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Chapter 134 Academic Seduction

Deng Yuhan was obviously a missionary who had little interest in preaching.

He showed Zuo Menggeng and Xu Ruolin his collection of books, and it turned out that none of them were about doctrine, but all about scientific knowledge.

"On the way here, I passed through Woya, Bangkala, Managa, Sumatra and the coast of Annan. I have also been to Haojing and many places along the coast. I will collect in these places

All specimens of exotic animals, plants, minerals, fish, reptiles, insects, etc. were drawn and drawn. You see, this is my result."

Deng Yuhan took over a thick book and showed it off happily.

Zuo Mengeng only took one glance and realized its value.

This is simply an encyclopedia of exploration.

As long as you have this book and go to the places recorded in it, you will basically have a clear understanding of the local products, climate, environment, etc.

Among other things, this kind of information will be of great help when developing overseas.

But this is not the only book that Deng Yuhan owns. There are thousands of books on various subjects, all in such a small and inconspicuous room.

At that moment, Zuo Mengeng had the idea of ​​robbery.

He understands very well that if these works can really blossom and bear fruit on the land of China, what kind of transformation will it bring to this declining country.

Deng Yuhan didn't know what he was thinking, but still happily showed off his achievements.

He seemed to have not been so happy for a long time, just like an innocent child.

"Look, this is a book I wrote when I was taking refuge in Hangzhou. If people here see it, they will definitely be scared, hahaha..."

Xu Ruolin was really frightened.

With a red face, he couldn't help but spit, and didn't dare to look at it again.

Because there are actually graphics in the book, which are human portraits.

But Zuo Mengeng felt like he had found a treasure and was breathing rapidly.

This book by Deng Yuhan is called "An Introduction to the Theory of Personality in Taixi" and is divided into two volumes.

What's inside?

The first volume talks about bones, nerves, body fat, meridians, skin, body and blood.

The second volume talks about the principles and formation of the senses, vision, hearing, smell, tongue, touch, and pronunciation.

What's this?

This is simply the best introductory textbook on modern medicine.

But such a work is lying quietly in an ordinary small room, unknown to the world.

If "An Introduction to the Human Body of the Far West" only made Zuo Menggeng think that Deng Yuhan was a great talent, then when he saw "The Most Illustrated Description of Strange Weapons of the Far West", Zuo Menggeng was instantly convinced.


Another name for this book is the most famous.

"Pictures of Strange Weapons".

This book was narrated by Deng Yuhan and written by Wang Zheng.

It not only introduces the basic knowledge and principles of mechanics, but also discusses gravity, the center of gravity of various geometric figures, the specific gravity of various objects, etc.

Archimedes' principle of buoyancy was first introduced to China.

The second volume covers the principles of simple machines, such as balances, levers, pulleys, wheels, spirals and inclined planes, etc.

The third volume is about the application of mechanical principles, and even has drawings, including lifting, guiding weight, turning weight, water intake, turning grinding, etc.

By the time we reach the fourth volume, the content has become even more amazing.

It introduces in detail the siphon phenomenon, self-propelled mills, bicycles, contract farming, repeating crossbows and other strange things.

What Zuo Mengeng didn't know was that the content of the fourth volume of "Pictures of Strange Weapons" was actually Wang Zheng's own research.

This is enough to show that Chinese scholars in this era are keeping up with the world in academic research.

Since embarking on the road to industry, Zuo Mengeng's biggest headache is that he has no talented people under his command. All physics, chemistry, mechanics, optics and other subjects require his hand-by-hand teaching.

The problem is that the knowledge he knows is too scholastic and focuses entirely on the military field.

And the only people who can really learn this knowledge from him are the more than 400 children in Zuozhuang Academy.

But it will take at least ten years for these children to grow up. How many of them will actually become talents is even more uncertain.

Now, one of the top contemporary academic talents and an all-rounder appeared in front of him.

Zuo Mengeng decided that he would seize this opportunity.

"Mr. Deng, actually I am an army officer."

Deng Yuhan was surprised for a moment, but then calmed down.

"I feel the military temperament from you."

Zuo Mengeng continued: "I am not only an officer, but also one of the leading officials in a local area, and I have a strong say in the local area."

He emphasized this just to tell Deng Yuhan how powerful he was.

"The place where I am is a big city with a population of one million."

Deng Yuhan couldn't help but yearn for it.

Only after coming to China did he understand the concept of a city with a population of one million. It was undoubtedly remarkable that Zuo Menggeng could preside over such a place.

But he didn't understand why Zuo Mengeng told him this?

Zuo Mengeng looked directly at him.

"Mr. Deng, I feel that with your wisdom, staying here is just a waste of life. If you can go to my place to preach, I will fully support you."

Deng Yuhan was a little dizzy, but he didn't expect Zuo Mengeng to actually invite him.

"Zuo, aren't you not interested in our beliefs?"

Zuo Mengeng smiled slightly and meant something.

"That's why I invite you to preach in my place."

