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Chapter 186 Darkness Chencang

Liang Tingdong's words made both the emperor and his ministers calm down.

Before, everyone was too worried about Zuo Menggeng's arrangements, but they forgot that Linqing Association was now defeated.

Moreover, the White Lotus Sect is attacking Linqing. If the Linqing Association is not properly arranged, something big will happen.

Chongzhen couldn't help but frown, and couldn't think of who could succeed him.

No one expected that Sun Chengzong would speak.

"Your Majesty, Mao Yuanyi, an old minister who praised Mao Yuanyi, has repeatedly performed outstanding achievements. When he was in Liaodong, he helped the old minister a lot. This time during the battle of Qingshui Pass, he was also in Linqing Xiehou camp, and he made even more meritorious deeds. When promoting talents, one should not avoid relatives.

The old minister thinks that Mao Yuanyi can be the co-general of Linqing."

Zuo Mengeng didn't know this. If he knew, he would really laugh to death.

Hou Xun thought about it and realized that Mao Yuanyi was one of his own no matter what, so he did not object.

Chongzhen was impressed by Mao Yuanyi and it was Sun Chengzong's suggestion, so he nodded.

"I originally planned to let Mao Yuanyi go to Liaodong to reorganize the troops on Juehua Island and change her to Linqing, but it is appropriate."

The emperor nodded, and Mao Yuanyi, the new general, was confirmed.

Liang Tingdong is not done yet, there are still bad things to worry about.

"Your Majesty, the former prefect of Dongchang, Cao Wenheng, has been transferred to the position of governor of Yingtian. Currently, Dongchang Prefecture is leaderless. If the demon Bailian returns and there is no one to coordinate, Dongchang will be in trouble. Please select talented people to stabilize the situation."

Chongzhen is going crazy.

Why are there problems everywhere?

What happened to this Ming Dynasty?

But it's useless to be angry. The problem of vacancy in Dongchang prefecture must be solved.

However, in his eagerness, Chongzhen could not think of a suitable candidate.

Hou Xun was a little surprised when he heard that Cao Wenheng had been transferred.

The prefect of Dongchang is the immediate superior of Linqing Prefecture. If he were replaced by someone other than Donglin, many things would be exposed.

What should be done to keep the secret and satisfy Chongzhen?

Needless to say, in the flash of lightning, Hou Xun really thought of someone.

"Your Majesty, Zhou Gongjie, the editor of the Imperial Academy of Zodiac, is upright and courageous in his duties. At this time of crisis, only such determined and talented people can turn the tide from collapse."

When he said this, Chongzhen's expression was very exciting, and the others lowered their heads and tried hard not to laugh.

Of course, Huang Daozhou is also Donglin, and he is the kind who works very hard. At the same time, he has a stubborn personality and does not tolerate sand in his eyes.

Because of this, it was not long ago that Chongzhen was unable to step down.

The source of the public case still lies with Yuan Chonghuan.

Grand Governor Yuan was sent to the heavenly prison by Chongzhen, and the remnants of the eunuchs immediately seized the opportunity, knowing that this was a great opportunity to overthrow Donglin.

Not only did they follow Chongzhen's wishes to accuse Yuan Chonghuan, they also expanded the struggle and took action against Han Xu, Qian Longxi and other cabinet ministers.

When Han Xu saw that the situation was not good, he simply resigned.

Chongzhen did not want to bear the reputation of bullying the elders of the three dynasties, so he let Han Xu go.

But Qian Longxi, who had repeatedly disobeyed him, finally gave Chongzhen an opportunity.

After Qian Longxi was imprisoned, the whole court was in disbelief, and no one dared to come forward.

At this time, Zodiac Zhou stood up.

The words he submitted in his memorial were very fierce, and he directly stated that the state was in decline because Chongzhen killed too many ministers.

This time it hit Chongzhen's back.

Chongzhen was furious and ordered Huang Daozhou to go to court again to admit his mistake.

Huang Daozhou was also a strong commander, fearless, and his words in the memorial were even more intense.

[Leave this piece of truth for the sake of the country’s structure, side plans, morale, and people’s hearts.]

Chongzhen was so angry that he wanted to protect the face of the sage, but he couldn't kill him. He didn't even want to make a move. He had to demote Zodiac Zhou by three levels and transfer him from the post of censor.

For such a person, Chongzhen was helpless.

I was upset when I saw him, I couldn't deal with it, I felt dizzy even when I mentioned his name.

At this time, when he heard that Hou Xun recommended Huang Daozhou as the prefect of Dongchang, he instinctively felt that Hou Xun was harboring evil intentions. But then he thought about it and asked Huang Daozhou to stay in the capital, and he might give himself eye drops at some point.

If he is transferred away from the capital to take charge of the government, surrounded by secular affairs, and there is trouble caused by the demon sect, he should have no time to bother himself, right?

Thinking of this, Chongzhen became really happy.

"Hou Qing, these are golden and good words, yes."

Seeing that Chongzhen agreed, Hou Xun breathed a sigh of relief. After leaving the palace, he still had to prepare backup plans.

The first is Zuo Mengeng’s specific appointment.

Chongzhen handed the matter over to the Ministry of War.

Who is currently in charge of the Ministry of War?

Shangshu Liang Tingdong, Shangshu Hou Xun, and right minister Xiong Mingyu were three Donglin Party members.

When the three big guys got together, Hou Xun got straight to the point.

"Zuo Menggeng wants to quell the rebellion of the White Lotus Sect. The top priority is Dongchang Mansion. He can be appointed as Dongchang Assistant General. He will first pacify Dongchang and then assist other places."

Liang Tingdong and Xiong Ming looked at each other in confusion.

