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Chapter 195 Changes in Zuozhuang

Is the price of vegetables at 30 cents per pound expensive?

Of course it is expensive, and very expensive.

After all, the price of summer vegetables is just over a penny.

This price is already higher than that of pork or even mutton.

Why does the price of vegetables that is as high as thirty times cause such a sensation?

Because it's winter.

When people usually only live on pickles and pickles, suddenly seeing fresh vegetables will greatly stimulate people's taste buds.

In addition, although the price of vegetables is thirty times higher, without comparison, it is still within the acceptable range.

After all, it cost less than a tael of silver to buy thirty kilograms.

Ordinary people naturally have some difficulties, but for wealthy people, it is a great deal to be able to eat fresh vegetables in winter at this price.

Because of this, tens of thousands of kilograms of fresh vegetables from Zuozhuang were snatched up by Linqing City in just one day after they were put on the market.

Even if many people didn't buy it, they all came to Zuozhuang.

The vegetables grown in greenhouses are not harvested after just one crop, but can be harvested continuously.

Chen Zhi is not a fool, she actually came up with a way to make a reservation.

As a result, Zuozhuang’s off-season vegetables were all booked before they were harvested.

This influence is not limited to Linqing.

In January, Zhang Zonghuan hosted a banquet for his friends from Texas. When the dishes made of fresh vegetables were served, they immediately became the protagonists.

My friend burst into tears while eating the fresh vegetables. He eagerly asked where they came from, and asked Zhang Zonghuan to visit Chen Zhi and ask if he could sell the vegetables to Texas.

Chen Zhi was very embarrassed.

It is certainly good to increase the market for vegetables, but the production is too limited and it is beyond the capacity of the local supply chain.

I had no choice but to shirk the matter and not be able to take the final decision. We would wait until Zuo Mengeng came back to discuss everything.

However, this incident also made people in Zuozhuang see the power of off-season dishes.

"This winter, just from selling vegetables, Zhuangzi earned more than 50,000 taels. Unfortunately, after paying the workers' salaries, the remaining money was invested in the construction of new houses."

When the people of Zunhua came over, they could not let them sleep in the wilderness, so Zuozhuang invested a large amount of money to build new houses.

The people who came to seek refuge with Zuo Mengeng never imagined that they would receive such good treatment. They became even more grateful to Zuo Mengeng and became devoted to him from then on.

Chen Zhi added: "Now the local big families have also seen the benefits of off-season vegetables, and they have come to inquire and ask if they can cooperate? It just so happens that the attendees are back, and you have to make up your mind."

Money attracts people's hearts, and the huge profits from off-season vegetables cannot be hidden from others. Those big local businesses will be tempted, and Zuo Mengeng naturally expected it.

I'm afraid they won't be moved.

"I'll handle this."

After Chen Zhi, Lao Qintou still has a lot of good news to say.

"Master, look, these fields are now planted with corn. When autumn comes, wheat will be planted again, and there will be another bumper harvest."

Speaking of wheat, what does Zuo Mengeng think of?

"How is the yield per acre during this wheat harvest?"

This year, instead of barley, the fields in Zuozhuang are planted with wheat. Not only that, the wheat planting methods have been improved since the beginning of breeding.

We specially select high-quality, plump seeds and plant them according to the techniques in the "Agricultural Policy Encyclopedia". In addition, Zuozhuang's irrigation system is perfect and the weather this year is not bad, so Zuo Menggeng is very much looking forward to it.

Speaking of this, Chen Zhi and Lao Qintou smiled cheerfully.

"The good teacher gathered here and learned that our wheat harvest will be bumper this year, with an amount of seven per acre of wheat."

Zuo Mengeng was shocked.


One acre of real estate costs one stone and seven dollars. Compared with the average yield of one stone per acre in the north, this figure is almost an era-defining improvement!

Chen Zhi solemnly said: "We have enough cattle for farming in Zhuangzi. We are plowing deeply and carefully, with abundant irrigation. In addition, we strictly follow the method of ginseng breeding and selection, and plant according to the guidance of Xuan Hugong. It is natural to have such a yield."

Old Qintou was even more excited.

"Just listen to the young master, you are right."

Huang Daozhou sighed.

"Today, this is the only place where life is flourishing. Gentlemen, we need to work harder to make all people in the world live such a life as soon as possible."

Dang Huanchun even went to the fields in person to watch farmers sowing corn.

"If all the fields in the world had this kind of product, there would be no need to worry about hunger anymore."

Zuo Menggeng was not so easily satisfied, because he knew that agriculture in later generations would be even more exaggerated.

