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Chapter 1300

Chapter 1300 Upright

As for Zuo Fu's funeral, he was buried in the Linqing Martyrs Cemetery in accordance with his last wish.

He was a high-ranking general, and according to regulations, he should be buried with Li Xiangzhu and others.

But he strongly wanted to be with those unknown martyrs.

Zuo Mengeng, Zuo Rong, Zuo Gui, Zuo Shi, Zuo Dai, Zuo Yong and Zuo Xiang personally carried the coffin. Zuo Huayuan was in Luzon and was replaced by Pan Xiaona.

This was the first time in recent years that a senior general had died, so the funeral was very solemn.

Wherever the body passed, soldiers raised their rifles in salute and escorted them. The entire cemetery was deserted, and heaven and earth mourned it.

Since taking charge of the Ministry of Intelligence, Zuo Fu has always lived in seclusion, living alone and without close friends. Therefore, the only people present at the funeral, apart from Zuo's family and relatives, were only high-ranking government and military officials.

Zuo Fu was not well-known, and the outside world did not know what contributions he had made and what kind of merit he had. When he left, it was peaceful and without any disturbance.

It was a full three miles from the entrance of the cemetery to the tomb. Halfway there, Zuo Xiang's fat body could no longer hold up and was about to collapse.

Fu Xinyuan had quick eyesight and quick hands, so he quickly stepped forward to replace him.

Zuo Xiang was so grateful that he stepped aside and held his knees, almost out of breath.

The coffin was laid into the ground, a monument was planted, and the memorial ceremony began.

Twenty-eight cannon salutes roared one after another, sending off another martyr who made outstanding contributions.

Throughout the cemetery, there are countless tombstones like forests and clouds. For the sake of world peace and the well-being of all people, these sacrifices are extremely great.

Zuo Fu blended in among them and was in his right place.

"With so many children, are I afraid that no one will care for me until I die?"

In the face of great grief, Zuo Kuan used his unparalleled perseverance to relieve everyone's worries. Just looking at Zuo Fu's tombstone, the old man's hands could not stop trembling.

Zuo Mengeng and Xu Ruolin stayed by his side and used their strength to give the old man firm support.

Zuo Xuanyan obediently stepped forward, knelt in front of Zuo Fu's grave, and kowtowed one after another.

She is just young, but very sensible, and knows that her uncle who loves her very much is no longer there.

With Zuo Fu gone, the position of head of the Intelligence Department became vacant.

But no one said anything.

Everyone understands that this is definitely not a place to interfere.

As for who can serve as the new head of the Intelligence Department, much attention is being paid to it.

"We have buried his body quietly in the cemetery without arousing anyone's suspicion."

Liang Fa appeared in front of Zuo Mengeng and reported the private matter.

Judging from his travel-stained appearance and the wounds on his body, it was obvious that he had experienced extreme danger.

Zuo Mengeng remained calm, all his emotions were hidden in his heart.

"From now on, the affairs of the Intelligence Department will be left to you."

Liang Fa was a little shocked, and after thinking for a moment, he said: "Actually, General Wu is more suitable than me."

No one can change what Zuo Mengeng decided.

"General Wu has now been transferred to the regular army and is not suitable to come back."

Liang Fa calmed down and accepted the facts.

Zuo Mengeng also has instructions.

"This is definitely not a shining position. You need to be able to endure loneliness. You must be mentally prepared."

Liang Fa nodded without any hesitation.

"Those who are good at fighting have no great achievements. I just want the country to be peaceful and the people to be safe. We are willing to hide in the wind and rain."

All the incidents were over, but there was a dispute between the General Headquarters and the Military and Administrative Department about how to end it.

"The Lianghuai Military Region made a prompt decision and saved the lives of millions of people. This is a unique achievement, how can we not reward it? Otherwise, we will not be able to convince the public."

Wang Zhifa, director of the Military Merit Department of the General Headquarters, took a firm stance.

