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Chapter 1310 Chaos

When the battle entered the stage, Mandahai couldn't help but let go of other thoughts.

On the open plains, both sides arrived suddenly, and no one was fully prepared.

Of course, no one has the means or time to build fortifications.

In such a battle, the stronger side obviously takes advantage.

The Qing army was more numerous, and its bows and arrows shot quickly and accurately. The tribal coalition forces were just a ragtag group, and many of the arrows in their hands were even made of bones.

Even if such an arrow hits the Qing army, it will be difficult to break through the armor and will naturally cause no harm.

Only the iron arrows aided by Xia State caused a lot of trouble for the Qing army.

Seeing many soldiers staggering and falling to the ground, Manda Hai felt angry in his heart and felt extremely powerless.

When will the power of Xia Kingdom catch up?

The Qing army's front line was getting closer and closer, and the outer perimeter of the tribal alliance army was surrounded by dead people, and the corpses were piled up into a wall.

Everyone is afraid of death, and no one wants to die.

Now that the Qing army was approaching, the people of the tribal coalition retreated unconsciously.

But behind them there was only the rolling river.

For a time, despair filled everyone's hearts.

Aziga rushed to Bomubogor and questioned him sternly.

"Where are the Xia people? Have we been betrayed?"

Bomubogor's scalp was numb. He had obviously foreseen it, but he still had to support himself.

"The Xia army will definitely come. We just need to hold on for a while. Look at the terrain here. As long as the Qing army gets closer, they will have no way to escape."

There was a scream from behind, and Asuka could clearly hear it, it was his brother's voice.

This made him start to collapse.

"You liar, you lied to all of us, do you think you can still survive?"

Seeing Aziga waving a scimitar in his hand, as if he could pounce at any time, Bomubogor retreated repeatedly.

He raised his right hand high, letting the ring on his finger shine in the sun.

"Don't you recognize the gift from the King of Middle-earth? Are you going to betray your oath and disobey my orders?"

A gust of wind shot out from the crowd at high speed, hitting Bomu Bogor's raised arm, causing him to fall over.

Tonggu Shansi, the leader of the Alashan Guards, ran towards him with a bow and arrow in his hand, cursing loudly.

"It's because we believed your lies that we are going to die here today. We have no way to survive, and we will never let you go."

People from several tribes were incited, picked up weapons and surrounded Bomubogor.

At this point, even the people of Sauron's tribe abandoned him.

Bomubogor was frightened, struggled to get up, and ran back quickly.

Although his feet had already stepped into the water, he knew that if he stopped, he would be hacked to death.

If you jump into the water, you may still have a chance of survival.

He thinks well, but others act faster.

Azika and Tonggushansi each shot an arrow, hitting both of his ankles.

This time the two used arrows made of fine steel supported by Xia Jun, which were extremely sharp and powerful.

The arrow shot through Bomubogor's ankle, and the remaining force remained firmly nailed to the muddy ground in the shallow water.

Bomu Bogor's body was still running, but his feet were pinned. He immediately threw forward and fell heavily into the water.

Water splashed and poured into his mouth and nose crazily, causing him to panic and struggle hard.

He put his hands in the water, trying to get up. But the depth here was far beyond the length of his arms, and it did not allow his head to escape the water.

He wanted to bend his knees so that he could straighten up.

But Tonggu Shansi had already caught up with him, and the spear in his hand penetrated his chest heavily.

The arrogant Bomubogor was like a stung fish. He stiffened his body in the water, letting his blood be washed away by the river.

The internal strife among the tribal alliances will not change anything.

The massacre by the Qing army continued.

More and more people were pushed, squeezed, and fell into the river, gradually turning into floating corpses in the water.

There were still some people who were not willing to die, and with their final madness, they rushed towards the Qing army.

Unfortunately, their bravery came too late.

Most of the few people who charged were shot to death on the way. Although a limited few rushed forward, they were caught by Ba Yala among the Qing troops.

The weapons of both sides exchanged blows, and in a few quick strokes, they were all hacked to death on the spot by Ba Ya.

The battle lasted for an hour.

The Qing army effectively displayed its superior combat power and killed all the tribal coalition forces below Bomubogor, Achajia, and Tonggushansi, leaving no one alive.

Until the end of the battle, Mandahai did not let down his guard.

His eyes searched everywhere.

Where is Xia Jun?

While the battle was going on, Xia Jun was actually nearby.

In the dense forest across the Jingqili River, the Xia army's scouts had been observing the battle situation with binoculars.

When they saw that there were not many tribal coalition forces left, the scout immediately reported the situation.

The army led by Lian Shanhai and others had crossed the Jingqili River further north three days ago and hid in the mountains and forests.

After receiving the signal, Lian Shanhai gave an order, and the 30,000-strong army rushed out of the forest. According to the battle plan that had been formulated long ago, they quickly rushed to the battlefield.

As soon as the Xia army appeared, they would be immediately discovered by the Qing army.

The Qing army's rear-end troops set up a blocking formation and quickly headed towards Manda to post the letter.

Is it finally here?

Man Dahai breathed a sigh of relief at the news of Xia Jun's appearance.

"Send an order to Samushka and ask him to send a ship over."

Samushka had already gathered many ships and rafts, and immediately began to cross the Heilongjiang River after receiving the order.

Now it has become a game of time between the Xia army and the Qing army.

Was it that the Xia army was able to attack the main force of the Qing army faster and retain its opponent, or was it that the Qing army was able to cross the river before the Xia army attacked?

At this moment, the hearts of both parties were tense.

However, when it was reflected on the battlefield, the scene was extremely funny.

"Tell the 105th Regiment to run slower. Their formation has been messed up. Damn it, it's been so long, can't you even maintain a basic formation?"

Cui Xiaoyi knew that the unit at hand was newly established, so he was fully mentally prepared.

But when he actually went to the battlefield, he discovered that the security officer's performance was even worse than he expected.

The four regiments of the entire division advanced at the same time, but as they ran, they began to become uneven.

The 105th Regiment ran alone at the front, while the 106th Regiment and the 107th Regiment actually ran into trouble.

What troubled him the most was the 108th Regiment.

They actually ran in a straight line, and the distance between the person at the front and the person at the back was more than five miles.

If such an army were rushed in by the Qing army, the consequences would be unimaginable.

This chapter has been completed!
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