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Chapter 1459

As time passed, Azig became more and more anxious.

Although he knew that it was not difficult to break through the defense line of thousands of people of the National Defense Force in front of him, the longer it was delayed, the more disadvantageous it would be to the Qing army.

He didn't believe that the National Defense Forces would only send so many people to stop the attack.

Subsequent reinforcements must be on the way.

We must speed up the progress and break through the stone mouth as soon as possible.

"Konga, lead your people up."

Although the battlefield in front was already full of people, Azig still decided to continue to send troops.

Even if the Qing army was densely packed and covered the entire mountain, he didn't care about anything as long as he could win.

Just when Gong'a took the order and was about to attack, the Qing army in front suddenly retreated like a tide.

The whole scene was in chaos, as if it had suffered a big defeat.

"What happened?"

Azig was shocked. He stood on the horse and looked forward, but he couldn't see anything.

The messengers arrived quickly, their faces full of panic, as if they had seen a ghost.

"Your Majesty, Batulu died in battle."

Azig was dizzy and fell off his horse on the spot.

Fortunately, the person next to me had quick eyesight and quick hands, and quickly helped me.

But everyone looked extremely panicked, as if they were experiencing the end of the world.

Did even Obai die in the battle?

That was the first warrior of the Qing Dynasty!

Such a brave man, who has always been regarded as a god of war by the Qing army, would he be ruined here?

Yes, Obai really cannot die anymore.

When Wang Dachuan fired five grenades and pounced on him, no matter how powerful he was in martial arts, there was no way he could survive.

The Wang brothers used their unparalleled spirit of sacrifice to replace the most powerful general of the Qing army.

Obai was blown to pieces on the spot, and even his body could not be pieced together.

He was full of regrets before he died.

When he returned to the battlefield, his biggest wish was to seek revenge from Wang Siyi and prove that he was the best general in the world.

The rest of the National Defense Force was not taken seriously by him.

Especially the second-line troops in front of him were not worthy of him taking action personally.

Then these new recruits, whom he looked down upon, used their fearless spirit of sacrifice to eliminate him.

Seeing Obai being killed in the bombing with their own eyes, all the Qing troops lost their courage and fled one after another.

When the National Defense Forces on the mountainous position got a breather, they immediately reinforced the friendly forces at their feet from above.

Ye Chen couldn't bear such a three-dimensional blow and had to retreat.

The Qing army's offensive was halted, but Azig became furious.

"Why are you still standing there? Continue the attack! This time, I will personally lead the team!"

Others were shocked and tried to dissuade them.

"As the commander-in-chief of the entire army, how can you be involved in danger?"

"Your Majesty, please be patient and don't be impatient. The general will surely succeed immediately. He is not the only brave warrior in our Qing Dynasty."

Gong'a stopped Azig, not giving him a chance to get confused, and personally led four Niulu to rush to the top of the mountain again.

Ye Chen did not dare to rest, so he hastily organized his cavalry formation and launched another charge.

On the battlefield across the valley, Gu Zhiqi could no longer stand up.

He was stabbed in the stomach. Although his intestines did not flow out, blood dripped from his body, quickly taking away his energy.

He could only sit leaning against a stone, holding the knife tightly in his hand.

Seeing the Qing cavalry coming up again, he shouted at the top of his voice.

"Is there anyone alive? Is there anyone alive? Those who are still alive, prepare to fight!"

"Sir, I'm still alive and I can still fight."

The soldier with a broken leg struggled to use his gun to lift himself up and move forward.

"As long as I have breath, I will never let the Tatars pass!"

The blind soldier was also groping forward. Even if he could take a step forward, it would be good to block it for his comrades.

Gu Zhiqi looked and looked and found that there were only twenty-three soldiers left alive, and all of them were injured and moving slowly.

The Qing army on the opposite side might be able to wipe them all out with just one charge.

But so what?

It is truly the greatest honor for a soldier to die on the battlefield and to be wrapped in horse leather.

Gu Zhiqi took a long breath, stood up with all his strength, and formed a row with his comrades.

The shadows of the Qing cavalry on the opposite side became clearer and closer, and the shaking of the earth seemed to be able to knock people over.

However, their thin human wall is stronger than the Great Wall.

Sharp roars suddenly filled the sky, and fireworks suddenly shot up from the charging Qing cavalry formation. The tragic explosion caused the Qing cavalry formation to be in chaos, and the Qing cavalry suddenly lost the momentum of the charge.

Gu Zhiqi turned around in shock.

I saw red flags waving from behind, shouting to kill Zhentian, and familiar faces coming quickly.

Running at the front was none other than his old partner Zhang Sanming.


It’s finally here!

Gu Zhiqi relaxed all over, raised his head and fell down.

Zhang Sanming had already rushed forward and hugged him.

"Lao Gu, Lao Gu, how are you?"

Gu Zhiqi was drowsy.

"Damn, you're finally here. I almost went to swore sworn vows to the King of Hell."

Hearing that he still had the energy to joke, Zhang Sanming burst into tears and laughed.

"You are so fucking disgusting to humans that even the King of Hell will not spare you even when you get to the underworld."

He shouted to the back again: "Hygienist, where is the hygienist? Send the injured brother down."

Gu Zhiqi held his hand tightly.

"We must guard this place and never let Azig pass."

Zhang Sanming gritted his teeth.

"Our brother's death cannot be in vain, I will chew him Azig to pieces."

On the mountaintops on both sides, Qing troops also rushed forward.

Geng Jiaxiu's situation is even worse than Gu Zhiqi's.

His left arm was completely broken, and his body had been rolling in the mud for who knows how long, and the blood vessels were sealed.

Seeing the Qing army rushing up, he didn't even have the strength to shout. He could only pick up his sword and decided to fight to the end.

A Qing soldier was extremely happy to see him crumbling, and stabbed him with a spear and howling.

Geng Jiaxiu knew that he couldn't avoid it, so he simply wanted to wait for the Qing soldier to stab him in the body, and then use the knife in his hand to exchange with the opponent.

His knife was already raised, but other things were faster.

A stone the size of a fist fell from above and hit the Qing soldier on the head. The man screamed "Ah" and fell heavily to the ground, fainting on the spot.

Geng Jiaxiu didn't know why. He looked up and burst into tears.

Countless people were seen running up at some point. Although they had no weapons in their hands, they picked up stones and threw them at the Qing army desperately.

For a time, rocks were raining down like rain, and the Qing army was hit hard and retreated step by step, unable to stand at all.

Xu Zhuangzi picked up a stone as big as his head, raised it high, and threw it towards a Qing soldier.

Watching the Qing soldier's body being smashed and falling backward, I couldn't help but feel very good.

"Folks, fight these beasts!"

This chapter has been completed!
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