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Chapter 1522 Southwest Strategy

Chapter 1522 Southwest Strategy

Zhang Xianzhong died in the same year as in his previous life.

And it's still related to Liu Jinzhong's rebellion.

The difference is that this time Liu Jinzhong did not surrender to the Qing army, but assassinated him brazenly, but Zhang Xianzhong still did not hide.

In his previous life, Zhang Xianzhong didn't know about the Qing army's entry into Sichuan, and he still took no precautions. He ran to the river with only a few troops to inspect, but was shot to death by Hauge on the other side with his shoulders exposed.

Really, who would go to the river without wearing a helmet?

However, once Zhang Xianzhong died, the Daxi Army fell into chaos.

Sun Kewang, Li Dingguo, Ai Nengqi and others had already been dirty and scheming. Now without Zhang Xianzhong's suppression, they immediately fell apart. They were eyeing each other with great intentions of merging.

There is no doubt that this is a good opportunity for the empire.

"Tell the Southern Strategic Group to reorganize and begin to penetrate into Sichuan and Sichuan. It would be best if we can defeat the enemy without fighting."

When the Northern Strategic Cluster and the Northwest Strategic Cluster are being adjusted, the Southern Strategic Cluster is naturally also included in the reorganization.

The structure is still based on the original Southern Strategic Cluster, but the Sixth Front Army and the Seventh Front Army are added underneath.

Among them, the Zheng family and the Mo family were neighbors, and they both coveted the Thang Long plain, so wars broke out frequently.

The reason is that the rise of the empire cannot be calculated according to common sense.

Among them, Zheng and Ruan were the mainstream and the most powerful. This was also the famous Zheng-Nuan conflict period in Annan history.

As for the Mo Dynasty in the north, it was in a corner and weak.

But what they didn't expect was that before the empire took action, Mo Chao from the south attacked first.

The Ming Dynasty's regime is destined to be uneasy.

Hou Xun was a little confused.

Hou Xun was a little worried.

Those old forces who are unwilling to be buried can only choose to run away and avoid it.

When the empire reached Jiangxi, they ran to Hunan; when the empire reached Hunan, they ran to Guangxi.

When the Ming Dynasty attacked Annan, it was not a big deal militarily. But then they faced endless rebellions and finally couldn't bear the disturbance, so they had to retreat.

The area where the empire was founded was an area with developed industry and commerce, so it was easy to gain support from emerging forces.

"Order the 1st Marine Division and the South China Sea Fleet to march to the Thang Long plain after recovering Hainan Island and raze it to the ground."

Since they can't defeat the Zheng family in the south, if they can occupy the Guangxi area, relying on the rich conditions here, the Mo Dynasty will definitely increase in strength.

Of course Hou Xun also has a strategic vision.

"Don't worry. I'm not a fool like Zhu Di. I have my own rules. Besides, our power at sea is so powerful, why do we have to endure the hardships of traveling across mountains and rivers on land?"

But Zuo Mengeng doesn't care what the Canming regime thinks.

Together with the 15th Division formed by the four security divisions already in the south, it is enough to strengthen the southern strategic cluster.

Annan today is in a state of separatism.

Finally, twenty years ago, the Zheng family won a great victory and completely occupied the Shenglong Mansion area. However, the Mo Dynasty could only stay in the desolate Gaoping area and had to pay tribute to the Zheng family to survive.

In a short period of time, the Mo Dynasty swept through Taiping Prefecture, Siming Prefecture, Guishun Prefecture, Zhen'an Prefecture and other places. Even Nanning Prefecture was in turmoil and panic.

When the empire really showed its fangs, it was too powerful and the old forces were unable to resist.

The Annan people invaded the territory of the Han family and burned, killed, and looted. Zuo Menggeng could not bear it.

Now the king of Mo Dynasty is named Mo Jingyu, and he has been trying hard to find opportunities for a comeback.

The chaos in the world at the end of the Ming Dynasty certainly made the common people miserable, but the continuous wars and foreign plundering also caused great damage to the old forces.

It's just that the Zheng family and Ruan family are fighting fiercely, so they can't pay attention to this place for the time being.

As soon as Song Taizu's famous words came out, everyone present felt a murderous aura.

Speaking of which, Annan's current situation was caused by Zhu Di.

"How can you allow others to sleep soundly beside the couch?"

"Your Majesty, do you want to visit Annan?"

The Sixth Front Army will march from Huguang to Sichuan and Sichuan, while the Seventh Front Army will march from Guangdong to Guangxi and then attack Yunnan.

In comparison, the empire is relatively mild.

When Zhu Di attacked Annan, he fought for decades and spent countless money and food. In the end, he had no choice but to withdraw his troops, which greatly damaged the national power.

During this period, the landlord class and the scholar class were at their weakest and were seriously lacking in strength.

In Guangxi, they united with the remaining forces of the Ming Dynasty and proclaimed King Zhu Youlang the emperor in an attempt to resist.

Each front has two field divisions, each with slightly different strategic directions.

"Annan is weak, so it will be easy to attack with force. However, the long-term peace and stability in the future must not be ignored."

In Zuo Mengeng's view, if he really wants to conquer Annan, he doesn't need the navy to cut him into pieces. He has to use the army to cross the mountains from the north. Isn't this a mental illness?

Zuo Mengeng did not hide his thoughts at all.

The land of Annan is shaped like a long worm with an extremely narrow middle part.

The path of bourgeois revolution in the West is full of blood and killing.

In view of the insufficient strength of the original southern strategic cluster, the headquarters has ordered the 14th Division, which is being organized in Shanxi, to move south soon.

Zuo Mengeng laughed and comforted him instead.

According to Hou Xun's understanding, even if the empire wanted to fight, it should attack Mo Chao after entering Guangxi.

When he saw the chaos in the Central Plains, he felt that this was a golden opportunity.

Hou Xun immediately understood what Zuo Mengeng meant.

Everyone is also concerned about the situation in Guangxi.

Why did you attack Mrs. Zheng?

"Since the Mo Dynasty pays tribute to the Zheng family, they are Zheng family's ministers. The ministers have offended the majesty of the superior country, so they will naturally want to settle accounts with the Zheng family. Tell the First Marine Division and the South China Sea Fleet, and after the battle is over, ask the Zheng family if they can take care of it.

If you live in Mo Chao? If you can't control it, we will control it for him."

There were three regimes: Mo, Zheng, and Ruan.

I thought it was the Mo family who attacked Guangxi. How did you attack the Zheng family?

In the process of the rise of new forces, the old forces will certainly not be willing to perish. On the contrary, the old forces will inevitably fight back.

"Your Majesty should take the old story of Yongle as a warning."

“How should the Annan invasion be resolved?”

"Your Majesty, the Shenglong Mansion area is the Zheng family's territory..."

The Zheng family, Ruan family and Mo family who currently control the Annan government all rose up since then.

Hou Xun was very afraid that Zuo Menggeng would be deceived by today's martial arts and make the same mistake again.

Although the military campaign against Annan during the Yongle period ended in haste and failed, it had a profound impact on the situation in Annan.

Zuo Mengeng asked quietly: "Mr. Hou, do you think the policy we are about to implement on the grassland can be repeated in Annan?"

Don’t say too much, just get to the point.

Hou Xun fell into deep thought on the spot and nodded after a long time.

"This sincerity is a strategy to draw fuel from under the cauldron."

(End of chapter)

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