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Chapter 1319 God-given Opportunity

Chapter 1319 God-given Opportunity

The Strait of Malacca, which is comparable to the intestines of the world, easily fell into the hands of Xia Guo, which made the Dutch almost cry with envy.

They have been thinking about this place for hundreds of years and have paid a huge price without even making a single profit.

The first time the Xia people came, they didn't really fight. They just fired a few cannons, and the Johor people happily gave up Temasek and several islands.

It was not until this moment that the barbarians of Europe truly felt for the first time what a vassal system was.

When faced with the Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, and English, the people of Johor would blow their beards and stare, and if they didn't like it, they would take action.

But facing the Heavenly Kingdom, he behaved like a grandson.

When news of the capture of the Malacca Strait came back to Jinan, Zuo Mengeng was shocked.

Is this so easy?

He quickly reacted and immediately asked the central government to dispatch capable officials. At the same time, he notified Zuo Hua, who was far away in Luzon, to select elite troops from the East China Sea Fleet and the Second Marine Division and rush to Malacca.

If this kind of strategically important place is not firmly in our hands, we will be punished by God.

Liao Zhongjian and Kong Zhiguang were very satisfied with the well-behaved people of Johor.

The heavenly kingdom has regained its kind face.

A large number of fleets finally docked and opened their arms to do business with the people of Johor.

A large number of novel products from Xia Kingdom have completely dazzled the people of Johor.

Once the trade between the two parties was established, the cargo carried by the fleet was reduced a lot. In addition to being exchanged for real gold and silver, there was also a large amount of spices.

Spices are now in hot demand around the world.

Some of the fleet simply returned directly with the spices brought in the trade and shipped them back to the country.

The fleet continued to set off and officially entered the Indian Ocean.

Arriving in unfamiliar waters, the naval officers and soldiers began to get busy.

Marching all the way, surveying all the way.

Everyone knows that the most important thing when sailing on the sea is the route.

This time, we were led by the Dutch and were walking on a completely mature route. If we didn't grasp it firmly, we wouldn't have such a good opportunity next time.

Kong Zhiguang noticed that after the fleet left the Strait of Malacca, it turned its head to the north instead of sailing westward, which was strange.

"The ocean in front of us is very wide, and there is no land in the middle. It is impossible to cross it. Therefore, the fleet can only move north along the west coast of the land. When it reaches Tianzhu, it will turn south. This is not only safe, but also safe at any time.

Supplies can be obtained anywhere.”

Putmans' explanation has benefited the Xia people a lot.

Of course, Putmans is so happy, which is the result of a fair transaction.

While sailing on the sea, the Dutch navy and sailors learned and mastered advanced surveying tools from Xia Guo.

Especially the sextant amazed the Dutch.

At the same time, it also made them understand that Xia Guo's involvement in the sea and becoming bigger and stronger is a completely unstoppable trend.

Suo Xing and the Xia Kingdom are strong allies. From now on, even if they follow the Xia Kingdom, it will be enough for the Netherlands to make money.

Both sides get what they need, and the relationship becomes increasingly close.

After walking like this for about half a month, the fleet arrived at a large island.

Liao Zhongjian originally thought that the entire island belonged to the Dutch.

Who would have known that upon inquiry, it was not the case at all.

The Dutch did not even have any colony on this island.

The reason why they were able to come here and settle down was because they had close relations with the Kandy dynasty on the island.

As the world-famous Teddy, why do the Dutch sometimes have good relations with the indigenous people?

It turns out that colonists have already established themselves on this island.

That's the Portuguese.

As early as the fifteenth century, the Portuguese occupied the southwestern part of the island.

In the following two centuries, the Portuguese continued to expand throughout the island and eventually occupied it.

Thanks to the efforts of the Portuguese, the other two kingdoms on the island have been eliminated and reduced to colonies.

The only thing left was the Kandyan dynasty, which occupied the central and eastern parts of the island.

In order to eliminate the Kandy dynasty, the Portuguese launched military operations again and again.

However, without exception, they were all defeated by the Kandy Dynasty and suffered heavy losses.

Just three years ago, in the Battle of Mount Ganorua, the Portuguese even suffered a major defeat in which their entire army was annihilated.

A typical loser who loves to fight but still can't win.

Also in that year, King Rajsinghe II of Kandy invited the Dutch fleet to station on the east coast and reached a treaty to cooperate in expelling the Portuguese.

Last year the Dutch captured Negombo and Galle and began to gain the upper hand on the island of Ceylon.

This island is very important as it is an important transit station and supply point on the Indian Ocean route.

It was precisely because of the establishment of a stronghold on this island that the Dutch's navigation became smoother.

The arrival of the huge fleet immediately caused a sensation in the Kandy Dynasty.

The appearance of the Chinese mobilized the whole country to hold a grand welcome ceremony.

This scene made Liao Zhongjian, Xu Erjue, Kong Zhiguang and others a little flattered. They had no idea why the people here were so solemn.

But their confusion did not last long.

Rajxinhe II came to the door with a few monks and the Dutch on his back.

"I heard that in China, my Buddha is still prosperous and has countless followers. Is it true?"

An old monk asked very eagerly.

Although Liao Zhongjian didn't know the reason, he still answered truthfully.

"Buddhism has been rooted in China for a long time and has many followers. Even ordinary people know some simple Buddhist principles."

After hearing his story, several monks burst into tears.

Which song is this sung from?

After careful questioning, the answers obtained surprised Liao Zhongjian and others.

It turns out that Buddhism in Tianzhu is now on the verge of extinction.

The vast area of ​​Tianzhu is already full of Hindus and Muslims, and there are already very few people who believe in Buddhism.

The Kandy Dynasty on the southwest island can even be said to be the last base of Buddhism.

If the Kangti Dynasty were to perish, Buddhism would probably disappear from its birthplace.

"Our country has long recorded that a large delegation from China came here two hundred years ago. Among them were many eminent monks who achieved enlightenment, which benefited us greatly. In recent years, we have heard many times that Buddhism is prosperous in China. We are ashamed.

, unable to promote my Buddha. I always thought that maybe there is a holy way far away in China that we can learn from. However, the sky is high and the water is long, and the road is blocked, so we have never been able to make the trip. Dear envoy, can you help us? Let Mercy

The Dharma of Buddhism returns to this land.”

Liao Zhongjian was calm on the surface, but there were turmoils in his heart.

As a mature politician, he reacted almost instantly.

What the people of the Kandy Dynasty were thinking was a God-given opportunity to get involved in India.

If we have a base in Tianzhu, it will open up a situation in the Indian Ocean.

This will be of great significance to Xia Guo's establishment of a global route system.

(End of chapter)

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