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Chapter 1640 Newly Added Special City

Chapter 1640 New Special City

Author: Hecheng Fengyue

Chapter 1640 New Special City

Zuo Mengeng was very pleased.

The politicians of the empire were thousands of miles away. Even without his intervention, they still carried out the will of the empire very well and achieved great benefits for the empire.

The situation in Europe has undergone tremendous changes and is completely different from the previous life.

At the very least, the process of the British bourgeois revolution was completely interrupted.

Whether Britain can return to its original track, even he cannot judge now.

The only thing that is certain is that even if Britain finally transfers back, it will take at least hundreds of years.

If Scotland, Ireland, and Wales are separated from each other, and they want to take them back, it will definitely consume all the strength of England.

Another change is that the Netherlands will maintain its status as a great power for a long time.

However, the national strength of the Netherlands determines that no matter how strong it is, it cannot affect the general trend of the world.

Spain will face endless troubles from all directions.

After Catalonia's independence came back in France, they were unable to quell it.

Portugal's independence has become a fact.

Now it is not a question of whether Portugal can resist Spain's attack, but that Spain will worry about Portugal seeking more.

Portugal would be very happy if it could bite off a piece of meat from Spain.

The most important thing is that from the perspective of the empire, when Spain is stymied by the crisis in its homeland, it is a good opportunity for the empire to start its conquest of Central and South America.

The empire continues to accumulate strength in North America, and the regular army alone now numbers 30,000.

The number of ships of the navy also exceeds 70.

This force is nothing in Asia and Europe, but in America, it is an unstoppable torrent.

The policies implemented by the empire in the New World will also become the magic weapon for the empire to replace the Spanish.

Unlike the massacres of Western colonists in the New World, the empire adopted a policy of tolerance and equality towards the indigenous peoples of the New World.

These aboriginal people originally lived a life of slash-and-burn farming, living in tribal units, isolated from the outside world for tens of thousands of years, and had no concept of homeland or nation.

After the empire arrived, it did not kill them all, but helped them improve their lives, updated their tools, and provided medical treatment, allowing them to live a better life.

Except for a few ferocious tribes that were wiped out, the vast majority of the indigenous people have happily become subjects of the empire and have begun to accept the empire's cultural education.

This is most evident in the New World's defense forces.

Nearly half of the soldiers in the army are local indigenous people. After completing basic language and scientific education, they have been able to make a career in the army.

Among them, many outstanding talents traveled across the ocean and entered military academies for further studies.

No matter where they go in the future, these talents will regard themselves as imperial people, and at the same time bring this influence to more and more aboriginal people.

It can be said that the empire already has a broad folk base in the New World.

This also led to the empire's expansion into the New World at an alarming rate.

Now the furthest expedition has crossed the Rocky Mountains and found a large river flowing from west to east in the desert.

The locals call this river the Arkansas River, and there are fertile alluvial plains on both sides of the river.

Now, these places have been included in the imperial territory.

Fu Xinyuan had already sent a report back, hoping to add new provinces in the New World to strengthen control over these new territories.

At the same time, the military in the New World was ready to move and had begun preparations to march south to Mexico.

Not surprisingly, Spain’s Viceroyalty of New Spain will inevitably become the target of attack by the National Defense Forces within three to five years.

Xu Erjue's return has brought new issues to the empire.

"At present, we have established many strongholds in the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. Mombasa, Madagascar, Cape Storm, Luanda, and Gambia are all important nodes for sailing to Europe. However, the number of personnel traveling with the mission is insufficient, so currently these strongholds are

In the process of hard work, the country will need to send a large number of personnel there to build these places into a solid sphere of influence."

The results of the mission's trip are not only reflected in changing the situation in Europe, but the survey and deployment along the way are also beneficial for the future.

It can be said that these places that the mission has captured so far, connected one by one, have become a safe route from the empire to Europe.

The construction of these strongholds has undoubtedly been unanimously approved by everyone in the center.

However, if we want to carry out vigorous construction of these places, then there is a problem to be taken into consideration.

"The development of Temasek is changing with each passing day, and it has reached a point that cannot be ignored. The officials sent there before have insufficient authority and status, and it is difficult to adapt to the new situation. Regarding how to position Temasek, I would like to ask Your Majesty and everyone to give their opinions."

In the age of great exploration, it is inevitable for Temasek to flourish.

However, with the full opening of the empire, the commercial trade on this route reached its peak, which also gave Temasek a great stimulus.

Today, Temasek's permanent population alone exceeds one million, making it truly the largest city in Southeast Asia.

Many countries in Southeast Asia and South Asia do not have good navigation skills, so they cannot come to the empire in person to conduct trade, so they need a nearby transfer station to sell goods.

Temasek fulfilled this function very well and suddenly became the economic center of Southeast Asia.

But the officials sent by the empire before were only at the mayor level. It was obviously beyond their ability to handle affairs at the regional economic center level.

"I suggest that Temasek be set up as the third special city to strengthen ties with the central government."

Hou Xun seemed to have already thought about it and put forward his opinions.

After everyone discussed it, they all felt that this proposal was very good.

Although Temasek is isolated overseas, the entire South China Sea is the empire's sphere of influence, and the surrounding countries such as the Netherlands and Siam are also friendly countries. It can be said that Temasek is actually very safe.

Not to mention, Temasek also has the fourth detachment of the South China Sea Fleet stationed here, which has strong military support.

In the future, after Mindanao is completely cleared, the Third Marine Division will also move there.

Given Temasek's current level, it is a natural progression for it to be upgraded to a special city.

"Then who will serve as the administrator of this special city?"

Hou Xun smiled and said: "I will do my duty."

When he said this, everyone understood.

Originally, according to the plan, Hou Xun was about to retire from the position of Prime Minister of the Cabinet.

But how to arrange the new work has not yet been decided.

It is a good arrangement to add a special city and let him take charge of the government as a prince.

In particular, Hou Xun once served as the Prime Minister of the Cabinet. With his status and connections, he can also have a major influence on the central decision-making, which can ensure that Temasek is foolproof.

(End of chapter)

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