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Chapter 1450

Chapter 1450 Pockets closed

Wu Sangui misunderstood Azige.

Azig didn't eat everything and nothing was left for him.

The situation Azig encountered was actually not much better than him.

When Azig arrived at Yanchang County, most of the people here had already fled.

Although no Liang army came to disperse them deliberately, the news of the Qing army's arrival still frightened the people here.

They hastily packed up their belongings and ran to hide in the nearby mountains, watching helplessly as the Qing army marched into Yanchang County.

When he entered the county town, he found that there was no one around, and Azige felt very calm.

He was used to this journey north.

"Tear everything down here, collect the wood, and send it to the river."

The Qing army's scouts had already reached the bank of the Yellow River, and the news they conveyed back was very bad.

How much combat effectiveness does such an army have?

The mood of autumn is stronger and the autumn rain is continuous.

His decision did not encounter much opposition.

"The entire army has less than enough food and grass left for a day. If we don't cross the river at this time, are we going to let the entire army starve to death?"

But Azig gritted his teeth and had to choose a more ruthless approach.

The people Azig brought with him were basically Manchu and Mongolian troops. He had no feelings for the Han army in the first place.

Wu Sangui and his soldiers and horses were soaked in the cold autumn rain. The heat in their bodies was losing rapidly and they could not get any replenishment.

The Qing army could neither find an old boatman nor know how to build a sheepskin raft.

"My lord, do you really want to cross the river? Why don't you turn back and defeat Liang Yue seems more certain."

Smoke continued to rise and dust flew indiscriminately, making it difficult to open one's eyes.

It's not that you can't cross the river, but you have to be an old boatman for many years to do it, and you have to use a special sheepskin raft to cross the river.

As a result, the Qing soldiers fearfully pushed crude boats into the river one after another. Each boat was loaded with more than ten soldiers, and they rushed towards the middle of the river resignedly.

"Why are you still standing there? Keep crossing the river. No matter how many people die, we will still cross the river this time."

The largest palace in the feudal prince's palace is Chengyunden, which has basically the same functions.

Niksai was very tired, and all his armor was in tatters. He was also shot in the left arm, which was only hastily bandaged. In the end, it was of no use, and the blood was still flowing.

As a result, when Wu Sangui arrived, he saw ruins all over the ground. Not only was there no food, there were no houses that could provide shelter from wind and rain.

The strong Taiyuan City, coupled with the elite Eight Banners in hand, faced the Sixth Division and only resisted for two days.

Suk Saha is somewhat kind-hearted, and he can also think of Wu Sangui and Shi Tingzhu after the break.

In fact, Azig did not burn, kill, loot, or exterminate all the people in Yanchang County. He just demolished the buildings in the county and sent the dismantled wood to the Yellow River to build boats.

But he didn't know that this section of the Yellow River was located in the Qin-Jin Grand Canyon. Because of the huge difference in terrain, the river was extremely turbulent.

Tens of thousands of Qing troops finally regained their strength and were about to enter the battlefield in Shanxi.

Although Obai was a rare warrior, his scalp was still numb in front of the roaring river.

Azig forced them, and they forced the soldiers below.

Some unlucky boats hit the rocks in the river, and the wood suddenly shattered. The poor Qing soldiers fell into the surging river, and they were swept away without even a chance to shout for help.


But there was no turning back when he opened his bow. Azig had already come this far and knew that he could only keep moving forward.

The whole army was chilled to the bone and feared the river as much as a tiger.

Niksai still had less than a thousand troops on hand, so he could only defend the Chengyun Palace.

Unfortunately, none of the people on the boat can row, let alone know the water properties of the Yellow River.

Azig was furious.

Azig waved his riding crop and kept roaring, urging the following people to follow him quickly.

Azig went on a killing spree in Daning and finally grabbed enough supplies.

The people under his hands couldn't run away either.

Under his desperate persistence, tens of thousands of Qing troops had to bite the bullet and fight against the power of the Yellow River.

It took three days for all the Qing troops to finally cross the river.

Azig immediately marched his army towards Daning.

As soon as the boat rushed into the river, it was immediately pushed downstream by the fast water.

At the same time, Prince Jin's Mansion in Taiyuan City became the final battlefield for the entire Taiyuan offensive and defensive station.

If we turn back to Yan'an and go north to Yulin, the entire army will starve to death.

"Soldiers are expensive and fast, and Prince Yu's side is even more important. As long as we win this battle with a double attack, King Pingxi will be safe. Otherwise, we will all die together."

Although Chengyun Hall is the tallest and most majestic palace in the Jin Dynasty, it is almost ineffective when used as a defensive fortification.

Even though he got angry, Azig couldn't hear him.

He is a pure landlubber and really doesn't want to go into the water.

As expected, the east bank of the Yellow River was not greatly affected. The place here was peaceful and unprepared for the Qing army that rushed in like a hungry tiger.

If he could allow Duduo to escape because of his blocking, he would be satisfied.

"Haha, it is a blessing from heaven. No matter how big this palace is, what will happen? What kind of heaven is it for? What kind of luck is it for?"

He could only fight to the death with the charging Liang Yue on the ruins.

Just to cross the river, the Qing army lost nearly ten thousand people. There was no telling how many horses and weapons were lost.

Several explosions sounded in succession, and the walls around Chengyun Hall were blown up one by one.

The ships on the banks of the Yellow River have been built, but the Qing army looked down and down at the roaring Yellow River, and they were all frightened.

Nyksei knew that when the smoke and dust dissipated, it would be time for the Wehrmacht to attack.

Azigman thought that as long as he rushed eastward to the Yellow River and then crossed the river into Shanxi, everything would be fine.

All the generals were scolded by him so much that they had no choice but to put away their fear.

"I don't know how the battle is going on Prince Yu's side? Did they break out of Yanmen Pass?"

Afterwards, the soldiers and horses were counted, and the Qing generals almost cried on the spot.

He knew his end had come.

"Your Majesty, would you like to wait for Prince Pingxi?"

According to the etiquette of the Ming Dynasty, the largest palace in the Forbidden City was called Fengtian Hall, where the emperor handled government affairs.

He knew that he would not be able to return to Liaodong.

Just a little bit unwilling.

This is how the so-called emperor who serves heaven comes to be.

In order to survive, many soldiers even took off their armor and threw away their weapons. When they came ashore, they were as smooth as a drowned rat.

But now the Chengyun Palace has not brought any good luck to Nyexei.

The dust and smoke finally dissipated, and the figures of the National Defense Forces soldiers appeared one after another among the ruins.

They moved very carefully, trying to hide their bodies as much as possible, and had shields to provide cover at all times. Only the muzzles of their guns were always pointed at any place that might be dangerous.

Nyxey grasped the knife in his hand tightly, preparing to face his last moment.

(End of chapter)

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