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Chapter 179 Aftermath【Seeking Monthly Ticket】

Bai Xiaoqi didn't know that the person they shot to death was A Min. He quickly shot all three people to death with two rounds of arrows, and then ran up.

"Hey, Captain, what is this?"

A soldier stepped forward and kicked the corpse. Since he couldn't understand, he asked Bai Xiaoqi.

Bai Xiaoqi actually didn't understand the meaning of Houjin's military uniform, but it was obvious that this guy wearing a blue robe with red trim had better armor than the other Tatars.

"Whatever, he should be a high-ranking official anyway. Drag him back and let Qianzao take a look."

The outflanking of the cavalry brigade completely determined the outcome of this battle.

Moreover, the cavalry brigade came from behind, so there was no need to worry about accidental injuries. Therefore, the firing of guns one after another caused the rear Jin soldiers to disintegrate and die quickly.

At this time, the fighting on the west bank ended, and the First Brigade and the Second Brigade also crossed the river and entered the battle.

Hou Jin's remaining hundreds of infantry and cavalry were gradually compressed into space, and then peeled off layer by layer, leaving only circles and circles of corpses.

When Zuo Menggen crossed the river, he saw a lot of crying from the artillery brigade.

"Qianzao, Team Leader... Team Leader is gone."

Zuo Mengeng was in a trance, and the corners of his eyes were instantly wet. Following the soldier's guidance, he came to Li Xiangzhu.

At this time, Li Xiangzhu had already stopped breathing. He was still sitting upright, eyes glaring forward, and his mouth wide open as if he was still shouting something.

Squadron leader Jia Yunzhi burst into tears and told the story of Li Xiangzhu's sacrifice intermittently.

"The Tatars... the Tatars rushed up, and when they saw that they could no longer defend themselves, he became anxious and held the gun mount close to fire. The Tatars... the Tatars were blasted down, but the troops at the front were shocked to death.


Zuo Mengeng squatted in front of Li Xiangzhu, already crying.

This is a scholar!

Because he could no longer survive, he fled to Linqing. After joining the rear camp, he worked diligently. Since he was busy, Li Xiangzhu took care of the artillery brigade.

He doesn't understand anything, but he never complains, always works hard and studies silently.

In order to help the team improve their gunnery skills, he did not sleep peacefully for a month.

Although his command made mistakes when the war just started, Kuri Xiangzhu saved the position with his own sacrifice and responded to his call with his precious life.

Although Zuo Mengeng had thought before the war that there would be sacrifices and many people would sacrifice. But when someone he really knew was sacrificed in front of him, the grief that pierced his heart was still hard to contain.

A hand reached out from beside him, patted his shoulder, and comforted him with a weak but happy voice.

"You are the leader of an army, why are you crying like this? We have won the battle, and the Li team will be happy when they are under Jiuquan. Just like you said, we fulfilled our promise and did not let the Tatars go.

I avenged the suffering people."

Zuo Mengeng turned around and saw Huang Zongxi lying on a stretcher with one sleeve empty.

"Where are your hands?"

Compared with his anxiety, Huang Zongxi was very calm.

"It's just a broken hand, it's nothing. Let me tell you, I killed seven Tatars with my own hands."

When looking at Li Xiangzhu, Huang Zongxi's eyes were also red.

"Hehe, I used to hide in my hometown in Zhejiang, talking about everything in the world in a clear and logical way. It seemed that everything in the world was so easy and there was nothing that I couldn't do. Now that I'm on the battlefield, I understand that in troubled times, it's so difficult to save your life.

It’s difficult.”

Zuo Mengeng held his remaining hand, feeling somewhat relieved.

"Yes. So we must work harder to prevent kind-hearted people all over the world from experiencing such sorrow."

Huang Zongxi's face was pale and he was obviously extremely weak.

"Now I finally believe your words, we will definitely succeed."

Zuo Mengeng watched Huang Zongxi being carried away for treatment, watched the soldiers gently collect Li Xiangzhu's body, and then looked down the mountain.

The battle is over.

The entire Jurchen army was destroyed, and all those who were surrounded died in battle.

Perhaps they also understood that falling into the hands of the Ming army might be more uncomfortable than death.

Fortunately, some Han soldiers survived and became prisoners and were escorted over.

Under the moonlight, everyone who is still alive is confused.

Did they...did they win?

Defeated the invincible Eight Banners of Manchuria?

Why does everything seem like a dream and feel so unreal?

Until they saw Zuo Mengeng walking to the hillside, holding up the world like a jade pillar holding up the sky.

