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Chapter 1261 Auspicious Snow Heralds a Prosperous Year

Chapter 1261 Auspicious snow heralds a good harvest

The north wind blows and the white grass breaks on the ground, and the sky is full of snow in August.

The Central Plains is still sunny and warm and hot, but here in Jilin there is heavy snow and thousands of miles of ice.

Almost overnight, the sky and the earth turned into one color.

That is the ultimate white, pure white.

Starting early in the morning, all Xia troops were mobilized.

After the heavy snow, the most important thing to do is to quickly inspect various settlements.

See if any people's houses have been collapsed by the heavy snow, and see if the roads in any places are cut off.

Human life is of paramount importance and cannot be neglected.

Zuo Mengeng and Wang Siyi also became interested and set off with a group of soldiers into the ice and snow.

Although Zuo Xuanyan was young, she was not lethargic and clamored to follow.

The little guy was in good health and had been free from illness and disaster since birth. Zuo Menggeng and his wife felt relieved and simply took him with him.

When walking in the snow, the best tool is the horse-drawn sledge.

The horse's four legs are very long, and there is no hindrance even when walking in more than a foot of snow.

The people on the sledge were all wrapped in furs, wearing dog-skin hats, and their faces covered with scarves, leaving only a pair of eyes exposed.

Even so, before I could go far, the edges of my hat and scarf were covered with white frost.

Next to the motorcade, several big dogs were running and jumping back and forth, really having a good time.

These dogs were brought by Tamora.

Now he gave these dogs to Zuo Mengeng.

These dogs originally grew up in the polar regions and are best adapted to the bitter cold weather. Their thick fur is not afraid of wind and snow at all, and their speed in running in the snow is not hindered.

However, although this kind of dog is huge, it is very docile and obedient, and is also very kind to people.

Of course, it would be fine if you don't dismantle things.

But there is no way, they are one of the famous three sled dogs, Alaskan Malamutes.

With these dogs, Zuo Xuanyan is the happiest.

Children and small animals are naturally connected by soul, and it is easy to get close to them.

These big dogs ran around Zuo Xuanyan, and even occasionally jumped into the car and lay on Zuo Xuanyan to keep her warm.

This time the entire army mobilized in a very timely manner, and several collapsed houses were rescued in a timely manner.

After asking, I found out that the residents were trying to save trouble when building their houses and did not follow the standards.

As a result, a heavy snow fell and he was buried alive inside.

Had the garrison not arrived in time, his life would have been lost.

"You don't need to spend money to build a house in this place. Bricks, tiles and wood are everywhere, so how can you be lazy? If you discovered it early this time, what will you do next time?"

The person was rescued, and Zuo Mengeng taught him a lesson on the spot.

Those ordinary people who narrowly escaped death were also frightened and accepted the lesson with an open mind.

"His Highness taught you that it's all our fault for being indifferent. You will never dare to do it again in the future."

The soldiers worked hard to help the people find all the belongings accumulated in the collapsed houses.

In addition to being grateful, the people didn't care about their property at all.

Just because they knew that Xia Army soldiers would never steal or hide anything.

There is such trust between the military and civilians.

The Xia army soldiers dispatched not only rescued the people in the town, but also took care of the surrounding tribes.

Compared with the Han people who live in brick and tile houses, people in the tribe are most at risk from snow disasters.

Although they had a very close relationship with the Han people, they never expected that the garrison would travel long distances, brave wind and snow, to come to the rescue.

Comparing one's feelings with one's own made these natives have a stronger sense of identification with the Xia Kingdom.

Zuo Maodi even said something gratifying.

"As of this year, there are not many indigenous people still living in the territory. Most of them have accepted Chinese culture and have mixed in the towns. The indigenous children also receive the same education in schools and work in various factories.

They are all changing very quickly, and even their surnames are moving closer to the Han people."

This is the expression of identity.

While Zuo Mengeng was delighted, he also reminded: "Although books must share the same text and cars must share the same track, each nation has its own characteristics. While you are developing, you must also pay attention to protecting the cultural characteristics of each nation. There is a saying

As the saying goes, one flower blooming alone is not spring, but a hundred flowers blooming together fills the garden."

Zuo Maodi was deeply impressed.

"Your Highness is always far-sighted, so why should we, the Chinese nation, be worried?"

But Zuo Mengeng was very serious.

"If we want the Chinese nation to stand forever in the world and not lose its glory, I cannot do it alone. It requires the joint efforts of thousands of you. Only when everyone adds fuel can the flames be strong."

Zuo Maodi stared blankly at Zuo Mengeng, who looked a little tired, and his heart was filled with confusion.

At first, it was only because he admired Zuo Menggeng that he chose to join this camp. He was also disappointed with the dark Ming Dynasty, which made him abandon his ambition to be a scholar-bureaucrat.

But looking back now, I see that they have created such great achievements.

Unification of the world is not far away and will be a matter of course.

But the young leader in front of him did not have any pride or complacency. He always united his knowledge and actions and maintained a simple style.

When these officials talk about Zuo Mengeng every day, they all have nothing but complete admiration.

Many heroes since ancient times pale in comparison in front of this Ming Lord.

"Be careful! There's something going on!"

The sudden loud shout woke Zuo Maodi out of his emotions and grabbed the musket beside him.

In a place like Jilin, there are many dangers when walking outside, so everyone must master the use of weapons.

All I could hear was chaos in front of me, and the frightened neighing of many animals.

He even saw those majestic Alaskan dogs lying on the ground, their limbs trembling, obviously they had encountered something terrible.

Zuo Mengeng had already jumped out of the car.

"What's happening ahead?"

Seeing him walking forward, the guards of the Ministry of Internal Affairs immediately surrounded him.

Wang Siyi, however, was a bold one. She held Zuo Xuanyan in one hand and followed to watch the excitement.

When we got to the front, we realized that the road was blocked.

Someone is reporting to Zuo Mengeng.

"Your Highness, there is an injured tiger ahead. Because there are laws and regulations, we cannot kill the tiger, so we will not be able to get through."


Zuo Mengeng had longed for Siberian tigers, but he had never been able to see them. When he heard about them, he walked forward.

"Tiger, look at tiger!"

Zuo Xuanyan was not even afraid, clapped her hands and shouted.

When the group of people came to the front of the convoy, they saw the tiger in the middle of the road, which had always been scarred, lying half on the ground, trying to support its upper body and roaring in this direction.

Apparently, it misunderstood the convoy's hostility.

Looking around its body, blood had already soaked through the snow, turning a large area red.

Therefore, the people in the convoy did not move forward. The tiger roared for a while, but its strength was really running low and it was teetering on the verge of collapse.

At this moment, there was a squirming movement under its body, and two small heads poked out.

It was fluffy, with its big ignorant eyes open, and it was babbling randomly.

This turned out to be a tigress with two cubs. She was seriously injured for some unknown reason and may not be able to survive this winter.

(End of chapter)

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