He was afraid that Deng Yuhan would not understand, so he added another sentence.

"I have established a local school oriented to Western learning since last year. The children in it are receiving education in astronomy, physics, chemistry, mechanics, etc. But I am the only one who can teach them. You are A learned man, those children will be lucky if they can get your help."

Deng Yuhan understood.

How is this an invitation to preach?

This is obviously because of his own knowledge.

But why am I so excited?

But thinking about the actual situation, Deng Yuhan couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Zuo, you may not understand that when it comes to preaching, I need to obey the orders of the president. I cannot make my own decisions. Moreover, I have accepted the appointment of your emperor and am assisting Paul in calculating the calendar. I am afraid that I cannot agree to your invitation."

Zuo Mengeng was stunned for a moment before he realized that Paul was Xu Guangqi's foreign name.

Mr. Xu Ge, do you want to be so fashionable?

But Zuo Menggeng didn't think there was any problem with Deng Yuhan's difficulties.

"Mr. Deng, I think all of you missionaries will be excited to be able to open up a brand new diocese with a population of one million, right? Besides, you should be sick. Since you are sick, of course there is nothing you can do. Already working."

Deng Yuhan was stunned. He didn't expect to find such a reason.

But if you think about it carefully, the probability of success is really high.

The most helpless thing for the church is that its missionary work in China is not going smoothly and it is unable to develop more believers.

Therefore, any act of opening up a new diocese is a great achievement.

Under such circumstances, Zuo Menggeng invited Deng Yuhan by name, and no one could object.

As for absenteeism due to illness, this method is not unique to China.

"Zuo, will you support my research?"

It seemed that Deng Yuhan was completely moved.

Zuo Mengeng was extremely solemn.

"Mr. Deng, in my place, any research you do will be the highest priority project. Whether it is funds, manpower, or material resources, you will receive support that cannot be matched even in Europa."

Deng Yuhan felt that the blood all over his body was burning faster.

It was a heart-pounding feeling.

God knows how much he suffered and how many places he traveled in order to have a place where he could study knowledge without restraint.

Now, someone finally made a commitment to him.

Deng Yuhan was not familiar with Zuo Mengeng, so he looked at Xu Ruolin.

"Uncle Deng, please believe in his sincerity. Besides, he is also the person in this country who values ​​academics the most, besides my grandfather."

Deng Yuhan finally put aside all doubts.

"Zuo, thank you for the invitation. I think we have to act quickly."

Zuo Mengeng was not in a hurry, there was one more thing he needed to try.

"Mr. Deng, I think your friend, Mr. Galileo, is in big trouble."

Zuo Mengeng held a letter written by Galileo to Deng Yuhan in his hand.

In the letter, Galileo enthusiastically mentioned his research results, which is the famous heliocentric theory.

Zuo Mengeng knew that it was precisely because of this that the rest of Galileo's life was extremely miserable.

Of course, this letter is also of great value.

This is an autographed letter from Galileo!

If preserved, a few years later...

"I don't think the church will accept such heretical doctrine. As expected, Mr. Galileo did not respond to your request. I'm afraid he is distressed by this matter."

When he said this, Deng Yuhan immediately became nervous.

He is a missionary himself, and he knows the attitude of the church towards doctrine very clearly.

Although Zuo Mengeng said it was just his speculation, Deng Yuhan understood that this was probably the truth.

"Zuo, is there anything you can do to help my friend?"

Nonsense, of course, otherwise why would Zuo Mengeng mention this?

"Mr. Deng, with all due respect, Europa is really not a place where you can study knowledge with all your heart. Why don't you extend an invitation to your friend and let him come to Middle-earth, free from the control of the church, and he will be able to fully display his talents."

With that said, Zuo Mengeng added a chip.

"According to my speculation, there should be a very large planet besides Saturn in our universe. If it really exists, its distance from the sun should be about 2.8 billion kilometers."

What Zuo Menggeng is talking about is Uranus, which was discovered by William Herschel in 1781.

If you take this out at this time, you won't be able to catch Galileo, the great astronomical figure.

Not to mention Galileo, Deng Yuhan was excited when he heard what he said.

"Zuo, are you sure your guess is correct?"

The heliocentric theory is still being questioned in Europa, and people's understanding of the solar system is still in its initial stages. The discovery of any planet is undoubtedly a great event.

Zuo Mengeng spread his hands.

"I am just speculating based on the principles of planetary motion. As for the existence of this planet, it requires professionals like you to observe it through professional tools to confirm it."

Deng Yuhan couldn't wait any longer.

"Oh my God, Zuo, your conjecture is very impressive. No, I have to write to Galileo immediately. I believe he will be very excited when he knows about this conjecture."

Seeing that Deng Yuhan had entered the state, Zuo Mengeng showed a successful smile and did not forget to remind him.

"Mr. Deng, in my place, we can produce a lot of better quality transparent glass. If you need to make an astronomical telescope, I think it should be able to provide you with a lot of help."

This chapter has been completed!
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