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Chapter 1475 A place full of gold

Chapter 1475 A place full of gold

Following Zuo Mengeng, Fu Xinyuan has experienced massive wealth.

Although these wealth are all presented in digital form, they are enough to broaden his horizons.

Even so, he was still shocked when he heard that there was a place full of gold.

So the new governor of Alaska Province, after traveling thousands of miles to take office, immediately set off southward before his butt was still hot.

When General Wu heard about this, he immediately realized that it was of great importance and personally led his fleet to go together.

General Wu will come to the New World this time. In addition to transporting supplies, he will also stay here permanently.

The empire's expansion and exploration in the New World continued southward, and finally began to come into direct conflict with the Spanish colonists.

Realizing the deterioration of the situation, the Northern Military Region decided after research that a squadron of the North Sea Fleet, led by General Wu, would be stationed in the New World for a long time from now on to cooperate with the development operations.

Even though it is just a squadron, General Wu has seven third-level battleships, ten fourth-level battleships, and more than thirty other auxiliary ships under his command.

The land around the bay is full of greenery, which is a joy to see.

For the Chinese people, a place that can be cultivated all year round is a holy land on earth.

It is not impossible to compete with the Viceroyalty of New Spain in Spain.

Such a huge maritime force is enough to ensure the safety of the sea in Alaska.

While talking, Zhang Qi also pulled a small bowl. The light in the small bowl was dazzling, and it was filled with gold sand.

"Uncle Qi, I heard that gold was found here?"

After joining Li Qingshan and others, he followed Zuo Gui to deal with Jianghu affairs.

Why did Zuo Mengeng bypass so many important ministers and send Fu Xinyuan to distant Alaska to serve as provincial governor?

"Don't worry, I will dispatch elite troops and strong generals next, and I will not delay your military's actions."

Most of the people present here are from Shandong, and they are deeply impressed by the damage caused by the Tatars. Everyone is happy to hear that there is hope for the recovery of Liaodong.

He suddenly figured it out.

At the southern end of the deep bay, everyone came ashore.

In the distant New World, military and political affairs must cooperate closely.

"Is there any difficulty in panning for gold?"

As an explorer, you are dealing with danger all the time, which is something an honest person cannot do.

The place is already very lively. If you look at the various buildings scattered across the place, all you can see are Han people running back and forth.

But as soon as he arrived at the place, Fu Xinyuan keenly sensed something was wrong.

After receiving the assurance from the political circles, General Wu finally breathed a sigh of relief and was confident in his next actions.

Fu Xinyuan listened carefully.

"Everything is going well in the country. Now the unification war has begun, and the Manchu Qing Dynasty has been defeated by us. It is estimated that it won't take long for Liaodong to be recovered."

Zhang Qi, however, preferred a life of wandering in the world, so he formed an expedition team of his own and went to explore the North American continent.

The next question is not what to do in the face of the Spanish threat, but whether Spain can defend its territory in the New World.

Zhang Qi knew why he came and didn't hide it.

"They all like to live a peaceful life, but I am impatient. I heard that there are all new things here, so I ran over here."

Li Qingshan is now making a boom in the aquatic products business in Dongping Lake, Weishan Lake and other places, and is now a wealthy man with peace of mind.

"If that place is really full of gold, it will probably be able to gather a large number of people without any effort from the government."

Fu Xinyuan finally got the accurate news and was really happy.

General Wu also had the same view on this.

"Oh, Uncle Zhang Qi, I haven't heard from you for a long time. It turns out you came here."

It was obvious that winter was coming, but the place where they were was as warm as spring and the climate was very pleasant.

Going south from Xinhua City, the sea road was long and it took seven days before the group finally arrived at the bay.

"The expedition team clashed with the Spaniards there many times, with victories and defeats, but finally gained a firm foothold. This time our military went there to expel the Spaniards. I estimate that within three to five months at most, the Spanish

People will definitely invade in a big way. As long as we win, the entire west coast will be in our hands."

"Why is it so warm here?"

General Wu led Fu Xinyuan all the way to the core area, and soon met an acquaintance.

An old man clicked his pipe and pot, and was not flattered by Fu Xinyuan's greetings.

Including the expedition team that dares to come to the New World, which one is not fierce in combat?

In addition, the Northern Military Region has successively dispatched two additional security divisions to the New World for more than a year, bringing the armed forces here to 35,000 people.

"Oh my God, this is great. I can live peacefully from now on."

"Just follow this river and you can find gold anytime and anywhere."

"The Tatars must be exterminated and killed to cause harm to others."

The huge fleet set off from Xinhua City and headed south, while General Wu briefed Fu Xinyuan on the situation.

As the person closest to Zuo Menggeng, Fu Xinyuan has been exposed to it all these years and must have fully understood Zuo Menggeng's pioneering and enterprising spirit.

"How is your Majesty?"

Hearing this, Fu Xinyuan became more determined to take this place as his own.

"The climate here is a little weird. It's not hot in summer and not cold in winter. On the contrary, you can plant it all year round. It's really a holy land on earth."

Zhang Qi, one of the former Shandong green forest bandits.

If a war really breaks out, the province of Alaska alone can mobilize more than 50,000 troops.

"The location discovered by the expedition team is within an excellent harbor. The harbor is surrounded by mountains and has sufficient water depth, making it a natural harbor. The North Sea Fleet plans to build a new base there as a supply point to continue southward. According to the expedition

The team reported that after entering the harbor, there are freshwater rivers with abundant water and a large number of wetlands, making it a very good settlement. I suggest that you increase investment there, which can also help our military's progress."

And without exception, everyone here is carrying weapons and has unruly eyes.

Only such people will fully support the military and development.

He didn't take the former emperor's chief secretary and the current provincial government seriously, he just thought that the old man's status was extraordinary.

As the understanding of Spain became more and more complete, the Central Committee simply did not believe that Spain could muster enough power to compete in the New World.

However, the empire's rule is becoming more and more stable, and other political methods are becoming more and more perfect, and these old people like them are of little use.

Zhang Qi pointed to the mist-shrouded valley in the distance and said: "The natives there are not very friendly. They come out every now and then to cause trouble. Because of the strict order, they don't dare to really hurt anyone, which is quite a headache."

General Wu hurriedly said: "Leave the problem of the indigenous people to us, and we will ensure a smooth solution."

When they heard that the military was about to take action, all the explorers beamed.

They decided to set off for the upper reaches of the river immediately. As long as they could find more gold, they would be rich.

(End of chapter)

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