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Chapter 1331 Breaking point

Chapter 1331 Breaking point

In later generations, Osaka and Kyoto were united and became an indivisible city group.

But in today's era, Osaka is Osaka and Kyoto is Kyoto, with dozens of kilometers in between.

This area became a battlefield between the Tokugawa shogunate and the daimyō.

Although Osaka is right next to the battlefield, the people in the city are very calm and are not affected by the war at all.

Just because Xia Guo spoke.

Anyone who causes even the slightest damage to Osaka is the enemy of Xia Kingdom.

Obviously, neither the Tokugawa shogunate nor the daimyo could afford to offend the Xia Kingdom.

It was only then that the people of Osaka realized that the Xia Kingdom was not so hateful.

At the very least it can ensure people's safety.

Thinking back to the beginning, when heroes fought in the Warring States Period, ordinary people would be arbitrarily arrested and become cannon fodder on the battlefield. Not even half of the ten people would survive.

But now, they can sit comfortably in the city and watch the war outside the city as a lively event.

Not only that, as Osaka Castle has a very developed entertainment industry, new projects have emerged due to this battle.

"The bet has been placed! The bet has been placed! If you bet on the victory of the shogunate, you will pay one point and a half; if you bet on the victory of the foreign vassal, you will pay three to one!"

The city of Osaka has had a strong commercial atmosphere since ancient times and has been developed by commerce. Therefore, the people here are very entertaining and dare to turn anything into a lively event.

Regarding the battlefield outside the city, the casino in the city actually opened.

And people in the city came in droves, not stingy with the money in their hands.

In a short period of time, each gambling market has accumulated astonishing wealth.

Now that a bet has been placed, everyone wants to win money.

Suddenly, the battle outside the city became the most concerning thing for the people of Osaka.

Many people even ran to the city wall and waited with wide eyes to see the outcome.

Little did the Tokugawa shogunate and the foreign daimyo know that their life-and-death fight had become someone else's entertainment project.

Four hundred thousand troops faced off on both sides of the Yodogawa River outside the city.

"The current terrain is very unfavorable to our army. We must cross the river as soon as possible to block the shogunate's army from entering Kyoto."

As the army representative of the Satsuma Domain, Shinna Kyusuan served as the left general of the coalition forces.

This man had rich battlefield experience and had attended the Xia Military Academy for further study. He thought that his abilities had been greatly improved, so he put forward his opinions at the military meeting.

His opinion is not random, it is indeed the case.

The Yodogawa River flows from northeast to southwest, and finally merges into the sea at Osaka Bay. The farther south, the wider the river, and the more difficult it is to cross the river.

Therefore, the battlefields of both sides are mainly in the upstream area.

But here, the area left for the coalition forces is very small.

The west bank of the Yodogawa River is close to the mountains, and the flat land on the bank is simply not enough for the army to deploy.

The most terrible thing is that there is a medium-sized highland just east of the river bank. The coalition forces have discovered that the shogunate army is deploying artillery on the highland.

Once the shogunate's troops are deployed, they can reach all corners of the coalition forces from a commanding position.

"The shogunate's troops are firmly guarding the river bank. If they swim rashly, they may suffer heavy losses."

Looking at the Yodogawa River blocking their eyes, all the coalition generals were worried.

If we don't cross the river as soon as possible, the shogunate's troops may rush into Kyoto at any time and even kidnap the emperor.

Once Emperor Meisho falls into the hands of the shogunate and issues a crusade edict, they will become rebellious in the eyes of the world.

The strength of the coalition forces was already inferior to that of the shogunate. If they lost their rightful reputation, it would be even more difficult to compete.

All things considered, crossing the river was an inevitable choice for the coalition forces.

However, crossing the river against the powerful force of the shogunate army was like seeking death.

"Gentlemen, everyone in the world thinks that we must have a showdown with the shogunate. Even our opponents think so. Why don't we do the opposite?"

Garten Tadahiro's remarks surprised many people.

Nowadays, when the armies are facing each other, isn't it for the purpose of deciding the outcome?

Tadahiro Kato enjoyed the feeling of being surrounded by stars, stood up, walked to the map, and began to explain his ideas.

"The situation between the two armies has been formed. Both the enemy and ourselves believe that only the victor can obtain the support of the emperor and gain an advantage. But why should we place the battlefield in a disadvantageous place? Why can't we choose other purposes?"

These days of fighting, Mouri Xiuyuan is very anxious and exhausted. He is naturally happy if someone is willing to provide advice.

"Kato-kun, please elaborate."

Tadahiro Kato pointed at Kyoto with the scabbard in his hand.

"Everyone in the world believes that only winners can enter Kyoto. Why can't we enter Kyoto first and then seek victory?"

Everyone present's eyes lit up, and they were all upset at the same time.

Everyone was so distracted by the atmosphere that they only thought about how to defeat the shogunate army. But they completely forgot that it was more important to seize the emperor.

As a result, the current deployment of the armies of both sides is completely prepared for a frontal decisive battle.

Obviously Kyoto is nearby and the emperor is in the city. But what both sides want is to defeat their opponents first, then enter Kyoto in a grand manner, and then use the emperor to hold the emperor hostage and order the princes.

Tadahiro Garten put forward a completely opposite idea.

The outcome of a head-on battle with the shogunate was unpredictable, and the situation on the battlefield was not in our favor. In this case, why not take a sideways approach, rush into Kyoto first, and snatch the emperor over?

"I'm afraid that the shogunate has already prepared and we will return without success."

Some people raised concerns, but Gaten Tadahiro didn't take them to heart.

"As long as we act quickly enough, even if the shogunate notices it, it won't be too late."

A way to break the situation has been proposed, but whether it is feasible or not still needs to be discussed by all the big names.

Maori Xiuyuan looked around and was actually moved.

"According to intelligence, the shogunate also purchased a large number of muskets and artillery from the Xia Kingdom, and the number is no less than ours. If we really have a head-on confrontation, the outcome is unpredictable. Whether we want to raid Kyoto or not, we must make a decision as soon as possible."

Maori Mitsuhiro understood his father's thoughts and stood up immediately.

"It is urgent to overthrow the shogunate and reestablish order in Japan. Raiding Kyoto and returning power to the emperor is the basis for our victory."

Xinna Jiuquan also made up his mind.

"General, please give the order!"

Seeing everyone's support, Maori Xiuyuan was very happy.

When forming the coalition, what he was most worried about was that everyone had different ideas and hindered each other, resulting in their inability to exert their full strength.

I didn't expect that all the big names would be united in dealing with the shogunate.

He had more hope of winning in his heart.

"Yamada-kun, when you were studying at the Xia Kingdom Military Academy, you had the best grades and the most superb skills. I will personally direct the raid on Kyoto, okay?"

So many famous people were present, so many famous generals were on the list, and such an important task actually fell on me.

This made Yamada Yuei extremely happy.

"Hai! The general will definitely complete his mission!"

(End of chapter)

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