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Chapter 1443 Yanmen Battle

Chapter 1443 The Battle of Yanmen

On September 15, Xu Tiancheng commanded the 36th Regiment to rush to the north of Dai County and established contact with the 35th Regiment.

At this point, the two regiments merged into one, and a complete defense line was established starting from Guanyin Temple and reaching Daixian County.

On the second day, Xin Junle led the 37th regiment to bypass the Hutuo River south and secure the flank of the army.

On the third day, Yu Lichun led the main force and Duduo's army arrived outside Dai County at the same time.

The war is about to break out.

Zhang Yong, Zhao Liangdong, and Wang Jinbao, who were guarding Dai County, hurried out and waited anxiously for the generals of the National Defense Force to receive them.

Changing camps continuously, they don't know what fate awaits them.

Unexpectedly, just as the generals of the Ninth Division were about to arrive, another large army was approaching from the distance in the east.

This is a huge fleet.

Each carriage was piled with supplies, enough for the Ninth Division to fight a protracted battle.

If you attack rashly, once the formation is messed up, it is very likely that the Qing army will complete the outflanking and division.

Now that I have surrendered, there is no room for regret. I can only obey the orders honestly, otherwise I may even lose my life.

Yu Lichun introduced the three of them.

"I have led soldiers and fought in battles all my life, but I have no other skills. I still want to join the army in the future."

Tunqi knew that this battle was the key to whether they could escape and ascend to heaven, so they had no objections.

Yu Lichun was very conservative and did not set up an offensive formation.

However, when Yu Lichun and others saw the people coming with the army, they were all excited and rushed forward to greet them, leaving Zhang Yong and the others hanging at the foot of the city.

But the situation is already like this, what difference does it make if we say it or not?

Anyway, if they don't defeat the Ninth Division in front of them, they will have no way out.

Prince Shuo of Chengze County came out of the formation.

Just because he knew that Duduo's military strength was more than three times his. In addition, the plains in this area were wide, and there were many places that could be detoured.

"Tunqi, I will hand over all the Manchu and Mongolian cavalry to you. After the left wing and center troops disrupt the enemy's formation, your troops are only allowed to attack forward and never retreat. Remember, you are not allowed to retreat even if you are all dead.


Both sides agreed to place the battlefield on the plain near the Guandi Temple to the west of Dai County.

"What are the three generals' plans for the future? Do they want to continue to serve in the army or as civil servants?"

Regardless of the generals of the National Defense Force, they are all young, but they are by no means young and energetic. When it is time to be safe, they are more stable than the old man.

The Ninth Division and Duduo arrived on the battlefield almost at the same time.

"Nikan, you have fought with the enemy and are familiar with the situation on the other side, so you can take command of the rear army. If the battlefield changes, you can join at any time."

Zhang Yong and the other three were all startled. They did not expect that it was the county prince who was in front of them.

How to direct the battle is Yu Lichun's business.

Anyway, our side has an absolute advantage in firepower, so just defend our position and use the advantage of weapons to attack the enemy.

Zuo Mengeng already knew that these three people were rare talents, so he asked Zhang Yan to handle them properly.

"It is really gratifying that the three generals have assessed the situation and corrected their evil ways. On behalf of His Majesty, I wholeheartedly welcome the three generals to join the empire's camp."

Although the prince often saw it when he was following the Manchus. However, the Donglu barbarians did not know etiquette and conferred titles indiscriminately. How could they be accurate?

On the contrary, among the Han people's political power, the prince was definitely at the top of the list of ministers.

Rather than seeking a rout, defeating Duduo could only take a few days, when the Qing army was out of food and fodder and the Sixth Division came up from behind, then it would be a natural victory.

"Our National Defense Forces not only want to unify the world, but also expand our territory and eliminate all threatening foreign enemies. There will be many opportunities to make meritorious deeds in the future. If the three of you continue to join the army, you can go to the military academy to study. After you get out, I will give you a proper treatment.


The empire was very tolerant of these generals who rebelled against the enemy.

"This is the Logistics Minister of our Imperial Defense Force, Prince Wucheng, and General Zhang Yan."

Zhang Yan smiled and didn't care about the words.

"Just as the war is about to begin, the three of you can follow the Ninth Division to observe the battle. At least you will have some understanding of the rules of our National Defense Forces and be targeted."

For the sake of strategic goals, and for the other to escape, they must not give in to each other, and a war breaks out with Mars hitting the earth.

Zhang Yan seemed to have anticipated their thoughts.

The visitor was in his forties, surrounded by a group of generals, and had a very powerful aura.

Zhang Yan knew that the three of them were dissatisfied and decided to educate them with practical examples.

"The three guilty ministers were ignorant, ignorant of righteousness, and just wanted to survive, so they took the wrong path. Thanks to your majesty for not giving up and the empire's tolerance, we are where we are today. Only by remembering the five inner feelings, we will swear to die for your majesty and the empire from now on.

To die."

The three of them looked at each other, and Zhang Yong still took the lead.

He only fought against the 35th Regiment, which was only light infantry. Now that a whole division of the National Defense Force has been arranged, I'm afraid the fighting style will be different.

I heard that instead of directly assigning positions, they would have to go to some school to study. Zhang Yong and the others looked a little unhappy.

On the National Defense Forces side, although Zhang Yan arrived, he did not interfere with the command. Accompanied by several generals, he only stood on the top of the city of Dai County and used binoculars to observe the battlefield situation.

Fortunately, after a while, Yu Lichun and others accompanied the man over.

"Our National Defense Force is different from other armies. It has always followed a standardized and scientific path. Every officer here must undergo the most complete military studies before he can be competent. Without a military school education, he cannot serve as an officer.


Nikan accepted the order and wanted to say something, but held back.

The empire doesn't believe this.

Zhang Yong and the three of them felt that this arrangement was very good and they could actually see if they had been deceived by Zhang Yan, so they happily agreed.

Xu Tiancheng saw it in his eyes and explained it to them.

"Bolo, you lead your headquarters to guard the front line of the Hutuo River and don't let the Chinese army from the south come over. Baiyintu, you lead your headquarters to the left wing, attack along the foot of the mountain, and try to occupy as high a place as possible. Shuosei, you are the central army, and we

I’ll give you fifteen thousand troops and horses, and all the Bagalas. Can you break through the enemy’s center?”

Zhang Yong and the others did not understand the rank of the National Defense Force, but they also knew that this person was very good.

"If you don't break the enemy's formation, you will never come back until you die."

A trace of sadness flashed in Dodo's eyes, and then he covered it up.

Zhang Yong and the other three were suddenly stunned. Regardless of whether they believed it or not, they quickly nodded and agreed.

But facing the turtle formation at the beginning of spring, Duduo was really disappointed.

I saw that the entire river valley was blocked by the National Defense Forces from south to north with barbed wire fences, leaving no room left.

If the Qing army wanted to attack, they must first find a way to break through the layers of barbed wire.

Even though the Qing army had encountered this kind of thing in the Korean battlefield and had produced iron pliers, it was still nerve-wracking to break through the barbed wire fence under the hail of bullets from the National Defense Forces.

(End of chapter)

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