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Chapter 226 The New Life of Laiyang Masters

September is a happy time.

The sky is high and the clouds are light, and the sun is shining brightly.

The golden sunshine shines on the golden crops, and the whole earth is a heart-warming golden yellow.

Under such colors, people will be in a good mood and full of hope.

Spread across the fields, the farmers’ songs and laughter after work are the best portrayal.

Zuo Maodi, Shen Xun, Jiang Cai, and Jiang Gai were walking on the dirt road in the countryside, feeling the unique vitality of Linqing, and their moods were complicated for a while.

After joining the New Army, the four of them followed Huang Zongxi to learn how to work.

On the way back, what they learned the most was ideological propaganda.

Watching the unruly people who followed the White Lotus Sect in rebellion slowly change under the propaganda and inspiration of the Political Department led by Huang Zongxi, the four people felt very magical.

Under the influence of their ears and eyes, the four people already have an understanding of how the New Army operates.

After arriving in Linqing, during this period, they met Li Banghua, Bi Maokang, Qu Shichun, Zhang Jimeng, Huang Daozhou and other sages from Donglin whom they had only heard of and admired in the past.

However, unlike what they imagined, these wise men seemed to disdain to talk about poetry and articles, and they rarely talked about their family, country and world.

Everyone of them is very busy, and there always seems to be endless things to do.

Forget about them, the same goes for Zuo Mao’s fourth person.

Huang Zongxi did not give them preferential treatment just because they were newcomers. On the contrary, he drove them like donkeys and made them work hard every day and hit them on the back of the head.

This kind of life is completely different from the leisurely life of the four of them in the past. They couldn't adapt to it at first and made mistakes frequently.

However, after more than ten days, they gradually began to recover and were no longer so afraid of work.

In addition, the clothing of the four people has also undergone great changes.

When they set out from Laiyang, they were still wearing scholar's robes. But as time went by, the dirty and damaged clothes could no longer be worn, so they had to replenish their clothes.

And what Huang Zongxi threw to them was the most ordinary New Army uniform.

Several people wanted to protest, but Huang Zongxi pointed at himself and Zuo Mengeng, leaving them speechless.

Even Zuo Mengeng, Huang Zongxi, and even Li Banghua and Bi Maokang always wear such clothes. What qualifications do they have to remain noble?

If we want to say that the biggest impact the four people felt in Linqing was the discussion meeting that day.

Everyone's writings and speeches at the meeting made the four of them feel a little bit of danger.

"Zhongji, we seem to have entered a den of thieves."

Jiang Gai carefully observed his surroundings and found that no one was around, so he dared to express his worries.

He originally thought that there were many wise men in this place, and if he asked for help every day, his knowledge would improve. But after a few days, he felt that these wise men seemed to be preparing to rebel.

Zuo Maodi looked solemn.

"I had doubts when I entered the army that day. The left-hand staff member has even changed the military system. If he is not bold, he has some conspiracy."

When he said this, the other three nodded.

In the Ming Dynasty, although the military system was not consistent, it was all changes made by the court according to the situation. However, the system in the new army was obviously completely different from the current military system of the Ming Dynasty.

Jiang Cai was puzzled by this matter.

"You said, these people in the East Forest are originally gentlemen who are looked up to by the world, how could they do such a rebellious thing?"

Shen Xun understood this quite well.

"Since the present day, Donglin has suffered repeated setbacks, loyal ministers cried blood, and the country has been shaken. It cannot control the captives externally, and it cannot quell the chaos internally. The people are becoming increasingly poor, and there are many tragedies of leading beasts and cannibals. I guess they are disappointed with the Ming Dynasty. Bar?"

Jiang Gai couldn't help but said: "But the Ming Dynasty is the orthodoxy of the world. As a scholar, you should advise the king to follow the right path."

Compared to the three of them, Zuo Maodi is the one who thinks the most.

During these days, he not only quietly observed the words and deeds of Huang Zongxi and others, but also always asked for advice. He also had the deepest understanding of the theory here.

He asked: "But what if the king does not follow the right path? How many loyal ministers were innocently wronged when the Donglu invaded? In the past, everyone in the world thought that the new king was the coming of the Holy Lord. After these three years of twists and turns, they should have realized something. .”

Jiang Cai asked cautiously: "Zhongji, do you plan to join them?"

For these scholars who had read poetry and books since childhood, rebellion... was always a topic that frightened them.

Zuo Maodi did not immediately strengthen his belief, but seemed very confused.

"Do you still remember what Dali did in Laiyang that day? At that time, Huang Taichong said that people wearing long gowns are human beings, and those with bare feet and mud legs are not human beings. This sentence has made me think about it to this day. The sage said, Government is based on virtue, and the world is for the public. But what we have seen and heard over the years, have the words of the saints been realized? Which saints and famous ministers in the past dynasties have achieved it?"

Shen Xun and the other three had nothing to say.

They are all proficient in history books and naturally know that even in those so-called prosperous times, real ordinary people lived a very difficult life.

That is to say: when it prospers, the people suffer; when it dies, the people also suffer.

