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Chapter 158

Looking at Li Sizhong with no bones left, and then looking at Fan Wencheng who was split into two pieces.

Zuo Mengeng was puzzled by the explanation.

How could Zuo Mengeng in his previous life become a traitor so happily?

Is glory and wealth really more important than national justice and the fate of the country?

At this moment, he couldn't help but be secretly alert.

Once you have made up your mind, you must go on unswervingly.

Huang Zongxi came in a hurry. Although he was tired, he looked very excited.

He leaned close to Zuo Mengeng's ear and whispered: "Qian Zuo, we are going to make a fortune."

When Zuo Mengeng looked over, he reported the results.

"After counting, our army seized a total of 750,000 taels of gold and silver, countless jewelry, calligraphy, paintings and antiques, and 370,000 shi of grain and grass in this battle."

Zuo Mengeng couldn't help but tremble because of his state of mind.

The achievements of the First World War were actually greater than those of the rear camp, which has been developed through hard work up to now.

With this wealth alone, this expedition made a lot of money.

Huang Zongxi also wanted to ask him for instructions.

"What to do with these things?"

Zuo Mengeng didn't get too entangled and quickly recognized the reality.

"Let Zhang Yan immediately organize people to transport gold, silver, jewelry and other wealth to the predetermined storage location. As for food and grass..."

There was too much food and fodder for the rear camp to move.

But looking at the people who had calmed down in front of him, Zuo Mengeng immediately had an idea.

He once again walked up to the people who had vented their anger and said loudly: "Fellow folks, we are now out of danger for the time being. But before we can sit back and relax, the Tatar army will come back at any time..."

The first woman who went up to bite Li Sizhong went crazy and shouted: "Master, we are not afraid, we will help the officers and soldiers defend the city."

"Yes, we have already died once, so we are not afraid of anything!"

The crowd was bustling, but it was different from Zuo Mengeng's expectation.

Zuo Mengeng pressed his hand down to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Fellow fellow villagers, I have few soldiers and this city cannot be defended. We cannot let the big guys die here in vain. Otherwise, why would we come here to save people?"

An old man asked in panic: "Master, are you going to abandon us?"

When the Tatars attacked before, the Ming army in this city was vulnerable. The officials died and ran away, leaving the people in the city to the Tatars to wreak havoc.

The common people can no longer bear such pain.

Zuo Mengeng shook his head and made a more serious prediction.

"In this battle, we killed so many Tatars. When the Tatar army comes back, they will definitely massacre the city."

Suddenly, the cries of the people were like a flood that had opened.

I thought I was saved, but I didn't expect something even more terrifying was to come.

Zuo Mengeng was also sad, but that was the fact.

In this battle, Hou Jin killed a general, a guerrilla, and a staff member, plus 800 regular soldiers.

It would be strange if Hou Jin didn't take revenge.

He waited until everyone had cried enough before speaking out his thoughts.

"We can't stay in this city, otherwise when the Tatars come back, everyone will be dead."

In fact, when he said that the Tatars would massacre the city, the people already knew the result.

After hearing what he said, many people immediately started shouting.

"Master Jun, let's go with you."

"Yes, wherever you go, we will go."

Zuo Mengeng didn't know whether to be moved or helpless, so he signaled everyone to be quiet again.

"Listen to me, everyone. We have to fight next. When the army moves, we can't take the people with us. If you can't keep up, the battle will be delayed."

Several women screamed heartbreakingly.

"Then why save us? It's better to let us die."

"Is the military master going to abandon us?"

Having just come out of hell, and hearing that they were about to be abandoned again, these people were really desperate.

Zuo Mengeng asked in a cold voice: "Did I say I would leave you behind? Aren't I helping you find a way to survive?"

A man stamped his feet and shouted.

"It's freezing cold today. If we leave the city, we'll all freeze to death outside. Is there any way to survive?"

Zuo Mengeng shouted: "You have hands and feet, food and a car, why do you freeze to death?"

The scene quickly became quiet, and everyone suspected that there was something wrong with their ears.

Is there food?

And a car?

Zuo Mengeng knew that his method was feasible, and took the opportunity to say: "Next, we will distribute food to everyone. No matter men, women, old or young, each person will receive thirty kilograms of rice and noodles. In addition, the big cars in the city will be prepared for everyone, and clothes will be provided."

Beddings and other items are all ready-made. You can pack as much as you can and leave today. Remember, go south. Don’t go to Yutian or Fengrun. If you can go to Hexi, then

It’s safe.”

During the Jisi Incident, the scope of Hou Jin's raging was very limited, that is, around the capital.

