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Chapter 1579 Do What You Should Do

Chapter 1579 Do what you need to do

Author: Hecheng Fengyue

Chapter 1579 Do what you need to do

In any field in the world, the higher the level, the more you will discover the importance of talents.

Just like if you want to study nuclear physics, do you need 10,000 graduate students or one Einstein?

There is no doubt that Einstein is much more important than 10,000 graduate students.

The same goes for administration.

As long as the basic quality of administrative personnel at the grassroots level is good, it will be fine. If they can give orders, work diligently, and be patient, they will be able to manage the grassroots level very well.

But when you get to the top and grasp the context of the country, the impact and consequences of talent and mediocrity are very different.

As the emperor, you have two generals to choose from.

One is Lu Xiangsheng and the other is Azige.

Who will you choose?

I believe that as long as the emperor's mind is clear, he will definitely choose Azig.

Government schools in the empire have now blossomed all over the country, providing many administrative personnel for the government.

But generally speaking, only one person is outstanding.

After all, what schools can do is to stimulate the talents of talents, rather than turning mediocre people into talents.

Whether a person is a talent or not is actually determined from a very young age.

Therefore, Zuo Mengeng always attaches more importance to those talents who are famous in history.

Especially the talents in the rising period of a dynasty must be higher than the talents in the declining period of the dynasty.

After all, these people were among the reasons for the decline of the dynasty.

Suo'etu and Mingzhu, as famous ministers during the Kangxi Dynasty, naturally made outstanding contributions in the process of the Qing Dynasty reaching its peak.

Even if their fate is tragic in the end, it does not affect their ability to engage in politics.

So Zuo Mengeng wrote a letter to Wang Siyi and asked her to bring Suo'etu and Mingzhu to the palace to grow up with other outstanding young people.

Perhaps with his influence, Suo'etu and Mingzhu's life paths will be smoother.

In March in Liaodong, the ice and snow began to melt.

At this time, people have to start thinking about their livelihood for the year.

Farming is always the most important thing on this land.

After all, the land under our feet is so fertile, it must not be wasted.

Through farming, the Manchus can be distinguished.

The Manchus are different from other ethnic minorities in that their farming technology is actually very good.

During the Nurhaci era, the Manchus had already cultivated land in the mountains.

After a large number of Han people immigrated, all the land in Liaodong was finally distributed.

The Manchus were not treated differently, and the lands under their names were all very good.

This made the Manchus, who were good at farming, very content and willing to obey the officials' arrangements.

How to resettle the Manchus who are not good at farming is actually the top priority.

Ada squatted in front of her home with her sleeves folded, feeling the coldness of the late spring. It was freezing from the inside out.

He used to be an Eight Banners soldier and became a prisoner in the battle of Xilamulun River.

I thought I would be killed, but after being screened, I was actually released.

Ada returned home and found that her mother, brother, and sister were all well, so she gave up her thoughts of looking for her master to restore the Qing Dynasty.

But spring has come, and with it come difficulties.

The rice vat at home was empty, and the growling stomachs of his brother and sister made him secretly cry.

With the Qing Dynasty gone, they lost their backbone and their source of livelihood.

He knew that in five days, he and his family would starve to death.

But the warriors on horseback had no place to use them, and naturally they had no capital for survival.

Ada just cried quietly at first, but soon after, her crying became uncontrollable and became more and more heartbreaking.

"Crying can't buy food."

A strange voice sounded in her ears, which surprised Ada.

Only then did he realize that he had lost his keenness as a warrior.

Looking up, he saw an officer from the National Defense Forces.

He knew the person next to him. He was his neighbor Guo Muha, who was also a former Eight Banners soldier.

Seeing the National Defense Forces, Ada couldn't help but be a little scared.

Did he commit something and should be punished?

The officer was very calm.

"Guomuha said you are the best soldier, especially when you are still very young. Have you ever thought about continuing to join the army?"

The officer's words surprised Ada.

The enemy's National Defense Force actually wants to recruit him?

"I will not take action against my tribe."

Although he was about to starve to death, Ada was very proud of being a Bagala.

The officer laughed.

"There is peace here. It is the territory of the empire, and you are the subjects of the empire. The National Defense Forces will not attack their own people, but if they want to protect peace, they have to deal with other enemies."

Ada was still digesting these words, and Guomuha was very anxious.

"Ada, come join the army. We only know how to fight. If you don't join the army, there will be no way to survive."

Ada kept smiling bitterly.

"Is there a way to survive if you join the army? You're just cannon fodder."

When he was in the Qing army, he saw many scenes where Han army flags were sent to the front to serve as cannon fodder.

The Manchus can do this to the Han people, and the Han people can do the same.

"If you are willing to join the army, you will be a soldier of the National Defense Forces. You will be paid two yuan per month. Your relatives will also receive various subsidies such as food, medical care, and housing."

People who are afraid of hunger cannot hear the word "food".

Ada's eyes were red.

"Will you give me food?"

The officer reports directly.

"Every National Defense Force soldier will receive fifty kilograms of food subsidy for his family every month. Of course, with your salary, your family can eat as much meat as they want."

Ada's heart was pounding and she no longer had any worries.

"Okay, I'm willing to join the army."

Now it was the officer's turn to make conditions.

"First of all, let's make it clear that once you enter the army, you must abide by military discipline. The behavior you once had in the Qing army must be put away. If you can do it, you will report to the military camp outside the city tomorrow."

A total of 13,000 Manchus signed up to join the army, most of whom were former Qing soldiers.

This is the number after selecting the best among the best and excluding the old and weak.

Although they were once old soldiers, it has to be said that in terms of combat skills and experience, they are really not comparable to pure recruits.

Ada walked into the military camp full of expectations and trepidation, thinking that she might be deceived.

Unexpectedly, after passing the physical examination and being officially admitted, he got his first month's salary on the spot.

Today's Manchus already know what the paper currency issued by the empire means.

Two yuan is a lot of wealth.

Ada did not dare to delay for a moment, took leave of absence, left the military camp and ran to the grain store.

I only spent one yuan and bought nearly a hundred kilograms of grain.

He didn't ask for help from the grain store and carried it home himself.

With this food, my mother, brother, and sister will at least not go hungry.

When he walked to the door of his house, he was surprised to find a carriage parked.

Standing next to the car was a government worker he knew.

"Ada, you came back just in time. Please collect this month's subsidy."

Looking at the rice, noodles, oil, meat, eggs and other good things placed on the ground, Ada grinned.

He suddenly felt that this new country was so wonderful!

(End of chapter)

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