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Chapter 1353 Chaos across the city

Juyongguan is not without generals to defend, but the generals have no fighting spirit.

As soon as the Shun army arrived, they immediately surrendered.

Of course, there were defenders who saw the situation clearly and knew that the enemy was outnumbered and fighting to the death was futile. In fact, the responsibility still lies with Chongzhen.

The guard of Juyongguan was Tang Tong, the former commander-in-chief of Ji Town.

Chongzhen ordered Wu Sangui and Tang Tong to enter the Wei capital. Wu Sangui was far away and had to relocate the people outside the customs, which delayed a lot of time.

Tang Tong was close at hand, so he quickly led eight thousand troops to the outskirts of the capital.

It stands to reason that at this time, there are still generals who are willing to come to the king, so Chongzhen should treat him with courtesy.

Our king of subjugation did not.

What did he do?

He actually sent the eunuch Du Zhizhi to go to Tang Tong to supervise the army...

This clearly shows that Tang Tong is not trusted.

Tang Tong was completely angered and roared in public.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty, is my master, but you are my uncle, and yet you use your restraint as an official to rebel against me. How can I be no match for a slave?"

Tang Tong, in a rage, simply used the excuse that his troops were outnumbered by the enemy and that they could not defeat him in the plains, so he led his troops to Juyong Pass.

Chongzhen had no choice but to do anything about it, and he didn't know if he regretted it.

The Shun army was getting closer and closer, and Chongzhen began to make random moves.

He first ordered his relatives, eunuchs and officials to help him pay, but there was little response.

Chongzhen was furious and secretly ordered Zhou Guozhang to donate 200,000 taels to make a difference to everyone.

Zhou Guozhang refused at all and was only willing to pay 10,000 taels.

Chongzhen bargained for at least twenty thousand taels.

Zhou Guozhang went to Queen Zhou and complained, forcing Queen Zhou to have no choice but to use 5,000 taels of private money to subsidize Zhou Guozhang.

The issue of financial aid has turned into a complete farce.

Later generations used this to criticize the relatives, eunuchs and officials of the Ming Dynasty who were stupid and ignorant. They felt that they wanted money when the country was in danger. In the end, they spit it out under the severe torture of Li Zicheng?

In fact, these people are unwilling to help pay, and the reason is very simple.

You, Chongzhen, are very rich yourself, but you are not willing to pay for the Zhu family's own empire, so why should we pay for it?

We are all real relatives, so who doesn’t know who’s going on?

Do you think you can hide it from everyone by wearing patched clothes and eating two pickles?

Chongzhen's second stupid move was that when death was imminent, he actually sent eunuchs to monitor the soldiers and horses in each town.

Civil servants and military generals have been dissatisfied with the eunuchs and supervisors for a long time. However, Chongzhen had great power in the past, so they had no choice but to endure it.

But now that the Ming Dynasty was about to fall, Chongzhen still did this, and he suddenly lost his support completely.

This is one of the reasons why the Shun army keeps approaching the capital, but there are no soldiers and horses at all.

Moreover, most of the eunuchs sent out by Chongzhen chose to surrender after the arrival of the Shun army, and had no intention of being loyal to him.

It can be said that all the agencies were exhausted, and eventually everyone rebelled and separated.

The third stupid trick is to issue an edict to sin against oneself.

But the Sin Ji Zhao thing is quite bluffing if it comes once in a while, and it may be able to deceive people. But once it happens too many times, people in the world will become numb.

Just like correcting a mistake once you know it, and making a mistake again after correcting it, no one trusts you anymore, so you naturally fall into the void.

On March 15, the day the Shun army arrived at Juyongguan, Tang Tong and Du Zhizhi happily chose to surrender and made way to the capital.

On March 16, Chongzhen received a report that Changping had been lost.

This moment caused him to completely collapse, and he could no longer maintain his apparent calmness and calmness.

At the same time, the news spread quickly in the capital. People in the city were panicked and in commotion.

Countless people began to pack up their belongings, intending to break out of the city.

The defenders also lost order and turned a blind eye.

But on the 17th, people in the city could not get out.

Because the forward of the Shun army has arrived at the city and has begun a preliminary attack on the city.

Chongzhen was as panic-stricken as a bereaved dog and quickly summoned his ministers to respond.

However, although the ministers gathered in the main hall, they were silent and could only hear the sounds of crying and wailing.

Chongzhen had a premonition that his end had come.

He walked around the hall crazily, beating his chest and stamping his feet, and his roar was full of complaints.

"All the officials at home and abroad mistook me! Misled me!"

By this time, the officials no longer had any respect for him.

Those with a little conscience just listened silently. Those who were impatient simply walked away.

The Forbidden City has lost its majesty and is looser than the gate of a brothel.

At that time, people in the palace had begun to flee in all directions. Eunuchs, maids, and Han generals were searching for valuables and fled the palace with their belongings.

When the tree falls and the hozens scatter, everyone begins to make plans for themselves.

Many people gathered around Huang Ping, and everyone was holding a sword, wearing a bow, and wearing excellent armor.

These are all experts sent to the palace by the Ministry of Intelligence over the years, and they all accept Huang Ping's command.

Huang Ping ran all the way and met another group of powerful armed men halfway.

However, the two sides did not fight because the person who came was Han Chuan.

Over the years, Han Chuangui has been the commander of the Jinyi Guards and has really developed a lot of manpower. At critical moments, the soldiers and horses are strong and they are running rampant in the palace, and no one dares to provoke him.

He just came to see Huang Ping.

"Director, what should we do next?"

While others are panicked, the elites of the Intelligence Ministry are ordinary.

The Central Committee and the Intelligence Department had already given careful instructions on what to do in the sequence of the capital city being breached.

Huang Ping quickly conveyed the mission.

"His Highness personally issued a strict order. Many things can be ignored, but the Yongle Grand Ceremony must not be lost. No matter what the cost, no matter how difficult it is, the Yongle Grand Ceremony must be properly preserved."

Han Chuan nodded. Although he didn't understand why Zuo Mengeng attached so much importance to some books, since it was a task, it must be completed.

"In order to keep the grand ceremony, we have set up many hiding spots in the city. Now we just need to transport the books out."

Huang Ping naturally knew, but he still gave the order.

"All books must be numbered, and no one can be lost."

"Yongle Dadian" is definitely a rare and even unsurpassable cultural treasure in human history.

The book has 22,877 volumes and 11,095 volumes, covering everything.

It can be said that the significance contained in it regarding the inheritance of Chinese culture is a priceless treasure.

Therefore, when the capital was in turmoil, Zuo Mengeng made a special order. You can ignore other things, but the "Yongle Dadian" must be preserved.

"Yongle Dadian" is stored in the Dengwen Building. It was originally closely guarded. But now that the city is in chaos, no one can care about it anymore.

Before the Shun army enters the city, this is the best time to rescue.

For this day, the Intelligence Ministry set up dozens of secret storage locations in the capital.

Huang Ping and Han Chuan gathered the troops of the Intelligence Department, and there were three thousand of them, enough to transport the "Yongle Dian" to the storage point within a limited time, so that they could safely survive the catastrophe before them.

This chapter has been completed!
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