"The Lianghuai Military Region mobilized all troops without asking for instructions. This is a serious violation of military law. If no action is taken, all ministries will follow suit in the future and beware of feudal towns and warlords' incidents happening again."

As a military and political officer, Huang Zongxi was certainly not wrong from his own point of view.

But in this matter, both sides are very reasonable.

Even if Hou Xun, Li Banghua, Huang Daozhou and others got together to discuss it over and over, they still didn't know how to make a decision.

In the end, the matter can only be placed in front of Zuo Mengeng.

Zuo Mengeng also had some hesitation about such a matter.

What others saw was that it was difficult to straighten out the relationship, but he understood that this would affect Xia Jun's military soul.

A careless handling will cause immeasurable losses to the entire army.

But what to do?

After ten days, Zuo Mengeng came up with his decision.

But when everyone saw his decision, they were all shocked and came to see him one after another.

"There are so many mistakes, and it is absolutely impossible that His Highness is wrong. Where does this deprive His Highness of his prestige?"

Hou Xun was very anxious and completely disagreed with Zuo Mengeng's approach.

Huang Zongxi's face was serious and he didn't say a word. It wasn't that he didn't agree with Zuo Mengeng's approach, but that he hadn't yet understood the deeper meaning.

Facing everyone's doubts, Zuo Mengeng was very calm.

"Is the approach of the Lianghuai Military Region a great success?"

No one could avoid such a straightforward question. Even Huang Zongxi nodded silently and had to admit this.

That was a great achievement that saved millions of people, and no matter how much credit is given, it cannot be overstated.

Zuo Menggeng asked again: "Does the approach of the Two Sessions Military Region violate military law?"

Everyone could only nod.

Zuo Mengeng asked again: "If you were in the position of the Lianghuai Military Region, what would you do?"

This time everyone was confused.

There are millions of living beings on one side, and on the other there is military law that cannot be provoked. Without putting yourself in their shoes, it is really difficult to understand the helplessness involved.

It was Huang Zongxi who spoke.

"Although it takes one person to die, he can save millions of lives and die well."

"This is benevolence! The greatest benevolence and righteousness."

Zuo Mengeng categorically settled the matter.

"Not only is the approach of the Lianghuai Military Region not wrong, but it is also a great achievement. However, military law cannot be violated, otherwise the army will be in chaos. So who is causing this situation? It can only be those of us who formulate military law. Yes

We let the people below have some scruples when they are righteous. But the military law is set up in this way, and there is a scientific reason. In this case, if we do not take responsibility, are we going to chill the people below like the Emperor Chongzhen?"

Everyone present suddenly understood, and unanimously admired Zuo Menggeng.

It is easy to recognize the shortcomings of others, but it is difficult to recognize your own shortcomings.

It’s even harder to dare to admit your own shortcomings!

Even in the whole incident, Zuo Menggeng, the headquarters and the center could not be said to be inadequate.

But Zuo Mengeng took everything on himself.

Who can not feel at ease following such a leader?

Lianghuai Military Region.

In the auditorium, thousands of military officers gathered.

Fu Xinyuan came in person and read out the decision of the headquarters to everyone.

"Not rewarding great achievements is a sign of chaos; not punishing serious crimes is a disaster. You have saved millions of lives, which is a monumental achievement. The king, the headquarters, and the cabinet are very grateful for your efforts and contributions. But the establishment of military law

It is to ensure the normal operation of the army and avoid breeding careerists. Now you have violated the military law for the sake of righteousness. Although the military law cannot be changed, it is unreasonable to punish you for this. The general order of the headquarters is hereby granted to all officers and soldiers of the Huaihe Military Region.

Special merit. Relevant personnel cannot be awarded separately. The responsibility lies entirely with the central government. We sincerely ask for your understanding. Zuo Menggeng paused and solemnly apologized to all officers and soldiers!"

(End of chapter)

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