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Chapter 1418 Dashun perishes

Although Duduo is young, he is a famous general who has been on the battlefield for many years.

Faced with the initiative of the National Defense Forces, he did not attack rashly, but sent out scouts to conduct all-round reconnaissance.

There is no doubt about the ability of the Qing army's scouts.

When he learned that the National Defense Force in front of him actually had 60,000 troops, Duduo understood that this was far beyond what he could handle.

After careful consideration, he decided to avoid the sharp edge of the National Defense Force.

He wrote a letter to Dorgon, explaining the situation in detail. At the same time, he led his army south, intending to surround and kill Li Zicheng with Azig, and then consider the follow-up actions.

His reason brought disaster to Li Zicheng.

Near Elong Town is the Jianghan Plain area.

When the Qing army came from all directions, the Shun army was unable to resist.

The battle entered a chaotic stage from the beginning.

Azig and Duduo jumped up, their faces full of surprise.

Together, this amounts to nearly half a million horses.

Duduo thought of the National Defense Forces in Fengyang, and his heart cast a shadow.

Liu Zongmin was Li Zicheng's number one general, and Song Xiance was ranked among the top civil servants.

Duduo firmly controlled Huang'an and Macheng, and at the same time sent Suk Saha to seize Luotian, completely blocking Li Zicheng's eastward path.

"I always feel that Zuo Mengeng's silence is quite strange. Judging from what this person has done before, there is no reason for such dormancy. Where is the omission in our arrangement?"

He suddenly discovered that his side seemed to have overlooked an important issue.

Li Zicheng was completely unable to effectively command the various ministries and just listened to all kinds of bad news coming one after another.

"Your Majesty, the Holy Buddha Temple has been captured by the Qing army. General Yuan Zongdi suffered heavy losses and is retreating all the way."

More than 200,000 soldiers were completely confined to an area of ​​less than thirty miles with Elong Town as the center.

Duduo felt cold all over and decided to speed up the progress.

Based on the situation of the battle, if we continue to fight, we will be the loser.

Li Zicheng sat in silence and did not give any orders.

When the Qing army's artillery was mobilized, the situation of the Shun army became even more precarious.

Before he finished speaking, Ma Futa rushed in excitedly.

Seeing that the war was going smoothly, Azig and Dodo got together and began to discuss the next move.

Following Li Zicheng's order, they led 30,000 troops and deployed them in Zhonghe Town, west of Elong Town, to guard the Dongliu River and prevent Huang'an's Qing army from moving south.

Is this really the case?

Du Lei led his army to attack fiercely, and was completely mixed up with the Shun army. It was difficult to tell the winner for a while.

He didn't know that this was entirely because he had lost his original intention after ascending the throne and proclaiming himself emperor.

"I have made careful arrangements in the rear, and the scouts have been placed three hundred miles away. If there is any trouble, we can detect it immediately."

Gong A was afraid of dying here, so he quickly led his army to escape.

The only places they could defend were some simple villages. But it happened to be on the plains, with no danger to defend.

The National Defense Force he encountered in Fengyang had more than 60,000 troops.

The situation on the battlefield worsened after three days.

If this is the case, Zuo Mengeng's strength is too terrifying.

He established a stable defense line in Huangpi and burned all the ships of the Shun Army in a battle on the shore of Wu Lake, completely eliminating Li Zicheng's idea of ​​wading across the river.

Li Zicheng himself couldn't explain why. Now his head was empty and he would never be able to return to his previous state.

"Tell all the ministries that at this point we can only fight to the death. We have two shoulders carrying one head, so what are we afraid of?"

Azig doesn’t see it that way.

But just when everyone was about to lose their support, no one expected that another group of Qing troops would appear behind Zhonghe Town by chance.

This was the only thing he could say to the generals, but it had no effect at all.

"Your Majesty, Duduo's flag has appeared in Huang'an, and General Liu Fangliang is in danger."

Although the terrain was not advantageous, the troops were not superior, and the combat effectiveness was at an absolute disadvantage. However, Liu Zongmin and Song Xiance fought hard to survive.

Facing the crisis, he finally felt helpless.

Now that both of them have become prisoners of the Qing army, doesn't that mean that Li Zicheng is powerless?

The capture of Liu Zongmin and Song Xiance was actually full of drama.

"No matter what, Li Zicheng must be completely eliminated within five days."

"Prince Yu, do you think...will Zuo Menggeng come and kill you from behind?"

After Kyouga burned the Shun army's ships at Wuhu, he originally planned to march eastward, capture Xinzhou, and establish a southern encirclement.

They established layers of defense lines on both sides of the river north of Zhonghe Town.

Although the National Defense Forces opposite Cangzhou are looming, their strength will definitely not be less than 100,000.

There was no joy on Azig's face.

According to the intelligence obtained by the Manchus, there are four main field divisions in North Korea, as well as several security divisions, with a strength of at least more than 300,000.

However, I heard that the National Defense Forces were still conquering cities and territories south of the Yangtze River. They were advancing rapidly, so they must have invested a lot of troops.

"Your Majesty, Jiazhou is lost. Wu Sangui is advancing on both land and water, going down the river. We can't stop him!"

"After I led my army to catch up to Hanyang, I saw Zuo Menggeng's warship with my own eyes. It was a monster on the water, far from being invincible by manpower. It is extremely difficult for us to cross this big river in the south!"

"The only flaw is in the capital. Now that most of the soldiers and horses have been brought out by us, there are quite some shortcomings in the capital."

Even though he had only been emperor for a few months, after enjoying enough, he had forgotten the original taste of hard work.

Dodo has thought about this issue for a long time.

"Zuo Menggeng's side has taken the lead in occupying Fengyang, and I'm afraid we won't be able to hold it back any longer. We must deal with Li Zicheng as soon as possible, otherwise I will always feel terrified."

"The regent has been prepared for a long time. He has established seven lines of defense between the capital and Cangzhou, which can delay enough time. If Zuo Menggen launches from there, we only need to outflank him from behind, and we may be able to succeed in one battle."

How many troops does Zuo Menggen have in his hands?

"Now is not the time to consider crossing the river and conquering the south of the Yangtze River. Everything will stop until Zuo Menggeng is solved."

However, on the banks of the Daoshui River, Gong'a was ambushed by Li Jin and was beaten to the point of confusion.

Although Azig opened his eyes, his eyes were unfocused, and it was obvious that his mind was wandering.

Duduo is much more realistic.

Hearing that he was so cautious, Azig breathed a sigh of relief.

"Two princes, our army has just invaded Li Zicheng's old camp and captured Liu Zongmin, Song Xiance and others."

Azig is even more steady and steady in the west, neither arrogant nor impetuous.

As a result, he lost track of direction while escaping and ended up running behind Zhonghe Town.

Duduo felt a chill and shook his head.

Liu Zongmin and Song Xiance had already tried their best to deal with Dulei, but suddenly the Qing army appeared behind them, and the situation was irreversible.

The Shun Army collapsed completely, and no matter how hard Liu Zongmin and Song Xiance tried, they could not reintegrate.

Du Lei and Gong'a were not polite and immediately led their troops to kill them.

During the fierce hand-to-hand combat, Liu Zongmin was hit by an arrow in each leg, fell to the ground, and became a prisoner.

Song Xiance, a scholar, had no integrity. He was greedy for life and fearful of death, so he simply knelt down and surrendered.

This chapter has been completed!
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