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Chapter 1688 chopping melons and vegetables

Chapter 1688 Chopping melons and vegetables

Author: Hecheng Fengyue

Chapter 1688 Chopping melons and vegetables

Japan is a place that is both difficult to fight and easy to fight.

The difficulty lies in the fact that the ocean is heavy and difficult to approach.

For example, during the Yuan Dynasty, they mobilized large armies twice in an attempt to destroy Japan, but they encountered a storm and ended up being wiped out.

From then on, the Central Plains dynasty could only look back and sigh at Japan, which turned out to be a disaster.

The easy part is that as long as you get close to the Japanese mainland, the resistance here will be useless.

Dongying is similar to Annan, with long and narrow terrain.

What makes Japan even worse than Annan is that it is surrounded by the sea.

As long as the enemy's navy is strong enough, it can land from anywhere in all directions, and then cut Japan into several pieces so that the head and tail cannot see each other.

This is what the Wehrmacht is doing now.

The Choshu Domain wanted to use the favorable terrain to block the attack at Donggōan, but the National Defense Force took advantage of the navy to launch the Onoda Landing, which immediately cut the Choshu Domain in two.

The limited troops were blocking the 41st Regiment at Donggyouan, and they could no longer bear it. There was an emptiness over the mountain pass, the home of the Choshu clan.

The 42nd Regiment that landed at Onoda was right no matter what choice it made.

After learning that the National Defense Forces had landed on Onoda, Motomomo Mori's determination to resist collapsed.

Taking advantage of the 41st regiment's opportunity to rest, he quickly led the remaining troops and horses to retreat into the mountains, intending to circle back to the mountain pass to protect his lair.

He made a decisive mistake.

If they insist on defending Donghangan, the two regiments of the National Defense Force will be isolated and their actions will be somewhat constrained. Now that he ran away, the 41st Regiment and the 42nd Regiment quickly got in touch, and they no longer had any worries.

The 41st Regiment launched a follow-up pursuit of Motochi Mouri, while the 42nd Regiment headed straight for the mountain pass.

Mouri Tsunamoto did not wait for the news of victory, but instead waited for the National Defense Forces to arrive. He was dumbfounded on the spot.

At this time, there were only more than 300 guards in Yamaguchi City, which was not even enough to defend the city. Who could be the opponent of the National Defense Force?

Out of fear, Mouri Tsunamoto even abandoned his hometown and all his relatives and female relatives, and only asked his bodyguards to escort him as he fled eastward.

The 42nd Regiment captured the mountain pass without any bloodshed, and declared that the once tyrannical Choshu Domain became history.

The sharp offensive of the National Defense Force frightened all the big names in Japan, and they desperately strengthened their armaments in order to protect their interests.

But it's a pity that they are so weak that they are just wishful thinking.

When the East China Sea Fleet escorted the Second Marine Division and suddenly appeared in the waters of Tosa Domain on Shikoku Island, it heralded that the entire Japan was just a dish.

When the empire's sharp kitchen knife falls, the whole of Japan will become a delicacy.

Yamauchi Tadayoshi, the lord of the Tosa Domain, quickly deployed his army to set up formations on the seaside, and at the same time gave his son Yamauchi Tadayoshi full command.

Fortunately, the Tosa Domain was close to the sea and was no stranger to naval battles.

Yamauchi Tadōyo did not throw all the troops on the beach and accept the baptism of fire from the Wehrmacht.

However, time was tight and there was no time to build blocking fortifications on the beach. Yamauchi Tadayoshi had no choice but to hide his troops in the woods behind, hoping to suddenly break out when the National Defense Forces landed.

Only by getting involved with the National Defense Forces and preventing the warships on the sea from firing cannons can we hope to win.

For this reason, he personally went to Zen Master Mine Temple on the seaside, sought permission from Nonaka Kaneyama, and hid two thousand soldiers and horses in the temple.

Nonaka Kaneyama was a representative figure of the Japanese Southern School and a retainer of the Tosa Domain, with a very high status.

Yamauchi Tadayoshi once followed Yamauchi Tadayoshi's order and worshiped him as his disciple to preside over the affairs of the domain.

After the death of Yamauchi Tadayoshi, the conflict between Yamauchi Tadayoshi and Nonaka Kaneyama intensified, and the latter was eventually impeached and resigned.

But now the friendship between teacher and student still exists and they have a close relationship.

Nonaka Kaneyama did not want the Tosa Domain to be wiped out by the empire, and even organized the monks in the temple to take up arms and prepare to participate in the battle.

Japan is too naive.

They were still thinking about the empire in their own way, so they felt that Zen Master Fengji was an important winner.

After all, when fighting in Japan, because Buddhism has a lofty status, no matter whether they win or lose, no one dares to attack the temple.

But in the eyes of the empire, all living beings are equal. The National Defense Forces will do anything that is conducive to combat.

Zenshibong Temple is right on the seaside, with such a large area of ​​magnificent buildings. It is surrounded by dense forests, covering it up.

How could the Wehrmacht leave such a scourge behind?

Following Yang Yunsheng's order, the rocket launchers on each warship covered the area.

Facing dense forests, rockets loaded with kerosene are the best weapon.

During the indiscriminate bombing, the buildings of Zen Master Peak Temple collapsed one after another and were eventually reduced to ashes. The woods also burned with raging fires, which spread like wildfire and could not be stopped.

The soldiers and horses hiding in the temple had no time to escape and were killed and injured numerous times. Even Nonaka Kaneyama was buried among the ruins and went to see the Buddha first.

Yamauchi Tadayoyo had one of his legs broken by the bomb. He lost a lot of blood and fell into coma on the spot. He also lost command of the army.

The soldiers and horses of the Tosa Domain who were hiding in the distance were frightened to death when they saw the tragic situation at Zen Master Mine Temple. Many of them dropped their weapons and fled.

The lower-level generals of the Tosa Domain tried hard to control the situation, but they could not find Yamauchi Tadayoshi, and they themselves were panicked.

The warships of the East China Sea Fleet began to approach slowly, and at the same time the artillery fire extended, and any place where people might be hiding was bombarded.

This unreasonable way of fighting is completely beyond the understanding of the Japanese people.

When they discovered that hiding had no effect, they lost the will to fight.

Many people simply threw away their weapons and armor when escaping, trying to disguise themselves as civilians.

They have long heard that the National Defense Forces are relatively benevolent and have no habit of attacking civilians. As long as they do not resist, they will definitely survive.

After clearing the beachhead, the Second Marine Division Shi Shiran began to land without encountering any obstacles.

In Kochi City, the extremely nervous Tadayoshi Yamauchi learned of the situation and was completely desperate.

After he returned to his residence in a daze, he dispersed everyone, then set fire to the feudal lord's mansion, and chose to go to hell with the foundation of the Yamauchi family.

Gu Erzhong saw the fire in the city and was indifferent.

"After the ministries enter the city, they control the key points, and the 5th regiment is responsible for putting out the fire. If there is resistance, shoot and kill, and at the same time collect weapons and count the prisoners. Anyone who takes the opportunity to rob, kill, or cause chaos will be severely punished. People are warned to stay at home to avoid possible consequences.


In just one day, the powerful Tosa Domain on Shikoku Island was wiped out.

This result effectively shocked other daimyo on Shikoku Island.

The daimyo of Awa Domain and Iyo Domain quickly led their retainers and rushed to Kochi Castle with their seals and yellow records, and happily surrendered to the Second Marine Division.

It doesn't matter if you can't keep your inheritance, and it doesn't matter if you lose your authority.

As long as you can still survive, you are extremely lucky.

(End of chapter)

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