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Chapter 1704 Naval Restructuring

Chapter 1704 Navy Reorganization

Author: Hecheng Fengyue

Chapter 1704 Navy Reorganization

"Did your family really go to the plateau?"

"What do you think?"

"What does it have to do with me?"

"Second from the left, you and I are inseparable!"

Seeing Zhang Haogu riding on Zuo Mengeng's body and roaring, Long Zuguang felt very embarrassed.

This attack on the emperor, do you want to save him or not?

The guards around him were all very anxious and only dared to consult him with their eyes.

Long Zuguang had no choice but to curl his lips and drive everyone away.

The autumn weather is crisp and the sun is shining brightly, which is perfect for traveling.

There are two or three fishing rods erected next to the river embankment. Regardless of whether it is empty or not, it is still a good time.

A large group of children are jumping around, and even a butterfly can attract them to chase.

Fulin's appearance has changed drastically and he has become much more cheerful. He led Zuo Xuanzhao and other brats and transformed into the king of children.

Xu Ruolin, Wang Siyi, Zhang Yan, Bumu Butai and other women were busy setting up the picnic, talking and laughing, very much like ordinary families.

Only Zhang Haogu’s injured world was achieved.

Seeing Zhu Cixiang twisting around while sitting next to the fishing rod, Zuo Mengeng scolded: "Fishing can sharpen your spirit and cultivate calmness, which is very helpful for you. After joining the army, there are many dangers, so you have to think more about everything.

Think more, do you understand?"

It was time for Zhu Cihong and Min Weizhong to leave the army.

Zhu Cixiang had a clear goal and strongly requested to go to the navy.

He imagined that a good man riding the wind and waves was extremely romantic, and the letter Shi Lang sent back even more seduced him into yearning for it.

As for people, if they don't experience severe beatings, they won't grow.

Zuo Mengeng did not stand in the way of his choice.

What should be cultivated has been cultivated, and the rest of their life path still needs to be explored by themselves.

Min Weizhong was deeply influenced by his family education and wanted to go into politics.

Zuo Mengeng followed his good example and threw him into the northwest strategic cluster, starting with the big head soldiers.

If you don’t want to be a soldier, do you still want to be an official?

I hope that Min Wei will not collapse as he chews the yellow sand in the northwest.

It was a good time for Zhu Cixiang to go to the navy.

The Navy is about to undergo restructuring.

The restructuring issue has actually been brewing for many years.

Now, the war on land has begun to enter its final stage. East Asia, South Asia, and Southeast Asia have all been pacified. The navy's combat missions have been reduced, and it is just in time to carry out all-round restructuring.

"Currently, the three major fleets are very strong, and they are still limited to the territory. It is really a waste of natural resources. According to His Majesty's request, we have made a new plan."

The restructuring of the Navy starts with the Admiralty Department.

Luo Shuilin, Vice Minister of the Navy, officially took office as Minister. Zuo Hua, the former Minister, only retained the position of Governor of Nanyang and no longer engaged in active service.

This is also a trend.

Zuo Hua had a high position and was unable to make any progress. Continuing to stay in the army would only limit his growth and block the promotion of those who came after him.

This is also a big problem for the Wehrmacht.

Most of the top generals are young and still have a long military career ahead of them.

The Army is a little better. With the expansion of territory, there are many opportunities to make achievements.

Only in the navy, there are only so many promotion channels, and future battles will be very fragmented, with few large-scale battles. Therefore, the top generals need to make way for their juniors.

Zuo Hua only retained the governorship of Nanyang, and after serving for three to five years, he could be transferred to the chief executive of the capital and enter the political career.

However, because both the state administration and the governor-general were also in charge of the military, Zuo Hua's military position could still be retained.

There is another reason for doing this.

That is, Zhang Yan and Zuo Hua have been living in two places since they got married, which is very difficult for their married life.

Zuo Mengeng just wanted to let him settle down and live a normal life for a few years.

As the Zhu family's brothers and sisters grew up, Zhang Yan also fulfilled her duties as a guardian, and this time she will go to Nanyang to reunite with Zuo Hua.

"In view of the fact that the number of ships has increased to a certain scale, in order to protect ocean trade and interfere in European affairs, we plan to reorganize the original three fleets into a brand new four fleets."

The navy's original three fleets are the North Sea Fleet, the East Sea Fleet and the South Sea Fleet.

The jurisdiction of the North Sea Fleet takes Korea Province and Dongyang Province as the dividing line, and goes all the way north to the North Pole and the New World.

The jurisdiction of the East China Sea Fleet is in Taiwan Province, east of Luzon Province, including today's Nanyang Province and Australia Province.

The original area of ​​activity of the South China Sea Fleet was the entire South China Sea, but now most of its forces are stationed in the Indian Ocean, and it is one of the main forces intervening in Tianzhu affairs.

Originally, such a deployment was not a big problem, but as the empire expanded into Europe, the three major fleets became out of date.

"The four new fleets are the Northern Fleet, the Southern Fleet, the Western Fleet and the Ocean Fleet."

Zuo Menggeng took the reform plan, looked at it carefully, and found that the navy had great ambitions.

The jurisdiction of the new Beiyang Fleet has expanded a lot, and is divided from the Nanyang Fleet by Taiwan Province. From then on, the north, all the way to Mexico in the New World, belongs to the activity area of ​​the Beiyang Fleet.

The Nanyang Fleet expanded from the original East China Sea Fleet and took over the jurisdiction of the original South China Sea Fleet. Their jurisdiction ranged from the east of Temasek to South America in the New World.

The original South China Sea Fleet was renamed the Western Fleet.

This Western Ocean is not that Western Ocean, but refers to the Indian Ocean.

In other words, the entire Indian Ocean waters from Cape Storm in Africa to Temasek are controlled by the Western Fleet.

As for the ocean fleet, as the name suggests, it needs to go deep into the Atlantic Ocean, get deeply involved in European affairs, and become the vanguard of the imperial intervention in Europe.

"If we divide it this way, I'm afraid the ocean-going fleet will be overwhelmed."

Zuo Mengeng could see clearly and clearly the thoughts of everyone in the navy.

But generally speaking, generals don't like to have a mother-in-law supervising them above their heads.

What they like most is that they will be away from home, and their orders will not be accepted.

It's not that these generals are inherently rebellious, but that the control from above will limit their performance.

Among the new four fleets, the other three are located next to the center and headquarters, and must be subject to supervision at all times.

Only the ocean-going fleet has to go to the Atlantic Ocean. The sky is high and the emperor is far away, and Europe is still in chaos, so there is plenty of room for it.

Speaking of this, all the generals present felt embarrassed.

Luo Shuilin smiled endlessly and flattered Zuo Mengeng.

"The sage is no more than Your Majesty. The hundreds of victorious monks are the most joyful."

"Okay, Minister Luo, can you complain in person?"

"Lao Luo, I even treated you to dinner."

Monk Bai Dasheng was delighted on the spot and quit immediately.

The conference room was filled with laughter and the atmosphere was quite peaceful.

Although the reform from three major fleets to four major fleets will inevitably create many important positions, everyone is also well aware of the position of commander of the ocean-going fleet.

Unless someone has sufficient status and is deeply trusted by Zuo Menggen, it is impossible to be elected.

Although there are many generals in the navy, there are only a few who are qualified.

Bai Dasheng, Tian Langtao, is still gratifying, just choose one of the three.

Among them, Shang Kexi is still the former commander of the South China Sea Fleet. It is not yet known whether he will continue to serve as the commander of the Western Fleet.

(End of chapter)

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