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Chapter 1674 Dongpu has also reached the finale

Chapter 1674 It’s time for the finale in Japan too

Author: Hecheng Fengyue

Chapter 1674 It’s time for the finale in Japan too

When the Southwest Strategic Group, the South China Sea Fleet, and the Third Marine Division were attacking South Asia, the Tenth Division did not have any tasks.

They were ordered to station themselves at Dogandusi and have been preparing to march onto the plateau.

With Zuo Menggeng's supervision, the National Defense Forces were in awe of the plateau and could not be too well prepared.

In fact, during the period when the 10th Division was stationed in Duogandusi, it had already felt the power of the plateau.

The enemies here are nothing, the terrain here is nothing, only the terrible altitude sickness is everywhere.

Even without fighting, the 10th Division had a large number of patients.

Fortunately, after long-term stationing and research by medical personnel, the principles and countermeasures of altitude sickness have been clarified.

By now, the soldiers have adapted to this place.

In fact, in addition to combat, the 10th Division still did a lot of work.

For example, building roads and bridges.

If you want to march onto the plateau, logistical supplies are the top priority. And the difficult road is the key to determining how far the 10th Division can go.

Fortunately, their hard work paid off.

Now the roads and bridges have been built by the 10th Division to Dege near Zhejiang (Jinsha River), and the bridge is currently being built on Zhejiang. Once completed, they can rush to Qamdo.

Qamdo is the east gate of the plateau.

Once this is captured, the plateau will be wide open and will no longer be able to stop the Wehrmacht's attack.

The forces on the plateau obviously understood this, so they deployed heavy troops in Qamdo.

Lombataji arrogantly claimed that the steep mountains and rapid rivers of Qamdo would become the burial place of the National Defense Forces.

What he didn't know was that the other two lines of defense forces had already penetrated from the Brahmaputra River Gorge and the direction of Nepal.

I believe that when these two lines of national defense troops appeared on the plateau, the faces of the Junggar people must have been very exciting.

Just when the central government was setting its sights on the southwest, exciting news came from Japan.

While the empire was operating globally, the civil war in Japan was still raging.

The feud between the Tokugawa shogunate and the daimyō has become an unending feud, and it is impossible to stop it unless one party is completely destroyed.

In order to eliminate each other and gain complete control of Japan, both sides tried their best.

Originally, in terms of power comparison, the Tokugawa shogunate had an absolute advantage.

The largest population, the richest land, and the richest resources were the basis for the Tokugawa shogunate to dominate the rest of the world.

However, the external daimyo received a lot of care from the empire overtly and covertly, which effectively made up for their shortcomings.

Especially in terms of navy, Satsuma was the best in Japan.

Under the constant harassment of the Satsuma Navy, the areas ruled by the Tokugawa Shogunate were completely unsettled and unable to produce well and provide assistance to the frontline operations.

As the war continues to escalate, both sides have no extra energy to take care of other things.

In order to win the war, extortionate taxation became the only option for both sides.

In this case, the only ones who suffered were ordinary Japanese people.

The Japanese people on Kyushu Island were able to escape into Shimabara's territory at first, receive Shimabara's protection, and settle down their lives again. However, later Satsuma and other feudal lords strengthened border control and imposed torture and severe punishment on all people who dared to abscond.

The hope of the people was completely cut off.

It can be said that on Kyushu Island, except for Shimabara's territory, other places are already like hell.

The Tokugawa shogunate's territory was no less generous.

Just this past summer, a strong earthquake occurred in Edo, causing a large number of casualties.

Not only that, many workshops of the Tokugawa Shogunate were concentrated here, and they were all destroyed in the earthquake.

Without these workshops, the shogunate army on the front line would not even have enough weapons.

As a result, the outside daimyō seized the opportunity and continued their fierce attack until they reached Shizuoka, with Edo already in sight.

Fortunately, Date Hidemune turned the tide, defeated Kato Tadahiro in Nagano on the northern front, and advanced the battle line to the Toyama area.

The outer lord was afraid that the advancing army would be outflanked, so he had to retreat to Nagoya.

The fight between the two sides left them exhausted and scarred, and they all needed to stop to take a breath and regenerate their strength.

However, their approach of accumulating strength will inevitably cause further harm to the Japanese people.

Finally, the Japanese people, who had endured to the extreme, broke out.

First, the Maizuru common people in the area occupied by the Gaito daimyo launched a riot, and then the common people in Toyooka and Tottori responded one after another, and it suddenly became a prairie fire.

There was a fire in the backyard of the foreign daimyo, and he was so distressed that he had no choice but to send troops to quell the rebellion.

Originally, due to the weakness of the Japanese people, facing the encirclement and suppression by the army, they were bound to end in destruction.

However, the people in these three places clearly received guidance and support, and were well-equipped with weapons and equipment. They actually repelled the army's encirclement and suppression and expanded their territory.

Knowing that there was chaos within the daimyo, the morale of the Tokugawa shogunate was greatly boosted, and they immediately launched an attack without taking any time to rest.

But just when they had just captured Toyohashi and were about to approach Nagoya, the bad news also came.

Riots broke out in Niigata, Tsuruoka, Yokote, Miyagi and other places. The rising people not only captured the cities, but also killed all the local officials and nobles, and even established a political power.

Although the northeastern region is remote, it has become an important supplier of food, timber, and minerals to the Tokugawa shogunate.

Something went wrong here, causing the army on the front line to be unable to sustain itself and had to retreat in embarrassment.

Tokugawa Iemitsu was very dissatisfied with the Date family and ordered Date Munekatsu to put down the rebellion as soon as possible.

But the soldiers and horses of the Date family had already been taken to the front line by Date Masamune and Date Hidemune, leaving only crooked melons and cracked dates. In addition, Date Munekatsu was just a dandy, a loser, and the result could be imagined.


The peasant army pretended to be defeated and set up an ambush in Dazang Village near Yamagata. In the first battle, 3,700 official soldiers were wiped out, and even Date Zongsheng was hacked to death with random swords.

The impact of this fiasco was of earthquake magnitude.

The rebels were not satisfied with their victory and even began to besiege Sendai.

This hit the Tokugawa Shogunate's heart completely.

If Sendai is lost, the Tokugawa shogunate will lose control of the entire northeastern Japan and will no longer be able to obtain timber, minerals and food.

Once these things are gone, the Tokugawa shogunate will inevitably be destroyed.

"General, this may not be an opportunity."

Toshi Doi didn't just give words of comfort, he actually saw the opportunity.

"Rebellion will naturally see the difficulties we encounter. They will definitely make a big fuss and launch a thunderous blow. When anxious, it is inevitable to make mistakes. If we win on the battlefield, then all problems will be solved

It won't be a problem."

(End of chapter)

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