Zuo Menggeng is from Linqing, so you tell the emperor that he cannot serve as Linqing's co-counselor and show his loyalty to the country.

Looking back, you arranged the person to the position of Dongchang Assistant General...

Aren’t Dongchang and Linqing the same thing?

But if you think about it carefully, it really doesn't matter.

Liang Tingdong and Xiong Mingyu were unwilling to offend Hou Xun for this matter. Especially after Han Xu, Qian Longxi, Qian Qianyi and others left, Donglin's power in the court was extremely weakened.

Hou Xun gained Chongzhen's trust, and he would have to rely on him to compete with hostile forces in the future.

With the tacit understanding of the three bosses of the Ministry of War, Zuo Menggeng, the Dongchang co-counselor, will be freshly released.

What the three of them didn't know was that the new Linqing Assistant General Mao Yuanyi was also Zuo Mengeng's. This time, the entire Dongchang Prefecture's military power was in Zuo Mengeng's hands.

Zuo Mengeng could only work in a military unit.

Now, the sea is really wide enough for fish to leap, and the sky is high enough for birds to fly.

Zuo Menggeng's troops boarded the ship at Hexiwu and headed south quickly and steadily. The soldiers who had been fighting for several months were fully rested.

When he arrived in Cangzhou, he received a military intelligence report from his hometown.

"What, Liu Yuanqing died in the battle?"

This news shocked Zuo Mengeng, who was confused and lost his mind for a long time.

In the original history, Liu Yuanqing did not die in the Qing army's siege of Linqing until the fifteenth year of Chongzhen.

As a result, it has only been three years since Chongzhen, and he is gone.

Little did Zuo Menggen know that many things had changed because of his influence.

For example, the White Lotus Sect's disaster in Shandong originally occurred in the second year of Chongzhen.

In order to quell the rebellion, the imperial court transferred many troops from various parts of the capital, which indirectly eased the difficulty of the Later Jin's invasion.

Now everything is reversed.

The invasion of Hou Jin Dynasty actually depleted Shandong's military strength and gave the White Lotus Sect an opportunity to launch a massive uprising.

He has been staying in Linqing, and Xu Yaqing has been paying attention to him. With such a fierce tiger around, Xu Yaqing certainly did not dare to move.

When he was ordered to go north to the capital to participate in the war, Xu Yaqing finally got a golden opportunity.

And compared to the previous rebellions in history, the scale of the White Lotus Rebellion this time was even more terrifying.

On the Dongchang Mansion side, Xu Yaqing first feigned an attack on Dongchang, mobilized Liu Yuanqing, and then eliminated him in Weijiawan.

She thought that Linqing's military strength was exhausted, and Linqing was richer and could control the canal, so she sent her troops westward.

But she didn't understand the composition of the rear camp.

Although Zuo Mengeng left with a large army, Zhou You, the military and political chief, is still there and has been training new recruits and reserve forces.

Yes, there are reserves in the rear camp.

Zuo Mengeng has long thought about the issue of replenishing the supply of troops in the future, so he has always asked Zuozhuang and workers in various industries to receive military training.

If the strength of the rear camp is only a little over 3,000, then there are more than 8,000 reserves.

When Xu Yaqing attacked Linqing City and Qu Shichu was in a panic, Zhou You stepped forward and led the new soldiers to fight with the White Lotus Sect bandits in the east of the city.

Although the back camp reservists are all new recruits, do the White Lotus Sect rebels have any military qualities?

When both sides meet their opponents, they will encounter good talents, and the game will be a hearty one.

In the end, the rear camp reserve relied on better organization, coordination and professional command to eliminate more than 700 bandits at the cost of three people being injured.

The remaining bandits were so frightened that Xu Yaqing couldn't control them at all and retreated all the way.

However, Xu Yaqing was still smart and knew that Linqing could not be provoked, so she went all the way north, swept through Xiajin and Gaotang, and is now stationed in Xuguandian.

Zuo Mengeng laughed as soon as he saw it.

"What a coincidence that Xu Yaqing came right before our eyes. How about we finish beating her first and then we go back to Linqing?"

Several officers were lazy, and Sakudai even yawned.

"Then let's fight."

Seeing their appearance, Zuo Mengeng couldn't help but hum: "I want to remind you that Xu Yaqing's group of thieves is tens of thousands, which is a huge number."

Liu Yiyuan quickly waved his hand.

"Yes, yes, these things are considered human beings?"

Ever since the elite field battle with Hou Jin doubled, the unruly spirit in the Hou camp has emerged.

How could they, the regular army, take a liking to a group of rioters that even the back camp reserve troops couldn't defeat?

However, what Liu Yiyuan did next made Zuo Mengeng realize that he had been worrying too much.

"Hou Qingchun, take your people to survey the terrain. Be careful, ride on horseback, don't get stuck."

Under the surface contempt, the officers in the rear camp still maintained the most important caution.

Hou Qingchun took the order, led a small team of scouts, mounted his horse, and headed south first.

The biggest benefit of wiping out Amin's troops was that a very large number of war horses were captured.

This time, Zuo Shi's cavalry brigade not only lived up to its name, but also transformed the soldiers of the reconnaissance brigade from eleven-year-old soldiers into supercars.

After other officers returned, they immediately ordered to start combat preparations.

The soldiers who had rested for a while immediately began to prepare themselves, and they all looked normal for the upcoming battle.

"Qianzuo, Director Huang is awake."

The doctor brought good news, which made Zuo Mengeng in a good mood and hurried to the back boat.

After the battle at Qingshui Pass, Zuo Mengeng was most worried that Huang Zongxi could not bear the injury of a broken arm.

It would be a pity if a great thinker whose name is left in history is lost like this.

This chapter has been completed!
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