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Chapter 1520 New Battle Plan

Chapter 1520 New Operation Plan

Zuo Mengeng set out from Yanjing, accompanied by Hou Xun.

An emperor, a prime minister, and a huge procession headed northwest.

Went through Huailai, Xuanfu, Wanquan Youwei into Shanxi, and followed the Great Wall all the way to Datong.

Although the journey was very tiring, it was also very safe.

The emperor of the Ming Dynasty did not dare to do this.

The only one who does this is the Titled Fortress Sect.

This is the strength of the empire.

The Mongolian tribes outside the Great Wall have long been swept away by the Second Cavalry Division, and now they are all prisoners.

Who among the nomads is unconvinced? Go south!

First, the Central Strategic Cluster, Liaodong Strategic Cluster, and Northern Strategic Cluster were canceled and merged into the new Northern Strategic Cluster.

In addition, there were a large number of generals standing aside, looking at Zuo Mengeng nervously and curiously.

The initial strategic goal is to sweep across Mongolia in southern Mongolia, wait for an opportunity to cross the desert, and attack Khalkha Mongolia in northern Mobei.

Obviously, the new northern strategic cluster will focus on conquering the Mongolian grasslands and the severe cold areas in the north.

Wang Siyi is the commander-in-chief, Ning Weiping is the deputy commander-in-chief, Lou Fu is the military affairs officer, and Hui Shanhui is the chief of general staff.

In order to adapt to new combat needs, a front army was added under the cluster.

Tang Tong was worthy of being a good man. He said on the spot that he was too old and not good enough for the military, and begged Zuo Menggeng for proper placement.

What followed was the adaptation of the military system.

"It's really unbelievable that after the Forbidden City was opened to the public, money would be made every day, which really eased the national finances!"

Everyone knew that Zuo Menggeng was young, but they didn't expect that Zuo Menggeng was so tall and majestic, he was like the king in the world.

Officials actually underestimated the influence of the Forbidden City, thinking that opening it as a museum would be better than nothing.

I encouraged them hard and asked them to study hard in the military academy, and promised that they would be reused in the future.

To judge fairly, this is a service to the empire.

The reunion was a lively one, and Zuo Mengeng and Hou Xun were welcomed into the city.

For Zhang Yong, Zhao Liangdong, and Wang Jinbao, Zuo Mengeng thought very highly of them.

Sorry, they are all in panic on the grassland now. How can they still have the ideas and ability to go south?

Along the way, Zuo Menggeng also took a good look at the Great Wall of this era.

If he surrenders his identity to Liang Yue, he will only die.

"Now that the Manchu Qing Dynasty has been destroyed, the next war situation will expand to the outside world. The old establishment is no longer suitable for the situation, so taking this opportunity, the entire army must make substantial adjustments. You must also adapt quickly to your new positions.

.Don’t let yourself be embarrassed in the upcoming war.”

The first person is famous, Tang Tong, a slave with three surnames in the late Ming Dynasty.

No powerful force has been discovered in this direction so far. Only Zuo Menggeng knew that sooner or later they would collide with the Tsarist Russian colonists, so he deployed two regular divisions.

Outside Datong City, powerful troops gathered, and the scene was unprecedented.

"From now on, the Great Wall is no longer a line of defense. If its role is greatly reduced, it will not attract attention and may be abandoned. However, the Great Wall is the supreme effort of our Chinese nation and the witness of the Chinese nation, so it still needs to be properly protected.

"My opinion is to set up a Great Wall Protection Department with reference to the Forbidden City to develop the historical value and tourism value of the Great Wall while maintaining it."

His proposal was strongly approved by Hou Xun.

Second Front Army Commander-in-Chief Wei Yuanfeng, Deputy Commander-in-Chief Miao Niansheng, Military and Political Officer Hao Ruyang, Chief of Staff Mang Gurtai

It has jurisdiction over the 4th Division, 8th Division, and 14th Division.

Tang Tong's surrender saved a lot of trouble in northern Shaanxi and opened the northern gate of Shaanxi.

