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Chapter 1259 New City

Chapter 1259 New City

In the ancient primitive forest, a brutal pursuit is going on.

The remaining soldiers of Sauron's tribe had completely lost their courage and did not dare to turn back to fight, so they could only flee for their lives.

As long as you run faster than others, you can survive.

This is the place where they have lived for generations, and the terrain is extremely familiar. They should be able to escape, right?

However, reality disappointed them.

The pursuers behind were like tigers in the mountains and forests, leaping vertically and horizontally, rushing forward at high speed, always biting them to death.

Zatong was a Niulu Zhangjing, and this time he was ordered to follow Suohai into battle.

Although he was dealing with a weak enemy like Sauron, he was still very happy.

The rewards for the Manchus' military exploits were rich. As long as they killed enough people, they could live a comfortable winter.

Therefore, after discovering the traces of Suo Lun's tribe, he sent someone to send a message to Suo Hai and pounced directly with his Niu Lu.

Although the enemy was five times more numerous than him, Zaton didn't care.

The Qing Dynasty has less than ten thousand people, and it is invincible if it is full of ten thousand people.

This is a fact known to the whole world.

Of course, as long as you don't run into Xia Jun.

When he thought of Xia Jun, Zatong couldn't help but shudder.

As a witness to the Korean battlefield, he had already felt fear of the power of the Xia army.

Shaking his head to drive away unnecessary distracting thoughts, Zatong quickened his pace and pounced on the fallen enemy in front of him.

Three steps followed by two steps, then a tiger leaped and kicked down the enemy who was about to get up again. Then he crossed the blade, like a saw, and opened a gash in the man's neck.

The blood flowed out gurglingly, and the fishy smell filled the air. Zatong licked his tongue, enjoying the feeling very much.

"Speed ​​up the pace and don't let the enemy go. The army is coming soon. Are you willing to let others take away your victory?"

All the Jurchen warriors howled immediately, and their pursuit became even faster.

Walking around in the forest, my eyes suddenly became bright.

I saw the remaining Sauron tribe swimming frantically across the Jep River and running further east.

Zaton led the soldiers to chase them to the river, shooting arrows into the river happily, and gained many military exploits.

Then they swam across the river and pursued him without fear.

However, crossing the river was delayed in the end. By the time they passed, Sauron's tribe had already run a little far away.

Fortunately, the traces on the ground could not be covered up, which made Zha Deng feel very confident.

Regardless of their wet clothes, they followed the traces and quickly climbed over two mountains.

Finally, a large expanse of grassland appeared ahead, stretching as far as the eye could see.

The green grass sways gently in the breeze, like the waves of the sea.

The people of Sauron's tribe were nowhere to be seen, and their escaping figures were completely seen.

"Catch up and kill all these barbarians today before resting."

Zaton issued the order.

Although the soldiers of the Qing army did not have war horses, they could run extremely fast.

The enemy has no horses anyway, so they will eventually catch up.

In the distance, the people of Sauron's tribe had crossed the hillside at the end of the grassland, which made Zaton feel a little anxious.

For fear of what was behind the hillside, they lost sight of Sauron's tribe.

He walked faster and ran ahead of everyone.

In the blink of an eye, we reached the bottom of the slope, and all we had to do was climb over.

But it is a pity that they will never be able to climb this slope in their lifetime.

Many figures suddenly emerged from the slope, as if they had emerged from the flat ground.

The moment these figures appeared, a continuous barrage of muskets began to roar.

Many Qing soldiers had no time to react and were killed on the spot.

Instead, Zatong, who rushed to the front, escaped.

Because he was at the front, his nerves were always tense and he was always on guard against the enemy's sneak attacks.

So when something unusual happened on the hillside, he rolled over on the spot without even thinking about it.

It was this action that allowed him to avoid the musket attack.

But his soldiers were miserable.

In just one raid, dozens of people were killed.

What made Zatong's soul even more frightened was the familiar sound of gunshots.

Xia Jun is here!

Zatong will definitely not hear it wrong.

The sound of the musket was Xia Jun's cap gun.

This kind of musket is unique to Xia Jun and is unparalleled in the world. The sound of this gun has appeared in his dreams countless times and has become his inner demon.

Why does Xia Jun appear here?

The situation no longer allowed him to think too much.

There was an endless stream of musketry on the hillside, and wave after wave of bullets rained down, knocking down more Qing troops.

Zatong lay on the ground and observed secretly, only to feel a wave of despair.

There were more than 500 Xia troops on the hillside, far more than his Niu Lu.

Going through the Korean battlefield has made him understand that even if the numbers are equal, the Qing army is no match for the Xia army.

Now the number of people is at an absolute disadvantage, the terrain is also at an absolute disadvantage, and the weapons are at an absolute disadvantage, so there is no possibility of victory.

But I can't just die here.

You must run back and inform the general of Xia Jun's appearance.

Although he couldn't figure out why Xia Jun appeared in this far north. But if such important information was not passed back, the army would definitely be in trouble.

Thinking of this, Zatong no longer hesitated, jumped up suddenly, and ran back.

The bullets roared from behind and landed beside him one after another.

I don’t know which god took care of him, but Xia Jun’s bullet failed to hit him, causing him to cross the grassland and disappear into the dense forest.

The appearance of Xia Jun completely changed the battlefield situation.

Just when the Xia army and Sauron's tribe were converging, Zuo Mengeng also inspected the forefront of Jilin.

A new city is rising from the ground, and it is spectacular.

This new city is located on the west bank of the north-south flow of Heilongjiang River, and is also the forefront of Xia's current expansion into the inland.

However, Jilin attaches great importance to this place. In terms of military strength, it has deployed an infantry regiment and an artillery regiment.

There are more than 30,000 people who have been moved here.

This was originally the territory of the Jurchen tribe’s Hushi gatekeepers.

The Hushi Gate Guards, like other tribes, had accepted preferential treatment from the Xia Kingdom for a long time, and finally they sincerely surrendered.

After conducting an inspection in Jilin, we found that this place is truly a beautiful place.

After occupying this place, not only can the Manchu and Qing attack routes be blocked, but the rich mineral resources nearby can be well developed.

Mining experts have discovered very rich reserves of iron ore, coal mines, oil fields and stone materials in nearby areas. As long as they are managed well, there is a lot of potential.

When Zuo Menggen came to inspect, various facilities had already been erected, and an endless stream of high-quality iron ore had begun to be delivered to the steel plant.

The people working here include immigrants from the mainland and local indigenous people.

Through labor in exchange for generous living materials, the lives of the indigenous people have been greatly improved.

The gongs and drums are noisy, and firecrackers are blasting.

Under the spotlight, Zuo Mengeng personally named the new city.


(End of chapter)

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