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Chapter 1680 The Empire Declares War

Chapter 1680 The Empire declares war

Author: Hecheng Fengyue

Chapter 1680 The Empire declares war

It is foreseeable that the Japanese will eventually take action against the interests of the empire.

Where there is oppression, there is resistance.

This sentence also applies to Japanese people.

The strategy adopted by the empire in Japan was extreme oppression.

The intensity was relatively light at first, then gradually increased, and now it's finally time for the Japanese to explode.

The Tokugawa shogunate and the daimyō had exhausted all their resources because of the war. Although they knew that offending the empire would lead to terrible consequences, they had to face the predicament before them.

If you can't even overcome the current difficulties, how can you talk about the future?

And this is exactly the effect the empire wants.

If the Japanese don't take action, how can the empire have an excuse to send troops?

The news of the murder of the imperial merchants in Edo has not yet been sent out, but the changes in Osaka are in full swing.

The plundering army of the Daimyo was defeated by the Osaka people, and only a few defeated soldiers escaped.

One wave has not subsided, and another wave has arisen.

Following the daimyo army, the shogunate army also rushed over.

After hearing that Osaka was plundered by the Daimyo army, Doi Toshikatsu keenly felt that this was a golden opportunity.

He immediately marched his army forward, trying to enter Osaka, but was stopped on the outside.

Doi Toshiyuki has a very good reason.

"Osaka is a top priority and cannot be missed. Our army must enter the city to protect everyone's safety."

The people of Osaka would never be polite to him, especially since they had just won a battle and their morale was high.

"We Osaka people will handle matters in Osaka on our own. No outsiders, including the daimyo and the Tokugawa shogunate, are allowed to enter."


Doi Toshikatsu was angry on the surface, but actually he was ecstatic inside.

He thought he finally found the reason.

Although Osaka is in a neutral zone, legally, it is Japanese territory after all. It is completely legal and compliant for the Tokugawa Shogunate to enter it.

The current obstruction by the people of Osaka can be regarded as rebellion.

So the shogunate army also launched an attack on Osaka.

The purpose, in fact, was the same as that of the daimyo army, it was to plunder.

The resources of the Tokugawa shogunate have also been exhausted. Doi Toshiki and his army pursued them here, but they were also running out of gas and needed supplies urgently.

And as long as he has supplies, he will have the confidence to continue chasing and decide the outcome in one battle.

As for offending the empire because of this...

As long as the foreign daimyo are eliminated and Japan is reunified, there will always be a way around it.

Even if he takes all the responsibility for the crime by himself, it will be an eternal meritorious service to the Tokugawa shogunate.

He didn't know at this time that the imperial merchants had been killed in Edo, and he couldn't bear all the responsibility.

It's a pity that the shogunate's army's attack was met with heavy losses, and was no better than the daimyo's army.

If the order was reversed, and the shogunate army was the first to attack Osaka, they might have already captured this sacred place.

But unfortunately, it was the daimyo army that was severely lacking in combat power that took action first, giving the people of Osaka time to react.

Through a united battle, the people of Osaka not only defeated the daimyo army, but also got exercise and improved their morale.

At the same time, because Osaka had the most active exchanges with the empire, it also received the most weapons. Therefore, when the shogunate army attacked, Osaka was not yet disarmed.

When the shogunate army attacked, they were attacked by countless muskets and artillery, causing extremely heavy damage. Not only did they fail to enter the city, but they were pushed out by the Osaka people.

At this time, even the most hesitant Osaka people understood that their way out was only one direction.

Under the organization of the Osaka Chamber of Commerce, all Osaka people reached a consensus and signed blood letters one after another, declaring their submission to the empire.

The impact of this incident is unparalleled.

The news quickly spread across the Japanese islands, giving those people who had been harmed by the Tokugawa shogunate and the daimyō suddenly see hope.

Suddenly, greater turmoil broke out across Japan. Without exception, every revolting force declared its submission to the empire.

News from Edo and Osaka finally reached Shen Tingyang.

Shen Tingyang did not hesitate at all, and did not even need to meet with Japanese officials for any questioning. Instead, he directly reported it to the Central Committee and Dongdu State Affairs.

Everyone in the Empire understands that when the matter reaches this point, there is no other solution except war.

The empire has been waiting for this day for too long.

When the hub received the news, the big guys were gathering at Huang Zongxi's home.

After many years of marriage, Huang Zongxi and Wang Xiuqin finally had a child. A big fat boy was hugged around by everyone, and they were all jealous.

"This child will be rich and powerful when he is born. He will definitely have a bright future and become a prosperous person in the future. I think he will be called Huang Feihong."

Zuo Menggeng did his part and took on the task of naming the child.

But for some reason, Huang Zongxi always felt that this guy seemed to be suffering from stenosis again.

"The name doesn't mean anything else?"

Zuo Mengeng's head shook like a rattle.

"Can you just say yes?"

"Huang Feihong... Huang Feihong..."

Huang Zongxi tasted it for a long time and couldn't find anything unusual.

"Your Majesty is really good at naming names. It seems... the people who come to ask your Majesty to name me in the future will regret it like the crucian carp crossing the river. There will be an endless stream of people."

Others also had only admiration.

So the name of Huang Zongxi's precious son was decided.

Only when others weren't paying attention, Zuo Mengeng showed a satisfied smile and hummed softly.

"Arrogance faces thousands of waves, and blood is like the red sun..."

Xu Ruolin stood aside and felt something, so she couldn't help but roll her eyes at him.

Others are becoming more stable as they get older, but my husband is becoming more and more like a naughty boy.

"Your Majesty, urgent report from Japan."

Long Zuguang's voice broke the laughter and immediately made everyone serious.

"The matter in Japan has come to an end. From now on, there will no longer be any threat to the east of the empire."

At the joint meeting, Zuo Menggeng was firm.

No one objected to this.

The planning for Japan has lasted for more than ten years, and getting to this point is purely a matter of course.

Not to mention other places, Busan, Jeju Island, Ryukyu, including Shimabara, all prepared supplies piled up in piles, just waiting for this day to arrive.

The empire has developed to this day, and with its strong strength, Zuo Menggeng has long been calm in his heart. He can deal with anything calmly.

Only when it came to Japan, his heart surged violently.

I believe this is not just him, but what every Chinese person dreams of doing.

"I will personally direct this battle in Japan."

Hearing that His Majesty took action personally, everyone here couldn't help but cheer up.

Zuo Menggeng was not only the founding emperor of the empire, but also the founder of the National Defense Force and the invincible God of War.

Everyone must do their best to keep his legend going.

Chen Zhi is his best collaborator.

"Declare war on Japan!"

(End of chapter)

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