However, two regular divisions are more than enough to deal with the Cossacks.

Seeing Datong approaching, Zuo Mengeng was still chatting with Hou Xun about the Great Wall.

It has to be said that the Ming Dynasty relied on the Great Wall to protect the Central Plains, so it was very effective in the maintenance and construction of the Great Wall. Many areas were very complete, and they were far less likely to collapse in places like later generations.

The strength of the Third Front Army is slightly smaller because the goal is to develop the area north of the Xing'an Mountains.

Wang Siyi introduced the surrendered general to Zuo Menggeng.

When he followed Azige to conquer Shaanxi, he was left behind to guard Yulin.

I don’t even think about how much curiosity and admiration the people have for the place where the emperor lives.

After all, he is a figure proven in history and an absolute talent.

The initial strategic goal is to hold on to Liaodong, and then march towards Mobei Mongolia from the Xilamulun River and the upper reaches of Heilongjiang River, forming a pincer attack with the First Front Army.

Zhang Yong and the others finally put their hearts back in their stomachs and happily rushed to the military academy. From now on, they were also disciples of the emperor.

With the pacification of the Central Plains and the destruction of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties, the next strategic goals of the National Defense Forces have been deflected.

Therefore, Zuo Menggeng had a pleasant chat with Tang Tong, which really stabilized his confidence.

"This is General Tang Tong. He has surrendered to the empire."

As a result, when the Forbidden City was really opened to the public, the tickets alone sold for more than 5,000 yuan every day.

Commander-in-Chief of the Third Front Army Sun Yunliang, Deputy Commander-in-Chief Zha Shubing, Military and Political Officer Zhu Dingyan, and Chief of Staff Jiao Wenzhi.

At the very least, high-ranking officials and generous salaries will be indispensable from now on, and there won't be any big troubles.

Wang Siyi takes the lead, Ning Weiping, Hao Ruyang, Sun Yunliang, Guo Wei, Yu Lichun, Jian Zongan, etc. can be said to be a gathering of stars.

Zuo Mengeng followed the trend and followed the example of the three generals of North Korea and let Tang Tong go to the police system.

Later, the Qing army retreated, and Liang Yue became aggressive. Seeing that the Qing army's defeat was certain, Tang Tong thought about it and decisively chose to surrender to the National Defense Forces.

Perhaps only such a man can be worthy of Empress Wu.

Everyone in the National Defense Force looked down upon this person, but Zuo Mengeng didn't care.

The Thirteenth Division was the three security divisions in western Shanxi that eliminated Azig's command. Because of their outstanding military exploits, they were promoted to field troops.

It has jurisdiction over the 11th Division and the 12th Division.

This man was originally a general of the Ming Dynasty, but later surrendered to Li Zicheng at Juyongguan, and then surrendered to the Manchu Qing Dynasty after a stone's throw.

In the process of reunification, such walleyes are indispensable.

It is worth mentioning that the 13th and 14th Divisions are both newly reorganized field divisions.

The headquarters has already completed the planning.

First Front Army Commander-in-Chief Le Xinfeng, Deputy Commander-in-Chief Guo Wei, Military and Political Yu Lichun, and Chief of Staff Xie Qian.

One dime per ticket, what a concept!

Not counting other sales of cultural and creative products.

The First Front Army has the Second Division and the Thirteenth Division.

Nowadays, the National Palace Museum has become a popular place, with so many people trying to get in.

The division commander is Bao Guolun who was transferred from the Sixth Division, the deputy division commander is Gu Zhiqi, the military and political officer is Hei Yunlong, and the chief of staff is Che Liliang.

The 14th Division was formed by adding some new troops to the 34th and 35th Public Security Divisions and the Lushun Detachment that captured Shenyang.

The division commanders are former Fourth Division Chief of Staff Qi Jiaxuan, Deputy Division Commander Qiao Feng, Military and Political Officer Cui Xiaoyi, and Chief of Staff Qu Ercheng.

This adaptation immediately inspired everyone in the second-line troops and saw the opportunity for promotion.

(End of chapter)

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