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Chapter 1403 The End of Madness

Chapter 1403 The end of madness

"The former Ming Dynasty was so unruly that heaven abandoned the earth and earth, and all the people abandoned their hearts. We, the Qing Dynasty, replaced it. As the saying goes, we inherit heaven's virtues, download people's popularity, and comply with heaven's destiny. As a vassal state, Korea should understand the will of heaven, make sacrifices, and serve the whole nation.

The way to be a minister. Now I, the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty, have a special decree to present to Korea five hundred maids, three hundred eunuchs, one thousand slaves, one hundred catties of gold, one thousand catties of silver, ten thousand catties of copper, and one hundred pieces of fine wood.

Ten thousand pieces of top-grade silk, without any defects. I admire this!"

The Manchu envoy came to Pyongyang and read out the imperial edict arrogantly.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of Dashun's destruction of the Ming Dynasty, the Manchu Qing Dynasty broke through and occupied the capital.

With Emperor Shunzhi and Empress Xiaozhuang stationed in the Forbidden City, the Manchu Qing Dynasty began to regard itself as the master of the world.

National affairs are constantly changing, and what is needed most is all kinds of high-quality resources and the display of the majesty of a great country.

As a vassal state of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, North Korea became the first target of oppression.

Li Zhu and the other ministers knelt on the ground. Listening to the content of the imperial edict, they all felt boundless pressure.

Although the Manchus had been stripping away wealth from North Korea over the years, this time the demands were even greater, almost to the point of peeling off the skin and extracting the marrow.

However, no one in North Korea dared to refuse since Li Zhu.

There were originally a lot of people around Li Hao, but as he continued to fight, they gradually became exhausted.

Li Hao continued to connect according to the list given by Wang Meicheng and others, and soon gained the support of many people.

Over the past few days, he has been traveling around Pyongyang, and what he has seen fills him with despair for this country.

"Sir, you must conceal the news of my death. Please use my name to make the people wake up. We cannot... continue like this."

Many people even fled and hid in the mountains.

Seeing that the situation in China and Turkey has undergone earth-shaking changes, North Korea will not have any chance to make a comeback. Li Jie and others can only accept the facts helplessly.

However, such plundering would be a disaster for the North Korean people.

Li Zhu appeared on the top of the city.

In order to implement the Qing Dynasty's demands, North Korean officials spared no effort.

Li Hao's injury was almost healed and he began to move around again.

Li Hao's eyes were red, looking at his father on the tower, filled with endless regret.

"Unless things change, North Korea's future will be a hell."

"Asshole! As a son of man, do you want to force me to death?"

"Mr. Wang, is this the end of the country?"

He led his followers to gather, and the mighty team rushed towards the palace.

At his feet, the city gate opened, and countless Korean troops swarmed out.

Li Hao coughed excitedly.

The country is in this state, and there are many dissatisfied people in the country.

Seeing the country's decline with his own eyes, Li Hao could no longer bear it. He stood up bravely, hoping that Li Hao could muster the courage to do something for the country.

Even if you eat weeds to satisfy your hunger, or even starve to death, you don't want to become a cow or sheep worse than death.

Wang Meicheng looked at the sad, angry and haggard Li Hao and sighed sincerely.

Wang Meicheng responded quickly. Knowing that the plan had failed, he quickly suggested that Li Hao withdraw.

"Your Majesty, the situation is beyond control and we should retreat as soon as possible."

"Sir, try again. Otherwise, what will the country do?"

Of course they knew that they couldn't refuse.

"If you keep the green hills, you won't have to worry about running out of firewood. After this incident, the people of the whole country will regard the Maharaja as their savior. In time, more people will gather around the Maharaja, and victory will belong to us sooner or later."

The only thing that worries him is his country.

Feeling that his life was coming to an end, Li Hao felt a sense of relief.

He groaned in pain and fell forward.

Wang Meicheng and others were really frightened and rushed forward to help him retreat for treatment.

There is a lack of medical treatment and medicine in the deep mountains and old forests, so even if you want to, there is nothing you can do to save him.

Who would have thought that Li Shu would get so angry that he picked up the inkstone next to him and smashed it hard.

Li Hao knelt down in front of his father and cried blood. His grief was uncontrollable.

Li Hao no longer persisted, but followed Wang Meicheng to break out of Pyongyang.

One word awakens the dreamer.

This was another bloody battle, and more people died.

Finally, one seemingly ordinary midnight, Li Hao started.

Those whose relatives at home were taken away cried bitterly on the street, and then simply hung themselves in front of their homes, completing their last grievances about this miserable world.

"Father, the country has reached its limit. If it continues like this, it will inevitably be abandoned by the people. Although the majesty of the country cannot be provoked, we must let the country understand the significance of North Korea as a country. Please also ask, father.

I must make it clear to the country that we must not make it impossible for the people to live any longer."

For the people, it is of course a huge disaster. But for the officials who are responsible for the execution, is it not an opportunity to take action?

The Manchu and Qing dynasties squeezed North Korea ten percent, and exploited the people twenty percent.

The great change was imminent, and it quickly turned into chaos.

After a while, although the whole country became more turbulent, the situation in the DPRK calmed down.

But there were actually less than five hundred people left around him.

Just when he was about to rush out of the city gate, a sharp arrow was shot from nowhere.

"Gentlemen, if I want to change my mind, would you like to help me?"

Wang Meicheng and others were frightened, surrounded him quickly, and rushed out of the city desperately.

Li Hao didn't react in time. His head was covered with blood and he was confused.

The wounds on the body are painful, but the wounds on the heart are even more painful.

But when he actually took action, Li Hao suddenly discovered that Li Zhu had already prepared a response.

In the face of such man-made disasters, countless people went bankrupt one after another, and countless people lost their families and died.

The most troublesome thing is that Li Hao's injuries are getting more and more serious and have reached the point of death.

As more and more people gathered around him, Li Hao became more and more confident.

They headed east and penetrated into the mountains. It took them two full days to escape from the pursuers.

Li Hao was fighting bravely and didn't notice at all. As a result, he was hit by the arrow in the back of the heart.

Wang Meicheng and others did not answer, but nodded heavily, which meant everything.

"Hmph, you beast, you actually want to kill your king and your father. You are a son of man in vain. If you are not punished today, it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in my heart."

In the past, the Manchus and Qing Dynasties were extremely domineering, but now that they have occupied China and their momentum is unparalleled, they are even more unreasonable.

Wang Meicheng held him tightly.

Wang Meicheng had tears in her eyes and could only nod her head in agreement.

Li Hao became less concerned and finally gave the order: "Find a way to tell my brother that he must protect himself and not be impulsive like me. When he becomes the king in the future, maybe the people will have a good life."

After saying these words, Li Hao slowly closed his eyes, ending his short but kind life.

But because of this incident, the situation in North Korea has become irreversible.

(End of chapter)

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