"Since the yield per mu can be increased to one stone and seven, it can be improved even more. Chen Zhi, tell everyone, don't be satisfied, you must continue to study."

Chen Zhi now completely admires Zuo Mengeng.

"I will pass on what I have said to everyone. I am also looking forward to the day when the yield per unit of land exceeds two dan."

Zuo Mengeng thought of something else and said: "By the way, aren't we using a new unit of measurement now? Hereafter, the weight unit will be based on tons, kilograms, catties, liang, and the old units such as stones and buckets will no longer be used.


After everyone heard this, they quickly took note of it.

The three newcomers Huang Daozhou, Mao Yuanyi, and Dang Huanchun didn't know why. Mao Yuanyi asked: "What is the significance of this change?"

Chen Zhi is responsible for explaining.

"What the three of you don't know is that stones and buckets are actually not units of weight, but units of volume. This is why the saying goes that big buckets come in and small buckets come out. Zuozhuang changed it to important units. The actual amount is the number, and the less

There is no room for self-interest and fraud.”

The concepts of weight and volume are not difficult for these scholars to understand. After hearing this, the three people praised it one after another.

Everyone walked along the country road, and when they came to the intersection of Zhuangzi Road, they discovered a strange scene.

Under the old locust tree at the entrance of the village, a smooth and clean wooden couch is now laid out. A short table is placed on it, and a boy is carefully making tea, his movements are skillful and elegant, and he has an aura of worldliness.

There was also an old man in brocade clothes, leaning on the couch, looking at the busy fields with half-squinted eyes, giving him a sense of leisure and elegance.

Zuo Mengeng couldn't help but wonder as he had never seen an old man before.

But Huang Daozhou moved quickly and took a few steps to greet him, very respectfully.

"I don't want to meet Lord Sima here."

Lord Sima?

Zuo Mengeng thought over it in his mind, but he didn't remember that there was anyone named Sima in the late Ming Dynasty?

The old man came back from his trance and was a little confused when he saw such a large group of people.

But he still knew Zodiac Zhou.

"Hey, Huang Youxuan, why are you here too?"

Zodiac Week is no longer aloof, but humble and respectful.

"This junior took office in Dongchang Mansion. He passed by here and was discussing with several like-minded friends."

Not only Huang Daozhou, but Chen Zhi also ran over and helped the old man up first, then pointed at Zuo Mengeng and introduced him.

"Lord Sima, this is my seat."

The old man looked at Zuo Mengeng with a strange expression.

It is strange that Zuo Menggeng is so tall and tall, but also strange that Zuo Menggeng is simple.

He fully thought that Zuo Menggeng was a disciple of a military commander and was born into a wealthy family, so he would be well-dressed and noble.

As a result, this young man was wearing an ordinary military uniform, exactly like the soldiers in the rear camp he saw. If someone hadn't specifically named him and met him on the road, he would have just regarded him as an ordinary soldier.

But now that he knew it was Zuo Mengeng, a narrowed expression flashed across the old man's face.

"Zuo Menggeng, I heard that you are going to rebel?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone who didn't know the truth was shocked. Zuo Rong and the others even touched the handles of their knives. All they needed was Zuo Mengeng's order to chop the old man into pieces.

Zuo Mengeng was unmoved.

He knew that this old man had no ill intentions. Otherwise, he would have gone to the capital to complain, and he could still enjoy the coolness like a god here.

"Haha, senior has a sharp eye. Not only me, Brother Youxuan, he, he, and others all want to rebel."

The old man looked at them one by one and found that most of the people in this group looked like scholars.

Even scholars are rebelling, and the Ming Dynasty is getting worse and worse.

He nodded, also very calm.

"Okay, count me in."

Zuo Mengeng didn't speak, just looked at him, his meaning was obvious.

Who are you?

The old man was speechless and smiled slightly.

"I...Li Banghua."

The breeze blew through the wheat waves, bringing with it the sound of waves.

Everyone was quiet for a moment, and then started to stir up the pot.

Zuo Mengeng is especially so.

He even suspected that there was something wrong with his ears.

"You...are you Lord Li Sima?"

Well, he finally understood what Master Sima meant.

Minister of the Ministry of War.

Li Banghua!

The famous northwest Shanxi... ah no, it is one of the Liaodong Iron Triangle.

He has already met Sun Chengzong, he is old and fierce, stubborn and tenacious.

I have never seen Yuan Keli, but it is said that he is very old and probably has only a few more years to live.

Unexpectedly, the remaining Li Banghua suddenly appeared in front of them and wanted to rebel with them.

This surprise is so big!

This chapter has been completed!
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