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Chapter 1293 Spring and Autumn Dream

Chapter 1293 Spring and Autumn Dream

"Which bastard betrayed me?"

Zuo Liangyu cursed in his heart, and his movements were not slow.

However, the sound just now exposed his position, and the surrounding peasant troops rushed towards him crazily.

"Commander, go quickly, I will stop the enemy."

Xu Yong was very loyal and led his men to stop and establish a defensive line.

Zuo Liangyu glanced at him gratefully and ran faster.

The shouting of murder behind him soon broke through the sky.

Zuo Liangyu understood that Xu Yong could not hold on for long.

Such precious time must not be wasted.

At this time, the sky was completely dark, and it was impossible to distinguish things. Zuo Liangyu could only follow his instinct and run in the direction with fewer people.

You should be able to break through this time, right?

"Zuo Liangyu is here!"

It was that voice again, obviously nearby.


Zuo Liangyu shouted loudly and stood suddenly, his ferocious eyes searching back and forth among his team.

This time he paid attention.

The sound comes from your own team.

In other words, the traitor is around.

Unless this person is dealt with and kept informed, he will never be able to escape.

However, in the blurred field of vision, everyone seemed erratic. Zuo Liangyu searched with wide eyes, but for a moment it was difficult to find any clues.

"Who shouted?"

Everyone was trembling, obviously they were running for their lives and didn't care to pay attention to this.

"Commander, it's important to escape. Once it's safe, we'll deal with it later."

Zhang Yong quickly gave advice.

At this moment, the only one who could speak in front of Zuo Liangyu was his old brother.

The rest, like Jin Shenghuan, Hui Dengxiang and others, simply did not dare to speak.

After all, they were from the peasant army and would probably be suspected by Zuo Liangyu as traitors.

Thousands of torches surrounded him again.

Obviously, the shout just now exposed the position again.

At the critical moment, Zuo Liangyu thought of a way.

"We are all gathered together. We have a large number of people. I'm afraid it will be difficult to escape. Liangbi, you lead the troops from the left. Kuiyu, you lead the troops from the right. Hufu, please support General Xu.


Zuo Liangyu decided to separate the troops.

Otherwise, if these thousands of people gather together, no matter how dark the sky is, the intruders will be able to spot them.

And his division of troops was very clever. Three generals who had joined the peasant army, Jin Shenghuan, Ma Jinzhong and Hui Dengxiang, were all taken away by him.

Those left behind are old people such as Li Guoying and Zhang Yong.

Jin Shenghuan and the other three were slightly stunned. They still didn't understand what Zuo Liangyu was thinking.

While they were angry, the three of them were also happy.

The Chuang army has laid a trap, and the target is Zuo Liangyu. Staying by his side at this time is very dangerous.

On the contrary, if you run away on your own, you can avoid the sight of the intruders.

The three of them were originally traitors in the peasant army, and they joined the official army only for the sake of glory and wealth.

As for loyalty...

Don't be ridiculous, this is not the quality they should have.

"Commander, take care. After we break out of the encirclement, we will definitely lead our troops into a fierce battle and help the commander contain the enemy."

The three of them made a hasty exchange of words and each led his troops.

All of a sudden, the number of people around Zuo Liangyu was reduced a lot.

He also understood the thoughts of the three of them, and wrote them down in his notebook. However, the most urgent task was to escape for his life.

"I remember that there is a reed marsh over there. As long as I walk through it, I can sit back and relax."

Zuo Liangyu had rich war experience and clearly remembered the surrounding terrain. He led his capable men and plunged into the continuous reed swamps.

Not long after I rushed in, I heard the invading soldiers and horses running back and forth outside, shouting loudly, and asking about Zuo Liangyu's whereabouts.

But in vain, no one dared to rush into the dangerous reed swamp.

Zuo Liangyu was overjoyed and wandered around in the dark. His feet trudged in the mud. Although he was exhausted, he was obviously much safer.

"Ah...I...I'm stuck, help!"

Just when I was happy, someone screamed in fear.

Where the reed marshes originally were, there will inevitably be swamps.

Once a person sinks in, he will lose all his strength and can only sink helplessly.

It's okay if the swamp is shallower, but you'll suffer a little at most. But if it's too deep, the person will definitely die.

Someone from the left army fell in and immediately screamed for help.

It doesn't matter if he shouted like this, it was immediately heard by the intruders outside.

"There's someone inside! Shoot the arrow!"

In an instant, the wind roared and countless arrows pierced in.

Several people prepared to go to the rescue and were shot to death on the spot.

The rest of the dead souls were in great danger, and if they dared to delay, they just ran away.

There were endless arrows outside the reed swamp, and from time to time someone was shot to death again.

But the intruders outside didn't know what was going on inside, let alone who was inside, so how could they dare to come in and pursue them?

"Set fire and burn this place down for me."

