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Chapter 161 Daming's Sassy Operation

Zhang Zongheng had a false alarm.

Huang Taiji has no interest in Datong.

To be more precise, Huang Taiji was afraid that the Ming Dynasty would find an opportunity if he was too far away from the other road.

Therefore, after plundering Xuanfu Town and obtaining sufficient supplies of food and grass, Huang Taiji immediately returned to the army, joined forces with the left wing, and attacked the capital again.

It was already December 15th. Huang Taiji received information that Mangui led an army of 40,000 people out of the city.

From the first to the fifteenth day of the lunar month, for half a month, the Ming court always turned a deaf ear to Hou Jin's actions and did not move a single soldier.

What is Ming Ting doing?

One farce after another.

First of all, Sun Chengzong was in Tongzhou. The logistics minister had done a good job and the situation was improving.

Suddenly, a thunderbolt fell from the sky, Yuan Chonghuan was imprisoned, and Zu Dashou ran away with 15,000 troops.

This time, Lao Sun was moved from the rear to the front line, and had to deal with everything in a panic.

The most urgent task is to bring Zu Dashou back.

Because this is the only army that can fight at the moment.

If Zu Dashou is allowed to return to the outside world, then everyone in the Ming Dynasty can only stare at Hou Jinru as he enters a deserted place.

Sun Chengzong sent people back and forth to persuade him several times, but Zu Dashou refused to listen and remained indifferent.

In desperation, Sun Chengzong also became angry and lost his temper in the memorial to Chongzhen.

What is Chongzhen doing during this time?

He is very busy.

Busy trying to accuse Yuan Chonghuan.

Yes, you read that right. Yuan Chonghuan's crimes were basically all false accusations, and they were personally carried out by His Majesty the Emperor.

On the fifth day of the twelfth lunar month, Gao Jie, the censor of Jiangxi Province, clearly stated the motivation for why Chongzhen did what he did.

[The emperor was furious, and his subordinate Yuan Chonghuan was imprisoned. He chanted thousands of words under the chariot and recited the sage and wise judgments. He followed up on the emperor and suppressed the emperor. The national law was revived and the internal troubles were eliminated.]

Translated into Mandarin, it means that Yuan Chonghuan actually made His Majesty angry, which is really treasonous.

To put it bluntly, when Hou Jin attacked the capital city, Chongzhen's dream of a holy king coming to court and being praised by the whole country was awakened, and the big slap still hurt.

The emperor lost face and was so ashamed and angry that he fell in love with Yuan Chonghuan.

This is also the reason why Zuo Menggeng judged earlier that if Hou Jin crossed Jizhou, Yuan Chonghuan would undoubtedly die.

Although the emperor hated Yuan Chonghuan because he had lost face, he obviously needed a legitimate reason to kill Yuan Chonghuan.

What to do if not?


On December 11, Shanxi native Zhang Sidong entered an important storage area with Huozhezi and was captured by Shi Fan, the censor patrolling the city.

After interrogation, Zhang Sidong claimed that he was instigated by Zhou Biao, a member of Yuan Chonghuan's family. Sun Juxiang, the Secretary of Cangchang, witnessed the incident.

Chongzhen immediately asked Jin Yiwei to take over and investigate the truth.

What's there to investigate?

Yuan Chonghuan, a Cantonese, wanted to do such a big thing as burning down the warehouse, so why did he find a Shanxi person to do it?

Haha, I’m from Shanxi again.

I have to say that the conspiracy behind this should not be too strong.

It is worth mentioning that Zu Dashou only left on the third day after Yuan Chonghuan was arrested.

He waited for Chongzhen for a day, hoping to make Chongzhen think carefully about his behavior.

However, the Zhu family may be inferior in other aspects, but their stubbornness is inherited from their ancestors.

Zu Dashou waited until the third day and saw that Chongzhen had no intention to change, so he left.

Since Chongzhen chose to be stubborn, in order to maintain his authority, he naturally had to be stubborn to the end.

Do you think I can't fight without your Guan Ning Army?

Take a good look at how I did it.

So Chongzhen began to ask his ministers to offer suggestions, but this suggestion...

To be honest, it slapped him in the face again.

Ning Chengxi, a former member of the Ministry of War, took part in the report and counted five points together, fully revealing the court's predicament.

First, the city was poorly built and difficult to defend;

Second, soldiers dare not fight;

Third, I don’t know how to fight early, and I don’t dare to fight at night;

Fourth, matters and powers are not unified;

The fifth point is the simplest and most unsolvable: no money.

These are all actual situations. Fortunately, Chongzhen didn't spit out his old blood.

At the moment of depression, the monster comes.

Liu Zhilun, the right minister of the Ministry of Military Affairs and War in Beijing, fully demonstrated his true nature of bringing disaster to the country and the people.

He said to Chongzhen, "Your Majesty, I don't know anything..."

You don’t know anything, so just stay calm, okay?

"But, I know people who are capable. They can make one-wheeled trains, sidecars, animal carts, and hollow out wood to make Western cannons. They don't use the department's money. As long as you give me 10,000 soldiers, I will fight

Later gold.”

When Chongzhen heard this, he was overjoyed.

Where can I find such ministers who can fight without money?

