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Chapter 1362 Wu Sangui's Choice

Chapter 1362 Wu Sangui’s choice

The course of history and the economy have determined that the more prosperous and open a place is, the closer it is to the Xia Kingdom.

This is also the reason why the Xia Kingdom Central Committee decided to unify the whole country from the south and enter the city.

First, the southern economy is developed and can effectively cover the costs of various actions;

Second, the South is not the center of the world's storms now and will not attract much attention.

Now everyone's eyes are fixed on the capital, waiting to see what the new Dashun court will do.

Although the Xia army advanced by leaps and bounds in the south, conquering four provinces in just half a month, it did not affect the situation in the world.

Under Huang Shijun's advice and the strong military might of the Xia army, the civil and military forces in Guangdong, like Fujian, gave up resistance in a sensible manner.

In this way, except for the occasional resistance from a few places to Xia Guo's acceptance, the entire operation went relatively smoothly.

Murong Fu had already begun preparations to enter Hainan in Leizhou Peninsula.

Hainan in this era did not have an independent province, but was under the jurisdiction of Guangdong, named Qiongzhou Prefecture.

Qiu Jun, the prefect of Qiongzhou, was indeed a stubborn landlord class member and turned a deaf ear to Xia Guo's persuasion to surrender.

Not only that, he also colluded with local ethnic minority leaders, landlords and gentry in Hainan in an attempt to secure the island.

Xia Guo would not be polite to such people.

Murong Fu concentrated two main regiments of the First Marine Division and a security division.

When a lion fights a rabbit, he uses all his strength.

After all, the reconnaissance work on Hainan has been completed long ago, and we know that the mountains in the middle of the island tower and need to be carefully distanced.

However, with nearly 30,000 troops, the resistance forces on Hainan Island are absolutely unstoppable.

The Shun army occupied the capital, but Li Zicheng was not very happy.

Because on the first day of entering the city, no trace of Chongzhen was found. The palace was also empty, and nothing was found except Queen Zhou who committed suicide.

"I'm afraid that if we cut the weeds without eradicating the roots, they will grow again when the spring breeze blows."

Ox Venus has the same idea.

The Ming Dynasty has been deeply rooted in people's hearts for more than two hundred years. Especially in the south of the Yangtze River, it has not experienced too much wear and tear.

If Chongzhen ran to Jiangnan and regrouped, he might come back again.

Fortunately, Chongzhen's body was found the next day.

Li Zicheng tried it himself and breathed a sigh of relief.

"He is a man, so he should restrain himself carefully. What he said is right, those corrupt officials are the most abominable."

Although he was already the emperor, Li Zicheng still maintained simple thoughts.

He could never forget how he was forced to lose his family and his family, and how he struggled to survive.

Therefore, he wanted to come back with revenge and vent his anger on the people of the world.

Not only him, but almost all the shunjuns are the same.

Originally they were poor and helpless people, and it was the landlords and officials who persecuted them personally.

So Li Zicheng gave the order, and the capital immediately became commotion.

The nobles, eunuchs, and officials were all arrested one after another, tortured, and interrogated for money.

It must be said that the Shun army during this period did not disturb the people. On the contrary, they treated ordinary people very well and paid great attention to maintaining order in the capital.

Therefore, the market in the capital was very peaceful, and the normal life of the people was not affected.

It was those high-ranking officials who were miserable and were beaten to death. They couldn't stand it any longer, so they had to spit out their money.

There are different opinions as to how much money Li Zicheng extracted from the capital through torture.

Some say 70 million taels, some say 30 million taels.

There must be quite a few.

Moreover, most of them came from the imperial palace, which also proves the abomination of Chongzhen.

What Li Zicheng did was indeed a bad breath, but it also laid the foundation for Dashun's demise.

Originally, the landlords and scholar-bureaucrats were fed up with the Ming Dynasty's perverse behavior. Therefore, they were not unable to accept the arrival of Dashun.

But what Shun Jun did in the capital spread throughout the world, and the landlord class was immediately frightened.

Only then did they realize that Dashun was not from the same group as them anyway.

Since Dashun did not offer a way out, the resistance of the landlord class was naturally very determined.

This is also the main reason why when the Manchu Qing Dynasty entered the customs, it was quickly swept away and the Dashun army was defeated like a mountain.

After all, although the Han landlord class and the Manchus were not of the same race, they were of the same class and had common interests, so it was natural for them to jointly kill the enemy Dashun.

Li Zicheng does not know the seriousness of the consequences now, or in other words, he may not know it when he is dying.

Besides interrogating Yin Liang, he also has other concerns.

"Your Majesty, General Zhi is reporting that he has led his army to capture Cangzhou and even had a small fight with the Xia thieves. The Xia thieves disobey the king and have become a country of their own, so they should be attacked."

Song Xiance reported the situation in the south and tried his best to encourage Li Zicheng to send troops.

Dashun has replaced the Ming Dynasty and has become the orthodoxy in the world. But Shandong, just around the corner, has the power of its own country. How can we tolerate it?

Li Yan was startled, however, and quickly reminded: "Your Majesty, Wu Sangui's Guan Ning Army is still entrenched in Shanhaiguan, and it is unclear whether it will succeed or not. If our heavenly army goes south and Wu Sangui takes advantage of it, the capital will be in danger. What's more,

Behind Wu Sangui, there are Manchu Qing Dynasty captives. If Wu Sangui defected to the Eastern captives and led troops into the pass, the harm would be even greater."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in Dashun was horrified.

Compared to Xia Kingdom, Wu Sangui was undoubtedly a greater threat at this time.

Because Wu Sangui controlled Shanhaiguan and had the Qing Dynasty behind him. Especially from Shanhaiguan to the capital, there was no danger to defend in the middle, and it would come overnight.

If Wu Sangui is not captured and Shanhaiguan is blocked, Dashun will always face the threat from the northern front.

"What did Wu Sangui say? We think highly of him, so why are we still hesitating?"

Before entering the capital, Li Zicheng had already sent someone to contact Wu Sangui and urge him to surrender.

The importance of Shanhaiguan was discussed clearly by the people in Dashun on the way to the capital.

Speaking of Wu Sangui's movements, Niu Jinxing frowned.

"I have sent people to negotiate with Wu Sangui several times, but he is still hesitant and seems to be waiting for a price."

Li Zicheng did not realize the danger and said cheerfully: "Tell Wu Sangui that as long as he surrenders, he will be granted the title of marquis or prime minister. We are the master of the world and can afford it to him."

Everyone in Dashun felt that this condition was very good, and Wu Sangui should have no choice.

They didn't know that Wu Sangui was in desperate situation at this moment.

"What did Xia Guo say? Has he promised assistance?"

Wu Sangui did not want to surrender to Dashun.

Especially when the news about the torture of high-ranking officials in the capital made Wu Sangui even more wary of Dashun.

Of course, at this time, he did not want to surrender to the Manchus.

In his opinion, the best destination is Xia Kingdom.

So he sent his staff to the Xia Kingdom by sea, hoping that the Xia Kingdom would send troops to attack Dashun from both sides with him. Then he waited for a price and sold it, but he could not get an official position in the Xia Kingdom.

Unexpectedly, the staff came back with a bitter look on their face.

"The student went to Xia Kingdom and saw no one. Over there... they don't care about my uncle at all!"

(End of chapter)

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