The intruders still had another option, and they simply set fire to it.

Reeds are the most flammable.

Soon, the flames soaring into the sky began to spread crazily in the wind, reflecting half of the sky.

The fire dragon passed by and burned everything clean, while also making the world extremely bright.

The reed marsh has become a hell.

In order to avoid the fire, Zuo Jun fled, how could he care about protecting Zuo Liangyu's safety?

The number of people around Zuo Liangyu was even smaller, with only a few confidants and a few soldiers left.

His body was covered with black ash, half of his hair was burned by the fire, and the skin of his left hand was burned to pieces.


Run as fast as you can!

The fire dragon behind you is getting closer and closer. If you don't run away, you will definitely be burned to death!


The person in front screamed, and it turned out that he had fallen into the swamp again.

Zuo Liangyu looked in horror and found that Zhang Yong had fallen sideways in the mud. He tried hard to get up. But the harder he tried, the deeper he sank.


Zhang Yong doesn't want to die and hopes Zuo Liangyu can help him.

The fire dragon behind him roared again and again, getting closer and closer.

Zuo Liangyu's scalp felt numb and he suddenly pushed the soldier beside him out.

The soldier was unprepared and was pushed into the swamp and fell in front of Zhang Yong.

Without saying a word, Zuo Liangyu stepped out with his big foot, first stepping on Zhang Yong, and then on the soldier, and even crossed the swamp.

The rest of the people took a look and hurriedly followed him and trampled past.

Zhang Yong did not wait for Zuo Liangyu's help.

His entire head was submerged in the muddy water, and only one arm was sticking out of the air, not knowing what he wanted to grab.

The fire tornado rolled over and quickly caused the skin and flesh on the hand to change color. Then the muddy water also rolled in the heat wave, as if a pot was boiling.

The fire burned all night long, and by early morning, the area for dozens of miles was covered in thick smoke. As far as the eye could see, it was less than five steps away.

There was a rustling among the reeds. Zuo Liangyu struggled to push aside the obstacles, and finally the flat land appeared in front of him.

"Did he really run away?"

Suddenly there was the sound of chaotic footsteps in the distance, and Zuo Liangyu quickly shrank back.

A group of intruder soldiers passed by outside the reed marsh, and their voices could be heard clearly.

"King Chuang has an order: whoever kills Zuo Liangyu will be rewarded with a hundred taels of gold and will be promoted to the third level; whoever captures Zuo Liangyu will be rewarded with three hundred taels of gold and will be promoted to the fifth level."

Zuo Liangyu smiled bitterly when he heard this, knowing that everyone in the Chuang Army hated him. If he fell into the hands of the Chuang Army, his life would be worse than death.

After running for his life all night, without eating or drinking, and wallowing in the mud, he had already exhausted all his strength.

When I turned around, I was shocked to find that there were only two people left around me.

Moreover, there were still two small soldiers, and all the trusted generals were missing.

"Is...is there anything to eat?"

A soldier quickly reached into his arms and leaned towards him.

As he got closer, the hand in his arms suddenly came out, and it turned out to be a dagger.

But Zuo Liangyu seemed to have been prepared for it. He leaned to one side and avoided the vital point. Then he reached out with his left hand and cut off Xiaobing's throat.

I felt a pain in my stomach, it was obvious that I had been stabbed.

Just when he was seeing stars, a cloth belt was tied around his neck.

Apparently, another soldier also took action.

Zuo Liangyu's strength was running low and he struggled several times but could not break free.

The soldier put his knee on his lower back to prevent him from exerting any force.

Seeing that he could not turn over, Zuo Liangyu gritted his teeth and rolled sideways suddenly.

The soldier had no idea that he would act like this, and the belt immediately came loose.

However, under the temptation of the big reward, Xiao Bing also got angry and grabbed Zuo Liangyu's hair and pushed him into the water.

The cold and dirty muddy water choked into his body, causing Zuo Liangyu to panic. He grabbed Xiaobing's leg and broke it on the spot with a strong force.

The soldier raised his head and screamed in pain, his body became unstable and he slid straight into the depths of the quagmire.

But he refused to let go of the hand holding Zuo Liangyu's hair, and dragged Zuo Liangyu a few steps into the deep pool.

As the mud and water poured in more and more, Zuo Liangyu gradually began to suffocate.

But gradually, my body became less uncomfortable.

The darkness faded, and a beautiful scene appeared in front of me.

He was wearing a five-clawed golden dragon robe and sat high on the stage. In front of him were countless fine wines and delicacies, and he was surrounded by beauties from all over the country.

Under the audience, countless civil and military officials were prostrate on the ground, shouting respectfully.

"Kowtow to the Supreme Emperor!"

Zuo Liangyu was so happy that he felt that there was nothing more beautiful in his life than this, and he was not willing to come out at all...

(End of chapter)

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