While Hou Jin's army was still four hundred miles away, there was no problem in letting these people bring enough food, grass, and warm clothing and head south directly to avoid Hou Jin's sharp attack.

But people are still afraid.

"Master Jun, we are all honest people, what should we do if someone robs us on the road?"

Zuo Mengeng's face was ashen.

"The knives and guns seized this time will also be distributed to you. If someone robs you, fight them back."

At this point, his voice suddenly rose an octave.

"Don't always expect others to save you. God will save those who save themselves. Look at your virtues. You have died once anyway, so what are you afraid of? Why don't you dare to risk your life?"

The common people were said to be ashamed, but then many of them had cruel expressions on their faces.

That’s right, like a lamb that has been bullied once, you should treat it as dead. Since you have even experienced death, what is there to be afraid of?

The woman who bit Li Sizhong first stood up.

"Master Jun is right. From now on, if anyone dares to bully us, we will fight tooth and nail."

She turned back and looked at the men.

"Look at yourselves. Are you still a man? Do you still have eggs? Are you going to let us girls suffer again?"

A group of men were scolded violently, and each one of them became ferocious.

"Damn it, you just have to carry one head on two shoulders, let's fight!"

"Yes, just think of it as dead, I'm afraid of his grandma!"

The morale was available, which made Zuo Mengeng somewhat reassured, and he immediately sent people to distribute food, clothes, and trains.

The mountains of supplies that had been hoarded immediately began to decrease sharply due to the sharing by the common people.

But the woman and two men ran over.

"Master Jun, you saved all of us, but we don't even know who you are."

Zuo Mengeng smiled.

"My name is Zuo Menggeng. I come from Shandong. I am President Qian of Linqing Association."

The three of you looked at me and I looked at you. One of the men said: "I know Linqing, it's not far."

The woman gritted her teeth and said resolutely: "Master Jun asked us to go south, then we will go to Shandong and Linqing. Master Jun, I have never seen anyone in the world who cares about us people like you.

Can you take us in when you go back?"

Hearing that they wanted to go to Linqing, Zuo Mengeng was pleased and nodded heavily.

"Sure, I'll write you a letter here. When you get to Linqing, give it to Zhizhou, and he will arrange it for you."

When they heard that Zuo Mengeng was actually related to a local official, the three of them were excited. They took Zuo Mengeng's letter of introduction and went happily.

That evening, more than 10,000 people lined up in a long line, meandering southward with hundreds of carts, and slowly disappeared into the night.

Standing on the city gate tower, Zuo Mengeng could see extremely clearly.

The woman was leading several people, shouting and directing in front of the team.

Women who have gone through hardships burst out with unimaginable courage.

I don't know why, but looking at this woman, Zuo Mengeng thought of Wang Xiuqin.

While I was thinking wildly, smoke and dust billowed from the west, and soldiers from the reconnaissance brigade came flying towards me.

"Report, news came from Beijing. The emperor arrested Governor Yuan and imprisoned him. He ordered all the troops of Manchu and Guangxi Prime Minister, Zu Dashou, to lead his army to withdraw eastward. His intention is unknown."

Everyone was shocked and asked questions one after another.

History has changed, but it seems to be back on track.

Yuan Chonghuan was still arrested and imprisoned by Chongzhen on the first day of December.

As Zuo Menggeng said before, when the army of the Later Jin Dynasty crossed Jizhou, Yuan Chonghuan was dead.

This time there was no counter-intentional plan, and Chongzhen Luo Zhi's crime was even more embarrassing.

【Courage the enemy and avoid fighting, have evil intentions, deceive the emperor and ignore superiors, support the army with self-respect】

Just like the original history, Zu Dashou was disheartened when he saw that Yuan Chonghuan's loyal and hard battle ended in this way, so he led his army back eastward and returned to Shanhaiguan.

Everyone was shocked by the news and couldn't digest it for a while. Zuo Mengeng, however, was mentally prepared and asked: "How is it over there in Liangxiang?"

On the condition of military resources, he asked Geng Ruqi to lead the Shanxi Military Association to defend Liangxiang.

I don’t know whether it was defended or not.

The intelligence from the reconnaissance brigade was very powerful and he was not disappointed.

"The news from the west is that Liangxiang is still there, and the Tatars have been attacking for three days, but they still haven't captured it."


This news made Zuo Mengeng let out a sigh of relief and finally calmed down.

Hou Jin failed to capture Liangxiang County after three days of attacking, so he would not be able to capture it later.

Calculating the time, Huang Taiji will receive military information about the fall of Zunhua on the fifth day of the lunar month at most, and will inevitably start to return.

This chapter has been completed!
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