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Chapter 1265 Zuo Liangyu's Highlight Moment

Chapter 1265 Zuo Liangyu’s highlight moment

Zuo Liangyu didn't listen to Yang Sichang's strict orders at all, and continued to march towards Sichuan.

His behavior made all the generals under his command worried.

"Uncle, it may not be a good idea to offend the supervisor rashly. If you don't take time, I'm afraid a big disaster will happen."

Jin Shenghuan was known for his resourcefulness in Zuo Liangyu's army, so he raised concerns.

Although Xu Yong, Zhang Yong, Li Guoying and others did not speak, it was obvious that they all had the same meaning.

But Zuo Liangyu laughed loudly and asked rhetorically.

"That day in Boji Village, you and I were severely defeated. What should we do according to the law?"

Hearing him mention the tragic defeat not long ago, Jin Shenghuan and others were all ashamed.

"According to the court's laws, we cannot escape the death penalty."

Zuo Liangyu asked again: "What was the result?"

Speaking of this, the generals also found it incredible.

Xu Yong thought about it and said: "Perhaps it is the time when the imperial court is employing people, so you allow me to wait for the crime to be meritorious?"

Zuo Liangyu slapped the riding whip with his hand, feeling proud.

"It is precisely at this time of employment that I don't need to look at Yang Sichang's face."

Seeing that everyone didn't understand, he made it clearer.

"The Ming Dynasty now has Eastern captives in the north, Xia bandits in the east, and rogue bandits raging in the Central Plains. What is lacking most? What is lacking most is generals who can fight. As for civil servants, they have long been worthless. In the eyes of His Majesty, we brothers

His worth is very high."

Zuo Liangyu's ability in fighting is average, but his ability in officialdom is outstanding.

His eyes were extremely vicious.

After the disastrous defeat at Boji Village, he was only demoted three levels and was not severely punished. This made him realize that the status of a military commander was particularly important in the imperial court.

Now that he understands this, he feels more confident.

In addition, his views on some matters far exceed those of senior officials and ministers in the DPRK.

"This Governor Yang was no one else compared to me at the beginning. He is so majestic that your Majesty has great trust in him. But as for him, he can't quell the bandits, stop the Eastern bandits, and destroy the Xia bandits. It has been wasted for many years and there is no progress.

"Your Majesty's patience with him has long come to an end. This time, he is already in danger, so why should I be afraid of him?"

Li Guoying was still a little worried.

"But he is the superintendent after all. If my uncle doesn't obey the general's orders, if he finds an excuse to do it, wouldn't it be worth the loss?"

Zuo Liangyu knew that it would be impossible if he didn't speak more clearly.

"Do you think I am just venting my anger on him, Governor Yang? Look, what is this?"

He took out several letters from his arms and gave them to everyone to check.

Jin Shenghuan and others looked at it and were all surprised.

It turned out that these letters were sent by Shaanxi Governor Zheng Chongjian and Sichuan Governor Shao Jiechun.

The content of the letter actually had the same attitude as Zuo Liangyu, and they did not agree with Yang Sichang's combat deployment.

Among them, Shao Jiechun even mentioned a serious problem.

Yang Sichang was so stubborn that he transferred Sichuan's main troops to Xiangyang. As a result, only the old, weak, sick and disabled were left in Sichuan.

All Shao Jiechun could rely on were Qin Liangyu's white-armed soldiers and the more than 20,000 people of the seventy-year-old general Zhang Ling.

And Zhang Xianzhong's army is close at hand.

Under such circumstances, if Zhang Xianzhong did not take the opportunity to rush into Sichuan, how could he go to Shaanxi?

After reading these letters, Jin Shenghuan and others understood why Zuo Liangyu was so determined to march into Sichuan.

Obviously, in terms of strategic prediction this time, Zuo Liangyu was far superior to Yang Sichang.

"Uncle, please give me the order. The generals and others will fight bravely to kill the enemy and help my uncle become famous all over the world."

With the support of his generals, Zuo Liangyu's confidence greatly increased and he immediately accelerated his march.

Yang Sichang waited and waited, but did not wait for Zuo Liangyu to change his mind. You can imagine the anger in his heart.

