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Chapter 1612 What grade?

Chapter 1612 What level?

Author: Hecheng Fengyue

Chapter 1612 What level?

"Sir, according to reliable information, there is a rebellion in the royal capital. Mangbai has succeeded as the new king, and Myanmar has changed its master."

Along the coast, a castle was built at some point.

Various sailing ships gathered outside the castle, of different sizes. But without exception, every ship was equipped with artillery.

Inside the castle, there were also soldiers with live ammunition guarding the castle, looking around with vigilant eyes.

However, the owner of the castle was very leisurely and was still drinking wine when he learned of the situation.

"Is it because of the Empire?"

"Sir, your wisdom is unparalleled, that's why. When the empire came to Burma, it frightened the people here. They didn't want to be buried with the king, so..."

The gentleman stared into the night and his thoughts began to drift away.

"The matter is definitely not over yet. Continue to inquire, and you must know what agreement Myanmar and the empire have reached."

"Go and meet Mang Bai in person and tell him that we demand the same conditions as the empire."

The visitor is in a bit of trouble.

“What if the Burmese people don’t agree?”


The gentleman smiled cruelly.

"Then let the coast of Myanmar fall into disaster."

Someone has come to take orders.

The efficiency of doing things is very fast. Of course, Myanmar is like a sieve and cannot hide any secrets.

"Sir, I can't believe that the empire has such a big appetite."

The visitor was in a hurry, with a shocked face, and at the same time handed over the terms of the agreement between the Empire and Burma.

The gentleman read it hastily, then stood up suddenly, his brows furrowed.

"In this case, wouldn't Myanmar become a colony of the empire? No, we cannot sit idly by and ignore it."

The visitor also had the same thought.

"Yes, we also have to fight for benefits."

The husband paced back and forth in the room, and after a while he finally had an idea.

Before the buttocks on the throne could get warm, Mang Bai's good mood was ruined.

"Let's talk about it, what should we do?"

Cha Wenda was the first to stand up.

"Your Highness, you must not agree, otherwise Myanmar will inevitably...the country will not be a country!"

How could Mang Bai not know this?

"But you all know the cruelty of those people very well. I'm afraid that from now on, there will never be peace again!"

Another official had an idea.

"Your Highness, I feel that maybe we can inform the empire about this matter. Myanmar is about to reach an agreement with the empire. Judging from the attitude of the empire, it seems that Myanmar is still treated as a vassal. In this case, how can the vassal of the superior country allow other countries to interfere?"


Mang Bai's eyes lit up, and he realized that this move to divert disaster to the east seemed to be a good idea.

"Prime Minister, I leave this matter to you."

After the coup ended and the political situation stabilized, Tea Wenda began to sign contracts with the empire on behalf of Myanmar.

However, before putting pen to paper, Myanmar also put forward conditions.

"Your Majesty, Duke Yang, Mr. Charles of the English East India Company has put forward conditions, asking for the same treatment as the empire. Our country does not dare to make the decision on this matter, so please give me your instructions."

Cao Wenheng held the pen for a moment and exchanged glances with Xu Erjue, Xu Xizhong and others.

"The English East India Company, when did they come to Burma?"

Cha Wenda quickly cheered up.

"They have been here for many years, and they act very domineeringly. However, their warships are so powerful that it will inevitably lead to a loss of life, so our country has no choice but to compromise."

Knowing that there were actually third-party forces in Myanmar, Cao Wenheng couldn't help but be a little cautious.

"Commander Xu, do some reconnaissance and see how the situation is?"

In the eyes of the empire, Myanmar is the food on the plate. Even if it is not eaten cleanly, it is still food that belongs to the empire.

But now there is an extra fork on the plate. How can the empire tolerate it?

The third detachment was very efficient and quickly obtained the information.

"The one who is entrenched here is a leader of the British East India Company named Peter Charles. He set foot in Burma seven years ago with twenty armed merchant ships and 300 sailors. He lured and intimidated at the same time, and in Burma

They occupied a piece of land on the seaside and built a castle. In addition, they also forced Myanmar to open trade and interfered in Myanmar affairs."

The situation was clear, Cao Wenheng looked grim.

"Myanmar is a forbidden area of ​​the empire. This is the empire's sphere of influence. No one else is allowed to get involved. This matter is left to your third detachment to handle."

Xu Xizhong was very cautious.

"I heard that the British East India Company is quite powerful. Will it lead to an expansion of the scale of the war?"

Cao Wenheng was a civil servant and didn't know much about fighting. He just looked at the generals.

Wan Sihua immediately said: "Then report it immediately, if it is really impossible to increase the number of troops."

The British East India Company and the Empire were not unknown.

In fact, I have dealt with the British quite a lot over the years at sea.

The Empire, Portugal, and the Netherlands all hated the British's behavior of being merchants and thieves.

It's just that the British's previous move into Southeast Asia was frustrated, and now they are concentrating on running South Asia, so they haven't had many conflicts with the empire.

As a result, now that the empire wanted to take root in the Indian Ocean, it immediately came into contact with the British East India Company.

But no matter what, the empire will not allow other forces to touch Myanmar.

Especially the coastal area of ​​Burma, which was the outlet to the sea that the empire targeted for the southwest region, was the top priority of the empire’s strategy.

For this reason, they would not hesitate to use force with the British East India Company.

Cao Wenheng was not good at fighting, but he was very considerate in other aspects.

"Get in touch with Portugal and the Netherlands. I believe they will like dealing with the British."

In 1612, the British East India Company defeated the Portuguese fleet in the Battle of the Bay of Cambay, thus gaining a dominant position in Tianzhu.

Since then, Portugal's sphere of influence in Tianzhu has gradually begun to shrink.

It was precisely because of the existence of the British East India Company that the Portuguese and Dutch attempts to conquer Tianzhu were repeatedly frustrated.

Now that the empire wants to take the lead in dealing with the British, I believe Portugal and the Netherlands will definitely be willing to take action.

Peter Charles didn't care much about the threat to Burma.

He has long seen through the weak nature of these Eastern countries. As long as the East India Company maintains its maritime advantage, Myanmar will succumb sooner or later.

He is now happily waiting for Burma to agree to the terms, so that he can use it to claim credit from the Governor of Tianzhu.

With such a huge benefit, he should be able to get himself a title, right?

Peter Charles danced with excitement at the thought of joining the nobility from now on.

It's a pity that there was no music during the dance, and the shrill sound of the alarm bell completely ruined his good mood.

Peter Charles ran outside angrily, and before he could ask any questions, he just stood there stunned.

On the ocean in the distance, dozens of huge and majestic warships were lined up and heading towards the harbor to surround them.

On the flagship, Xu Xizhong looked at the harbor with his binoculars, his mouth full of contempt.

"What level do you dare to offer the same conditions as us?"

(End of chapter)

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