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Chapter 1399 The Split Dashun

Since arriving in Jinan, Zhu Cixiang has never been quiet.

This also makes Zhang Yan's heart always carry her.

She had no choice but to run diligently to the palace. Only by getting more inside information from people in the royal family could she feel at ease.

On this day, she walked into the palace without any hindrance and walked all the way to the back.

When Zhang Yan comes to the palace, she knows how to choose the right time.

Unless it was a big deal, she would not come to Zuo Mengeng's house as long as he was at home.

The reason is also very simple.

As a former empress of the dynasty, she was a widowed person, and her reputation was spread all over the world, so it was easy for her to attract gossip.

The only way is to have less contact with Zuo Mengeng.

"Both queens are at Jingsi Academy. They will definitely be happy to have you as a guest."

Pu Jingyan came out to greet her personally and led her the way.

Pu Jingyan considers herself to be extremely beautiful, but when compared with Zhang Yan, she always feels ashamed.

Especially her grace and bearing were enough for her to learn from for a lifetime.

Considering her current status, in addition to being Xu Ruolin's secretary, she is also a countess. Therefore, she cannot help but keep an extra eye on her and always pay attention to Zhang Yan's demeanor.

As long as you can learn from it, you will definitely be able to make your husband look good.

On the way to Jingsi Academy, I happened to pass by the martial arts field, but there was someone here.

Zhang Yan glanced at her casually and quickly turned her head, not to look at anything inappropriate.

It turned out that a strong man was practicing martial arts with his upper body naked.

It is midsummer now, and the weather is very hot. Even if you sit still, you will sweat like water. If you practice martial arts in such a temperature, you will not be able to wear clothes at all.

Therefore, the man was wearing only a pair of military trousers, and his bronze skin shone with a hard luster in the bright sunlight, full of a sense of strength.

As he waved his fists and feet, the wind roared and dust and smoke rolled up from the ground, like a rolling dragon.

Zhang Yan had never seen what it was like to practice martial arts, but she still felt the murderous aura and pressure coming towards her, and her heart couldn't help but beat wildly.

On the contrary, Park Jingyan was used to it and said casually.

"The King of Qi occupies a high position and has thousands of troops under his command. No matter what he expected, his martial arts skills have not been delayed."

Zhang Yan's heart moved.

"Is this King Qi?"

After being knighted, she also paid attention to the situation of the empire's senior officials and took note of all the kings and nobles one by one.

If you want to stay safe here, you naturally need to have a good relationship with the senior management.

Zhang Yan had already inquired about it and knew that King Zuo Hua of Qi was born as a servant of Zuo Menggeng, and their relationship was far closer than others.

It seems even more so now.

Zuo Hua was already an adult man, but he was still able to live in the palace, which was far more tolerant than the Ming royal family treated the adult vassal king.

Zuo Hua had almost finished practicing. He strolled aside, grabbed a bucket and poured it down from the beginning.

The hotness all over my body was stimulated by the cold water, which really made me feel extremely comfortable.

He roared twice, like a hungry wolf. Coupled with the wildness exuding from his body, his momentum was astonishing.

Then he felt something and turned around suddenly, just in time to catch Zhang Yan's eyes.

There was a bang, and something solid in my heart seemed to be broken.

Zuo Hua opened his one eye in a daze, flashing with a strange light. This made Zhang Yan unable to move her head, so she quickly quickened her pace and chased after Pu Jingyan.

But the light in that one eye seemed to be always following her, making it impossible for her to get rid of it.

All the way to Jingsi Academy.

This place is hidden in the bamboo forest, shielded from the scorching sun, and the cool breeze blows gently, just like a paradise.

Zhang Yan walked in and saw a scene that made her jealous.

In the small pavilion above the spring, two peerless beauties were sitting on a wooden couch facing each other. One of them was holding a book in his hand, reading with gusto.

Behind the two beauties are two beautiful tigers.

These big cats should be majestic, but now they squint their eyes and lie on the couch, enjoying the rare coolness. With the most beautiful women leaning on their bellies, the picture is extremely harmonious.

In particular, Xu Ruolin and Wang Siyi both crossed their legs, and their feet without stockings swayed gently in the air, creating a beautiful contrast.

These two are obviously the mothers of a country, but they can enjoy life so comfortably at this time.

I recall that back then, she had the same identity. But no matter whether she was sitting up, standing up or lying down, she had to strictly abide by the rules and could not relax for a moment.

My body is tired, my mind is tired, and I live in torment all day long.

"Hey, sister is here. There are just four of us, let's play mahjong."

Seeing Zhang Yan, Wang Siyi cheered, threw the book away and suggested playing.

Zhang Yan came here mainly because she wanted to find out what was going on with Zhu Cixiang and the others' outdoor training, so she would naturally follow the wishes of the two queens.

So in this pavilion, a table was quickly set up.

Four beauties were sitting together and having fun using mahjong.

Next to everyone, there are fresh fruits and freshly squeezed juice. Ice cubes are placed in the juice, which is perfect for drinking in this hot summer.

Zhang Yan could only sigh.

Apart from the fact that the royal palace where Zuo Menggen and his wife lived was not as grand as the Forbidden City, their daily enjoyment was much more comfortable than that of the Ming emperor.

Unfortunately, this kind of enjoyment costs nothing, and there is no need to worry about affecting the national finance.

It can only be said that the emperor of the Zhu family is extremely stupid.

"Information sent from Shaanxi, last month Gao Yigong and Li Guo suddenly executed King Liangzhi of Queshanbo. It should be that something happened in northern Shaanxi. In addition, Cui Youfu of Yongning Prefecture in western Shanxi suddenly rebelled and attacked the Shun army.

We were caught off guard. The Shun Army, which was originally in an offensive posture, had to return to fight the rebellion first. We predict that the Shun Army has completely lost the initiative on the battlefield."

Nowadays, all operations of the empire are based on the situation. Therefore, we are paying close attention to the battle between Dashun and Manchu Qing in real time.

"Li Zicheng has never adapted to become a qualified ruler. He has forced all the landowners in the world to oppose him. Those powerful gentry would rather surrender to the Manchu Qing than be at odds with him. Therefore, behind the Shun army, such rebellion and

The turmoil will never subside. Li Zicheng has strong enemies in front of him and an unstable rear. Failure is certain.

Huang Zongxi was even more emotional.

"It's not just that the rear is unstable. The relationship between Li Zicheng and Liang Yue has now reached the point of becoming tense.

"Oh, why is that?"

Zuo Mengeng hasn't seen the latest information yet.

Zuo Yong informed him.

"After Li Zicheng marched to the capital, Liang Yue was left in the northwest. This man was not a fuel-efficient lamp. He did not settle for the status quo, but seized Hanzhong. Then he rushed through Jiange and clashed with Zhang Xianzhong. Now northern Sichuan

This area has completely fallen into the hands of Liang Yue. Adding Hanzhong, Gansu, Ningxia, and parts of Qinghai, Liang Yue's strength is already considerable. After Li Zicheng returned to Xi'an, he sent him an order to lead his troops eastward.

He entered Shanxi and faced the Qing army. However, Liang Yue listened to the announcement and refused to listen, and instead stayed in Gansu. This forced Li Zicheng to arrange enough troops to guard against him."

Hearing what was going on, Zuo Mengeng understood clearly.

"There is no way for heroes and heroes to live in peace. Liang Yue did not take action against Li Zicheng, which was his greatest kindness."

This chapter has been completed!
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