Without saying a word, he immediately forwarded Zuo Liangyu's petition to Chongzhen.

The meaning is also very obvious.

If the battle was lost, it was not because Yang Sichang was incompetent, but because Zuo Liangyu disobeyed military orders.

At the same time, he was silently planning in his mind.

Since Zuo Liangyu is disobedient, then find another obedient one.

Zuo Liangyu didn't know what Yang Sichang was planning behind his back. At this time, he had already entered a state of war.

This time when he sent troops, Zuo Liangyu changed from his usual laziness and became quite the demeanor of a famous general.

Not only did they march step by step without leakage, but they also kept exchanging letters and information with Zheng Chongjian and Shao Jiechun, and they cooperated closely with each other.

It was rare that Zuo Liangyu didn't betray his teammates, and the Ming army's combat effectiveness was immediately revealed.

When he heard that Zhang Xianzhong's army was marching in the area of ​​Agate Mountain, Zuo Liangyu immediately realized that this was a golden opportunity.

He called in a key person.

"Deputy General Liu, the opportunity to defeat the enemy is very close at hand. Do you dare to go deep into the tiger's den, be the vanguard of the army, and act in harmony with the outside?"

The so-called Deputy General Liu, like Jin Shenghuan, was once a bandit leader, and he had a famous nickname.

Break into the sky.

As one of the leaders of the thirty-sixth battalion at that time, Liu Guoneng became an obedient minister of the imperial court after his surrender, and devoted himself to helping the imperial court fight.

Now he is under the command of Zuo Liangyu.

The best thing is that Liu Guoneng and Zhang Xianzhong had a deadly feud and were incompatible with each other.

"My uncle will do whatever he orders me to do. As long as I can kill Zhang Xianzhong, I will go through fire and water without hesitation."

"Okay! With Deputy General Liu's loyalty and courage, Zhang Xianzhong will definitely not escape death this time."

At that moment, Zuo Liangyu and Liu Guoneng secretly formulated a battle plan.

He took advantage of the chaotic situation when Zhang Xianzhong's troops were marching, and asked Liu Guoneng to lead his trusted soldiers and horses to disguise themselves as rebels and sneak into it.

Liu Guoneng was originally one of the leaders of the Peasant Army, and he was very familiar with the style and rules of the Peasant Army. He was not discovered, and he actually got into the center of Zhang Xianzhong's headquarters.

At the same time, Zuo Liangyu, Zheng Chongjian, and Shao Jiechun surrounded him from three sides.

On the seventh day of February, the two sides encountered each other near Agate Mountain.

Zhang Xianzhong was shocked when he heard that the army was besieging him from three sides, and he felt frightened.

He ordered his people to stick to the high point, then turned around and started looking for a way out.

In this battle, Zuo Liangyu was the well-deserved commander-in-chief.

This made him very passionate. Instead of his usual sneaky ways, he went out in person to inspect the terrain.

Zuo Liangyu assigned his troops to the center and right, and Shaanxi soldiers to the left. They used drums as a signal to storm the top of the mountain.

One side is united and has high morale; the other side is panicked and has disorderly deployment. Although it has the advantage of geographical location, it cannot make full use of it.

Under the command of Zuo Liangyu, the officers and soldiers rushed and fought fiercely, and soon reached the top of the mountain.

The peasant army was immediately in chaos and began to flee in all directions.

Zhang Xianzhong was frightened on the spot when he heard the bad news.

Even if he learned that the old camp had also been breached and that his wife and concubines had fallen into the hands of the army, he did not dare to return to the army to rescue him and just ran away.

In this battle, Zuo Liangyu won a complete victory.

With Liu Guoneng's cooperation inside and outside, he killed more than 3,500 peasant soldiers.

Zhang Xianzhong's own god-given flying knife and the amulet "Chengtian, the Eight Great Kings of Xiying, Clarify Sichuan and Mountains" were also seized by Zuo Liangyu.

Yang Sichang, who was far away in Xiangyang, was really surprised and happy when he heard about the victory of the army. He didn't know how to express his emotions.

(End of chapter)

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