, and the two parties established a relatively friendly relationship.

Tamaro was very curious after hearing my description of the good things here, so he followed me to have a look."

While listening to Wu Jiang's story, Zuo Mengeng looked at the somewhat nervous Tamaro.

This Inuit should be regarded as a pioneer in understanding the outside world. After all, he dared to follow the ocean-going fleet to travel thousands of miles away.

But it was obvious that he had never seen so many people before and was a little frightened.

"Don't be nervous, don't be afraid, nothing will hurt you here. You are our guest, just enjoy yourself here."

Tamora has been interacting with Han people for more than a year and can understand simple words, but such words still need to be translated by Wu Jiang.

He already knew Zuo Mengeng's identity from Wu Jiang, which was the reason for his nervousness and fear.

The Inuit live in the far north, close to the Arctic Ocean, and are almost isolated from the outside world.

This race has a small number of people and is scattered all over the place. In addition, the living environment is extremely difficult and the lifestyle is very primitive.

Since getting to know the Han people, they have received a lot of help, and various advanced tools have made them feel convenient.

The Han people are not Western colonizers and will kill and exploit the weak at will.

When Wu Jiang and others had dealings with the Inuit, they always dealt fairly and gave many practical tools as gifts.

The possession of iron tools has greatly improved the lives of the Inuit people.

They are just simple and primitive, and they are not fools, so they naturally appreciate the goodwill of these outsiders.

As time went by, the relationship between the two parties became very harmonious.

There are even Inuit who act as guides for the Han people, accept employment from the Han people, and help the Han people explore.

"Wu said, you are their king and our king. From now on, we will all obey your words and be your people."

Zuo Mengeng laughed dumbly.

I don’t know what views Wu conveyed to the Inuit people from this group of people, so that the Inuit people actually considered themselves people of China.

But this is fine.

At least with the protection of China, these alien people no longer have to worry about the ill will of Western colonists.

"We are a family, we are all the same. So don't be afraid, understand?"

Only then did Tamora really relax, being led by others, and experiencing the prosperity everywhere.

It was rare for Zuo Menggen to come in person, so General Wu was very interested and immediately reported to him the success of the exploration.

"Your Highness, so far, we have discovered these places on the east side of the Zhenping Strait, and also found a more convenient navigation route. The mainland over there is the same as here, the farther south you go, the warmer it gets. Among them,

There are quite a lot of places where we can settle, and we have already sent people to occupy them. It is expected that by next year, we will be able to expand about a thousand miles further south."

The exploration in Jilin follows Zuo Mengeng's instructions.

After crossing the Zhenping Strait, we did not go deep into the mainland, but explored southward along the west coast.

Zuo Mengeng had the advantage of knowledge and knew that there was no point in exploring the mainland at this time.

Instead, it is more urgent to go all the way south along the coastline and occupy a place with a comfortable environment first.

Moreover, Xia Kingdom’s exploration cannot be separated from the ocean. If it goes too far inland, it will lack support.

Therefore, the scope of activities of Wu Jiang and others are basically on the west coast.

Zuo Mengeng looked at the map they fumbled out and was really pleasantly surprised.

Jilin has discovered the Aleutian Islands and knows that the Aleutian Islands and the Longya Peninsula are not far apart.

This is also the new route Wu General was talking about.

Before the discovery of the Aleutian Islands, the exploration fleet had to reach the Zhenping Strait before entering the New World.

They went all the way south along the coastline, and naturally found a peninsula extending into the southwest ocean. After tracing the peninsula, they found that at the end of the peninsula was a string of small islands like a necklace of pearls.

At the end of these islands, after walking west for more than a day, we actually returned to the Longya Peninsula.

This also made Wu General and others understand that the Zhenping Strait and these islands completely wrap up the sea area in between.

General Wu took the decision and named the surrounded sea Zhenping Sea.

In addition to discovering Alaska and the Aleutian Islands, Wu Jiang and others were very bold in their exploration.

They even walked thousands of miles south along the west coast of the mainland, and finally stopped at a large island.

Because they did not carry much supplies and the return trip had to avoid the winter in the North Pacific, they had to stop temporarily.

However, General Wu left more than a hundred soldiers on that big island. He will send people there next year to expand it into a qualified base, which can help them explore further south.

Zuo Mengeng saw clearly on the map that the big island discovered by Wu Jiang and others was Queen Charlotte Island.

In other words, the Vancouver of later generations is not far away.

Is California still far away?

Of course, because now these places were discovered by the Xia Kingdom, their names have also changed drastically.

Alaska was named Snow Dragon Head by Wu Jiang and others. However, because Alaska is the local language, Zuo Mengeng changed it back.

The Aleutian Islands are called the Crescent Islands because they look like a crescent moon.

As for Queen Charlotte Island…

"We haven't decided how to name this newly discovered place yet. Your Highness is a scholar of heaven and earth, and with a little guidance, it will definitely be appropriate."

Wu Jiang gave him a small flattery.

Everyone would just appreciate it and give him a thumbs up.

Zuo Mengeng didn't take it seriously and didn't bother to pay attention to their little thoughts.

"Just call it Charlotte Island."

He removed the word "Queen" and only took the first one.

Everyone was a little puzzled.

"Your Highness, how do you explain this Charlotte?"

Zuo Maodi thought that he had all the classics and history at his disposal, but he couldn't figure out what the deep meaning of the word "Charlotte" was.

Zuo Mengeng sighed sadly.

"You don't understand. When I saw this island, I felt particularly troubled, so I thought of a name like this."

As he spoke, the corners of his mouth curled up.

Anyone who knows him well knows that His Highness is up to something evil again.

It's a pity that Huang Zongxi is not around, so others don't dare to criticize. Although he can't understand it, General Wu still marked it on the map honestly.

From now on, this place will be called Charlotte Island.

(End of chapter)

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