"Today, here, under the witness of the Great Wall and the Hundred-foot Pass, we have won! We defeated the arrogant Eight Banners of the Jurchens. We defeated more than 2,700 to 5,000. We won completely and beyond doubt. We have won.

The victory told everyone that there is no invincible enemy in this world, because we are the most powerful. This great and fertile land does not allow any robbers to run rampant. Today we can defeat the enemy here, and in the future,

We can defeat the enemy anywhere. Do you have this confidence?"

There was silence between heaven and earth, and Liu Yiyuan suddenly raised his arms and shouted.

"Long live!"

Mao Yuanyi, who had one leg chopped off and used a musket as a crutch, also shouted.

"Long live!"

Everyone was surrounded by the joy of victory and felt even more confident.

"Long live...Long live...Long live!!!!!!!"

The murderous aura soaring into the sky was so powerful that even the bright moon could not match it, and she hid behind the clouds in fear.

After this battle, the rear camp finally got rid of its immature appearance and began to step into the ranks of a strong army.

After a great battle, in the battle of blood and fire, life and death, and after fully enjoying the joy of victory and the emotion of eternal life, all that is left is deep exhaustion.

That night, the entire army carefully gathered the bodies of their comrades and then held a cremation ceremony.

The weather was hot and there was no way to bring their remains back to Linqing, but their ashes had to be handed over to their relatives in person.

It was not until the next morning, after resting, that the entire army began to clean the battlefield and tally the results.

"Qianzao, look, what kind of official is this?"

Bai Xiaoqi and others dragged the body over. Zuo Mengeng looked at it but did not dare to confirm it. After thinking about it, he asked someone to call the prisoner over.

"Do you know who this is?"

Several prisoners came forward in fear, took a brave look, and immediately fell to the ground in fear.

"This is big...big...big Baylor."

Bai Xiaoqi was confused after hearing this and kicked her foot up.

"Grandma, tell me clearly, what is Big Belle?"

But Zuo Mengeng laughed loudly and kept patting Bai Xiaoqi on the shoulder.

"Okay, Bai Xiaoqi, not only are you smart, you are also very lucky. Do you know who this is?"

Although he was asking Bai Xiaoqi, Zuo Mengeng was also excited and couldn't help but move over to observe.

Bai Xiaoqi felt even more itchy and embarrassed.

"Oh, Qianzao, just tell me, how could I know what kind of cat or dog this is?"

Zuo Mengeng was in a good mood, pointing to the corpse on the ground and said: "This is not a cat or a dog, but the Tatar big beile, Huang Taiji's brother Amin. Including Huang Taiji, there are only four big beyles in total, and now you are

Killed one."

"Oh, doesn't that mean that I killed the general who led this group of Tatars?"

Bai Xiaoqi felt dizzy and grinned stupidly.

Killing Amin was an absolute great achievement.

The whole army worked together until the afternoon before finally clearing up the results of the battle.

In this battle, a total of 5,635 people from various Mongolian tribes in Houjin were wiped out. Below Amin, Turge, Chakara, Namtai, Kurtang, Baige, Bao Chengxian and Gao Hongzhong were all killed.

Only Tang Gudai ran away with about thirty people and went into the vast mountains without trace.

For both Houying and the Ming Dynasty, this was definitely a great victory that would shock the world.

From October last year to now, for more than half a year, the Ming army has not killed a well-known general of the Later Jin Dynasty, not even a Han general.

Huang Zongxi was injured and bedridden, and Liu Yiyuan temporarily took over his duties in the Military Affairs Department. He was busy tallying up the results of the battle and asked excitedly: "Shall we report it now?"

Zuo Mengeng had already thought about it and shook his head to reject it.

"Wait for one day, and then send someone to Qian'an tomorrow to report to Lord Ruogu. Today and tomorrow, we will fake the battlefield."

The Hou camp was responsible for destroying more than 5,000 Hou Jin troops in a field battle.

Although this is the result of everyone's desperate struggle, if the Ming court sees the actual situation, the secret of the rear camp cannot be hidden.

The only way, of course, is to use two days to fake the battlefield into a siege.

The Tatars were anxious to get out of the pass and attacked the city desperately. The rear camp relied on the Qingshui Pass and stubbornly blocked Hou Jin's attack. They found the opportunity at the last moment and went out of the city to fight in the field, which is why they achieved such great results.

In this way, the number and combat effectiveness of the rear camp, as well as overly advanced weapons, can be hidden.

Only with Hou Xun's cover can we avoid the eyes and ears of interested people.

This chapter has been completed!
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