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Chapter 1341 Preparations for the founding of the country

By the 17th year of Chongzhen's reign, the situation in the world had become very clear.

The Ming Dynasty, which was once the most powerful and occupied the largest population and land, was finally torn apart like a deer in a crowd of heroes, leaving only its skeleton, and entered the countdown to death.

This world needs a new master.

All the emerging new forces are now beginning to work hard towards this goal.

The Manchu Qing Dynasty in Liaodong has completed the succession of old and new and the inheritance of power. Although the six-year-old Fulin may not have any impressive abilities, the large and capable team of the Manchu Qing Dynasty is still there.

Li Zicheng also completed the transformation from a rogue bandit to an established one after years of fierce fighting.

At this point, there is no point in being cryptic.

The Xia Kingdom must also complete a comprehensive upgrade and send a strong signal to the people of the world, so that it can not fall behind in terms of morality and reputation when fighting for the world.

Otherwise, everyone gets together...

What is your identity?

I am the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty.

What is your identity?

I am Emperor Dashun.

What is your identity?


I am the King of Xia.

We are all emperors, but you are still the king. I cannot blame the people for not recognizing you.

Yes, proclaiming an emperor and establishing a country has such tangible benefits.

Ordinary people in this era, due to closed information and knowledge, coupled with simple concepts, it is difficult to intuitively feel which force is good or bad, strong or weak.

But the emperor is greater than the king, so he still knows it.

Don't believe it, the reality is often that simple.

Let the common people make their own choice. They will definitely be more willing to kowtow to the emperor rather than the king.

In order to adapt to the new situation and make a voice to unify the world, proclaiming emperor and establishing a country must be put on the Xia Kingdom's agenda.

Originally, this kind of thing would happen naturally, but when it really happened, everyone became very hesitant again.

The root cause, of course, is our Prince Xia.

No one can forget how reluctant he was when he was first persuaded to become king.

This is also a very strange place for everyone.

Other masters wish they could reach the throne in one step and dominate the world. Why is His Highness the King of Xia so resistant to being crowned king?

How did they know that Zuo Menggeng had different insights and was well aware of the historical trend, so he did not want to go against history.

Fortunately, although he was hesitant at first, he still chose to accept it after everyone tried to persuade him.

But it was precisely because of the difficulties in the beginning that everyone did not dare to speak rashly this time.

It was Sun Chengzong, who was highly respected and had an extraordinary status, who took the initiative to break the deadlock.

Will Zuo Mengeng refuse this time?

"Although I am young and virtuous, I think I have little merit in the world. But since everyone is unanimous, I have no choice but to follow the great righteousness and do good."

Zuo Mengeng agreed.

Such a happy agreement made many people feel that it was unreal.

When they saw his firm smile again, everyone realized that all this had been achieved so easily.

"Long live! Long live! Long live!!!"

Why was he so hesitant when he was proclaimed king, but why he readily agreed to proclaim himself emperor now?

This is not because Zuo Menggeng is different from what he looks like, nor is he disloyal to his integrity.

Rather, changes in circumstances have brought about progress in mentality and an accurate understanding of objective things.

When he first became king, Zuo Menggeng had just taken the first step in establishing power.

He didn't have much of his own ideas about what the country would look like in the future and which direction the nation should go.

Most of them are absorbed from the insights of later generations.

The extremely developed future generations naturally made him choose to follow blindly and firmly believed that it was right.

Under such circumstances, to allow him to be called a loner and to watch him come is tantamount to reversing the course of history.

He is not a person with a strong desire for power. Without the ambition to rule the world, it is not surprising that he is very resistant to becoming king.

But as he has sat in the position of leader for a long time and truly controls the pulse of a country and nation, it is impossible for his perception to change.

The simple truth that the economic base determines the superstructure will be known to even junior high school students in later generations.

But to know this truth and to be able to connect it with this truth in practice requires a lot of political experience.

During the development of the Xia Kingdom over the years, Zuo Menggeng gradually realized that a political system that was too aggressive was not a good thing.

Because there is not enough soil among the people, a more advanced political culture cannot be cultivated.

Even though Xia State vigorously promoted compulsory education, the illiteracy rate among the people still remained above 45%.

Basic people's livelihood issues have not been resolved, so talking about other issues is simply too ambitious.

Therefore, it is necessary to adopt a political system that is easy for ordinary people to accept and more easily draw people into the country. This is the basis for all development.

Not to mention, Xia Kingdom is about to start the road to unify the whole country.

With Xia's current territory, including three provinces, it would be impossible to annex the whole country even if it goes all out. Under such circumstances, taking too big a risk will undoubtedly increase the risk of unification.

At the same time, Zuo Mengeng also discovered a practical problem.

Under his guidance, Xia Guo can always walk on the right path.

This is because he has the guidance of future generations and knows the process of history, so he can do it.

Then here comes the problem.

He is the King of Xia, and he is above the throne, so it is of course much easier for him to provide this kind of guidance.

But if the political system is changed and his own authority is weakened, will his guidance still be so smooth?

I am afraid that by then we will have to devote more energy to consultations and compromises, which will definitely greatly weaken the efficiency of the Chinese nation's progress.

Since this is the greatest guarantee for the Chinese nation to get rid of the wheel of destiny, why not maximize it?

But what kind of new system is coming that looks flashy?

Zuo Menggeng has grown into a qualified politician and knows what to do to maximize interests.

If proclaiming yourself emperor can ensure development, then it is better to proclaim yourself emperor.

Anyway, his emperor is very different from the feudal emperor, so why not?

"Being an emperor and building a country is complicated and involves countless things. For example, where to set the capital, what the political system is, the system of lords, the establishment of powers and responsibilities, etc., we all need to come up with a solid charter. My opinion is that when establishing a country,

The preparatory committee will have five to six months to come up with a plan that is convincing to everyone."

It is imperative to proclaim himself emperor and build a country, but in terms of time, Zuo Mengeng feels that there is no need to be too anxious.

Under the situation of great changes, Xia Guo has not yet reached the time to take action.

You can completely take advantage of the opportunity when other forces are strangulating to carry out internal construction, and then show it to the world in a more perfect posture.

This chapter has been completed!
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