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Chapter 1456 Who will rule the roost under the blade?

Chapter 1456 Who rules the roost under the blade?

Seeing Mandarhan taking action in anger, Obai flashed a treacherous smile.

He secretly called Nuomin and Saibi to Niulu Zhangjing, left the large army, and headed for a higher mountain to find a way.

Through the battle just now, Obai has discovered that the defense of the National Defense Force is very layered and tough enough.

If we really only attack from the front, no matter how many people we add, it may not be effective.

The biggest disadvantage of the 13th Regiment is the small number of people.

Then we need to find new roads, appear in places where the 13th Regiment cannot take care of, and complete flank attacks in order to break through the defense line.

Neither Geng Jiaxiu nor Mandarhan knew that this rough guy, Obai, had actually started a scheme.

The two of them had already fought fiercely together.

Mandarhan was so angry that he completely lost his mind. He just led his soldiers to rush and fight, not even caring about basic protection.

Anyway, the existing armors and shields in the hands of the Qing army cannot protect against the muskets of the National Defense Forces, so it is better to speed up the charge and mix them together as soon as possible.

The pressure on Geng Jiaxiu's side doubled, and he could only devote all his strength to defense.

Gunshots rang out loudly on the mountain road, and bows and arrows rained like rain. Both sides tried their best to kill and injure each other in every possible way.

In the frontal battlefield in the valley, Gu Zhiqi approached Ye Chen.

In fact, the clothes of this famous Manchu general were so showy that it was difficult to recognize him.

Seeing Ye Chen swinging his broadsword, causing many soldiers to die and get injured, Gu Zhiqi became furious, drew his single sword and faced him.

The forging techniques of the National Defense Force's single sword and the Ming Dynasty's single sword are exactly the same, but there are slight differences in specifications.

The single sword made in the Ming Dynasty is actually the kind of sword used by Mr. Very Run and Jiaqian layman in "Xiuchun Dao".

Because unlike the short sword, which can attack and defend with one sword and one shield, it can only hold one sword with both hands, so it is called a single sword or a long sword.

On the cold weapon battlefield, this style of single sword is quite lethal and suitable for chopping. However, in the National Defense Forces, the single sword is mainly used as an officer's knife.

If you keep the original specifications, it will be too long.

The shortened single sword is more lightweight and flexible. At the same time, because it is forged from fine steel, its quality and sharpness are far superior to swords of the same era, and it can also be used on the battlefield.

There is a misunderstanding here that has different meanings from ancient to modern times.

Many people say that the knife used by Jiaqian laymen was Miao Dao, but in fact, the Miao Dao as it was called in later generations only appeared in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China.

The Miao Dao in the Ming Dynasty refers to the war knife used by the Miao people.

The Miao war sword is more similar to the Han sword, and there is a ring at the end of the handle.

The single sword of the Ming Dynasty originated from Qi Jiguang's battle to exterminate the Japanese pirates.

After capturing the Japanese sword from the Japanese pirates, he found that the weapon was very useful, so Qi Jiguang organized blacksmiths to imitate it.

However, this kind of imitation single sword, except that its appearance is somewhat similar to the Japanese Tachi, is completely different from the Japanese Tachi in terms of its forging process and accessories specifications.

Later, after the war in the late Ming Dynasty, a large number of Ming troops surrendered to the Manchus and were organized into the Green Battalion. This single sword became the standard equipment of the Green Battalion.

It evolved to the late Qing Dynasty, and the specifications gradually became unified, and it became the well-known Miao Dao.

Ye Chen was fighting bravely when he suddenly felt a sense of danger. Before he could turn around, he swung the knife in his hand towards it.

There was a loud bang, the weapons collided, and Gu Zhiqi took three steps back.

His single sword is far less heavy than Ye Chen's broadsword, so it cannot withstand the huge power.

But Ye Chen didn't get any benefits either.

I saw a big gash on the blade of my sword, and even spider web-like cracks spread, making the sword unusable.

Gu Zhiqi swung his sword and struck again.

Ye Chen did not dare to confront him head-on, so he simply used the weight of the broadsword to swing it like an iron rod.

The sword was longer, making it difficult for Gu Zhiqi to get close.

He simply adopted a wandering approach, moving quickly back and forth around the perimeter.

Ye Chen danced with the sword for a long time, and suddenly felt something was wrong. If he continued to fight like this, his strength would be exhausted sooner or later.

He noticed that Gu Zhiqi tripped over a corpse when he was moving and his body was unstable. He immediately threw the big knife and at the same time took out the knife from his waist and held it against his body.

Little did he know that this was actually a flaw that Gu Zhiqi deliberately used.

Seeing the big knife hit his head, Gu Zhiqi reversed the scabbard and slashed it sideways, knocking the big knife sideways. Almost at the same time, he threw something at Ye Chen's face.

Ye Chen was startled and quickly raised his arm to cover it, only to find that it was just a glove.

But after such a delay, Gu Zhiqi rounded his knife and chopped it off.

Ye Chen had no choice but to retreat and avoid, so he could only block with his own sword.

There was a crisp sound, and even though his sword was well-forged, it was still broken by Gu Zhiqi.

Not only that, the arm armor of Ye Chen's left arm was also completely cut off.

A layer of flesh and blood was removed from the outside of the upper arm all the way to the forearm.

Ye Chen screamed "Ah" and quickly retreated.

His soldiers swarmed up and blocked the way in layers.

With a sword in his hand, Gu Zhiqi moved forward and backward as fast as lightning. Each sword hit the target, and even more than a dozen elite soldiers could not resist it.

While Ye Chen was being escorted and fled back, he stared blankly at Gu Zhiqi's killing spree.

In his eyes, Gu Zhiqi's fighting movements were full of a regular beauty. It seemed as if every move was carefully calculated, and it seemed that it was just the way it should be.

Compared with Gu Zhiqi, his fighting skills are too rough.

Seeing that their general was repulsed and seriously injured, the Qing cavalry became panic-stricken and retreated one after another.

The 13th Regiment maintained its defense line with great difficulty.

Gu Zhiqi calmed his breathing while looking at the mountains on both sides with concern.

I don’t know what the situation is like on Geng Jiaxiu’s side?

Geng Jiaxiu could not feel his concern, and the situation was not too bad. Although Mandarhan rushed in, the soldiers could still withstand it.

However, danger appeared in the mountains behind.

The Dragon Temple, ten miles behind Shikou, was in a state of chaos.

The field hospital was established here.

The wounded from the front lines were continuously brought in and placed everywhere.

Doctors and nurses tried their best to carry out rescue operations, but they always felt that the speed was too slow.

There are many people here helping.

These are all locals.

During the process of unification, the empire came up with a local governance method that had the best of both worlds.

Since it has entered late autumn and the land cannot be cultivated, the people in Gyeonggi and Shanxi will soon face a brutal cold winter, so the central government decided to provide work relief.

Originally, transporting materials to the front line required a large number of laborers, and these poor people could just do the job.

The local government pays wages and provides meals to these people, and the people work hard to help the army fight.

When the war is over, the people will be able to earn enough to survive, and at least they can survive this winter.

On the rugged mountain road, two people carried the wounded on the stretcher to and from the battlefield and the hospital under the guidance of the health workers.

No one noticed that several Qing soldiers emerged from the dense forest nearby.

(End of chapter)

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