Zuo Maodi said again: "I don't know whether the world can achieve great unity here, but as far as I can see, Zuo Shenzuo and others can share the joys and sorrows with the common people. Just based on this, Isn’t it worth following us?”

Speaking of this, the other three couldn't help but smile bitterly.

On the way back to Linqing, because they had been following Huang Zongxi all the time, the three of them underestimated the difficulty. However, after eating several simple meals in succession, the four of them were a little confused.

They all came from well-to-do families, and they never had to worry about food and clothing. Not to mention fine clothes and food, but they were still considered exquisite.

In their opinion, although the food in the New Army was adequate, it could only be regarded as dross.

In the first few days, the four of them couldn't even eat, and were so hungry that they were delirious. Later, under the heavy work, their physical strength was extremely exhausted, and they could no longer care about so much, so they slowly accepted the simple food.

They originally thought that this was because they were fighting outside.

But after arriving in Linqing, I discovered that the diet of Zuo Mengeng, Huang Zongxi and others was still the same.

Seeing that everyone in the cafeteria was eating to the same standard was a scene that the four of them would never forget.

Throughout the ages, how many sages have left golden words and good words. However, if we look closely, how many of these sages have managed to unite knowledge with action?

A little research on the lives of people like Cheng and Zhu will reveal that they were definitely isolated from the people.

In contrast, these living practitioners right in front of us are undoubtedly greater.

"Everyone, Huang Taichong is right. The choice between the dynasty and the world, the monarch and the people, our generation of scholars should not hesitate. Even if we die for it, our family will be destroyed, isn't it just the right thing to do?"

Zuo Maodi decided.

He wants to stay and pursue the great road.

Perhaps there should be a new interpretation of the traditional principle of loyalty and filial piety.

"You are not afraid, so what should we be afraid of? Perhaps, in the future, we can really surpass the ancient sages and create great unity in the world."

Shen Xun is determined and can't help but feel relieved to see someone who shares the same goals with him.

Seeing this, the two brothers Jiang Cai and Jiang Ga put aside some of their doubts.

Their thoughts were deeply influenced by Zuo Maodi, and they were very convinced of Zuo Maodi. When they were confused, it was almost their instinct to follow Zuo Maodi.

Zuo Maodi was very happy to see that his friends were indeed like him.

"Let's go find Huang Taichong. I haven't fully understood many of the theories he said."

The four young people put aside their burdens, returned to their high-spirited state, and gathered together to find Huang Zongxi's residence.

Huang Zongxi is writing an article and welcomes the visit of the four people.

He is like this, aloof and arrogant on the outside, but cold on the outside and warm on the inside. Once he gets his approval, he will treat others with sincerity.

He had seen the struggle and adaptation of Zuo Maodi and others during this period. He was really happy to see that another talented person had joined his camp.

"You are all great sages from Lu. Come and help me read this article. What do you think of this article?"

Huang Zongxi has a convenience that no one else has.

That is, he is basically the first person to contact and listen to any new ideas or theories that Zuo Menggen comes up with.

Under the influence of Zuo Mengeng, Huang Zongxi's ideological realm improved rapidly.

In the past few days since he came back, he had several debates with Li Banghua, Dang Huanchun, Liu Yiyuan and others. Under the blend of new and old knowledge, he had some breakthroughs, so he couldn't help but write down his own opinions.

Zuo Maodi is now a real fan of Huang Zongxi. When he heard that his idol had another work, he was the first to pick it up and read it carefully.

Another change that Huang Zongxi made under the influence of Zuo Menggeng was that his writing habits completely abandoned the Zhihuzhe style and all were narrated in vernacular.

Moreover, his writing habit changed to horizontal writing, and he even learned to use a quill pen from Deng Yuhan.

This way of writing made Zuo Maodi look tired, but he had to adapt to it.

[Among the various structures of human society, interests are the basis and core of maintaining relationships. In societies and countries composed of many people, maintaining the interests of everyone is completed by the monarch...]

Huang Zongxi has realized the side effects of the monarch, and his understanding of the monarch has begun to become more comprehensive and advanced.

This deviated from his original scope of "Yuanjun".

Although he is not as sophisticated and evolved as he would be decades later, his understanding of political phenomena such as monarchs is undoubtedly much more profound and accurate.

The fourth person, Zuo Mao, was greatly inspired after reading this article and immediately gathered around Huang Zongxi to ask for advice.

Huang Zongxi explained his knowledge eloquently, and also learned some of the people's sentiments on the ground from the fourth person Zuo Mao, which made up for the missing parts in his thoughts.

"Gentlemen, if you have such profound knowledge, how about you follow me to break through the fog and create new policies?"

Huang Zongxi had not expressed his views so heartily for a long time, and he was so excited that he extended an invitation to Zuo Mao's fourth person.

In the current debates, he has been relatively lonely.

His theories and opinions were only silently supported by Zuo Menggeng. But as a leader, Zuo Menggeng obviously could not clearly choose which side to support.

Huang Zongxi urgently needs his own helpers, and the newly joined young people like Zuo Maodi are undoubtedly good helpers.

This chapter has been completed!
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