He just didn't want to think about it, could this Western cannon made of wood be used for fighting?

Liu Zhilun not only won Chongzhen's appreciation with these words, but also recommended a person to Chongzhen.

If Huizong of the Song Dynasty had Guo Jing, then Sizong of the Ming Dynasty also had Shen Fu.

What kind of person is this Shen Fu?

This man was originally a gangster from Yunnan. He became a monk during the Tianqi period, traveled around Henan and Shandong, and finally became a disciple of the hero Liu Tingchuan of Yingzhou.

There were hundreds of diners under Liu Tingchuan, and they all liked to talk about the art of war (to brag), but no one could compare to (to brag about) Shen Fu.

Liu Tingchuan felt that Shen Fu was a great talent, so he sponsored him to go to the capital.

Shen Fu visited the ministers of the imperial court many times and introduced to them the art of war he had learned. But the ministers were not stupid, so how could they take him seriously.

This time when the Later Jin Dynasty invaded, Chongzhen was panicked. Liu Zhilun took the opportunity to ask for his name. Thinking it was an opportunity, he recommended Shen Fu to Chongzhen.

Chongzhen was ill and rushed to the doctor. He immediately summoned Shen Fu.

Shen Fu didn't say that he had any abilities. In fact, he had no abilities at all. Anyway, he kept kowtowing and yelling.

"I don't have any talents, but I am willing to die to serve His Majesty."

Chongzhen awarded Shen Fu the title of deputy commander-in-chief of the Beijing camp on the spot...

Can you believe it?

The Beijing camp was empty, so Chongzhen asked Shen Fu to recruit troops by himself.

After the Jin Dynasty had reached the foundation of the city wall, it was only at this time that they went to recruit troops...

Can I fight?

On December 16th, the Hou Jin army turned around, and the court urged Shen Fu to go out of the city to fight against Hou Jin.

This time Shen Fu's claws were numb.

But when things get tough, you can't hide.

He had no choice but to lead his soldiers to hang down the city wall with ropes at night, and go to fight against Hou Jin in fear.

By the time we reached Marco Polo Bridge, there were probably only a dozen people left.

The rest all ran away.

Shen Fu met Hou Jin at Marco Polo Bridge.

It is estimated that Hou Jin did not take this group of people seriously, and Shen Fu was shot into a hedgehog after a random attack of arrows.

It was not until the 25th that Shen Fu's body was found at Marco Polo Bridge.

Ironically, such a charlatan actually received a generous award.

Those who loyally served the country and fought bloody battles were imprisoned and convicted, and those who deceived the emperor and turned their backs on others became heroes!

If Shen Fu's incident was just a farce, the fall of the Mangui tribe was a tragedy.

In the battle of Deshengmen on November 20th, the Manchu and Gui tribes had been defeated, and there were only more than 200 people left in the entire army.

But Chongzhen ignored the facts, and after ordering the troops of the Manchurian Prime Minister, he insisted on forcing him to leave the city and fight against Hou Jin.

It is estimated that Man Gui's heart dropped when he received the news.

But there was no other way, the eunuchs in charge of the army watched eagerly, and Man Gui had no choice but to do it.

And he also became the first person to be killed by the eunuchs sent by Chongzhen.

On the same day that Shen Fu was killed in battle, at the Yongding Gate behind the Marco Polo Bridge, 40,000 Ming troops who were fighting for the moment were killed by Hou Jin like slaughtering chickens and dogs.

Mangui and Sun Zushou were killed in battle, Heilongyun and Madengyun were captured, and Chongzhen lost all his last bit of capital.

At this time, Chongzhen finally understood what he had done, and hurriedly forced Yuan Chonghuan to write a letter to Zu Dashou, hoping to win back Zu Dashou's wild horse.

It is worth mentioning that the relationship between Zu Dashou and Yuan Chonghuan may not be very good.

Zu Dashou withdrew his troops not because Yuan Chonghuan had been framed, but because the Liao soldiers had been wronged. He just used Yuan Chonghuan as a cover.

Why did he later change his mind and fight to the death?

Because when he returned to Shanhaiguan, he found that Zhu Mei would not let him in.

Zu Dashou, who was trapped in the pass, was in a dilemma and had already begun to sit on the wax. It happened that Chongzhen's letter arrived at this time. If he didn't do it, he would really be asking for death.

In short, due to a series of cunning maneuvers by Chongzhen and the Ming court, the situation that was originally somewhat stable completely collapsed.

Houjin completely turned into a wild horse that could no longer be controlled by anyone, and began to sweep eastward.

Yongping, Luanzhou, Qian'an, Jizhou and other places fell one after another, and the losses of the Later Jin Dynasty in Zunhua were once again made up for.

At this time, Zuo Mengeng, who was hiding in the mountains, was keenly aware of the signs that the entire army was in trouble.

It may be that the battle of Zunhua was too easy, so that the whole army thought that Hou Jin was nothing more than this, and therefore felt proud and underestimated the enemy.

Zuo Menggeng is very clear about the principle that arrogant soldiers will be defeated.

He knew that if this problem was not solved as soon as possible, the rear camp would definitely encounter big trouble in the subsequent battles.

I didn’t say anything, organize the army!

This chapter has been completed!
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