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Chapter 235 Horse Tread Joint Operation 【Seeking Monthly Ticket】

"In the Song Dynasty, there were all water within 800 miles of this place, so it was easy to defend but difficult to attack. Now there is only a bare low mountain left, so it is naturally not considered dangerous."

Zuo Gui also followed the cavalry regiment and helped Wang Siyi popularize the past of Liangshan.

After learning about the situation, Wang Siyi was speechless.

"Hundreds of miles of water will disappear. Compared with the way of heaven, we people are really nothing."

Liu Yiyuan was fearless.

"No matter how vicissitudes of life, we people are living well. This shows that we are the most powerful people in the world."

The several generals laughed heartily, not taking the White Lotus Sect rebels at their feet seriously.

Seeing that the sun was about to set, Zuo Shi asked, "How should we fight?"

Wang Siyi pointed at the bandit's camp and said with a smile: "These bandits don't even repair the fence, so what's there to be polite about? Just join forces and join forces."

To the generals of the New Army, the camp of the White Lotus Sect rebels was as crude as a child's play house.

Even if the tents are set up in a messy manner, the living areas for people and horses are not separated.

The most egregious thing is that there are neither wooden walls built around the camp nor trenches dug.

In such a flat place, the cavalry only needs one charge to kill them.

After the discussion was settled, several people began to divide their troops.

Liu Yiyuan and Zuo Shi led an attack from Guishan around Liangshan; Wang Siyi and Zuo Fu led the elite troops capable of riding and shooting and went south from Fenghuang Mountain.

Under attack from two directions, I don't believe the White Lotus Sect can hold on.


Under the setting sun, there was a faint smoke in the White Lotus sect's camp, and the aroma of rice wafted far away.

The thieves who had been fighting all day were all sitting quietly, waiting for their meal to be served.

Similar to those of Xu Yaqing and Li Mengming, there are not even one-tenth of the true White Lotus cultists among them. Most of them are bankrupt people who were brought here under threat. They have no choice but to rebel if they can survive.

Guo Yunbiao sat alone at the door of the tent, looking up at Liangshan, not knowing what he was thinking.

Dong Biao came from a distance with food and placed it in front of Guo Yunbiao.

"Defender, please be at peace. After tonight, I will definitely capture Liangshan tomorrow and take away Li Qingshan's head to avenge you."

Guo Yunbiao shook his head slowly without any joy.

"Master Dong Altar, tell me, where has the holy aunt gone?"

Dong Biao's expression also became serious. He looked around to make sure there was no one nearby before lowering his voice.

"I heard before that the holy aunt went to Protector Li, but then there was no news. There are also rumors that Protector Li claimed to be the emperor. Could it be..."

Guo Yunbiao still shook his head, looking confused.

"Li Mengming didn't even capture Dengzhou, so he didn't dare to mess around."

Dong Biao stood aside and didn't know what to say.

He is a tiger general, and it is difficult for him to use his hands and his brain.

Guo Yunbiao also knew that discussing this with him would be like asking for fish in a tree, so he said: "Go and invite Master Zhao Si."

After a while, Zhao Si hurried over.

"Master Zhao Sitan, where is Zuo Menggeng?"

Zhao Si is very helpful.

"The spies reported that Shang is in Dongchang Mansion. It is said that he has been entangled by the rich landlord there, and he has been unable to get through for a few days."

Guo Yunbiao was puzzled.

"Zuo Menggeng is a famous general in the world. It is impossible that he does not understand the principle of speed. He is so slow. If we retreat to the water, does he really believe that he can defeat us in a water battle?"

Dong Biao said angrily: "The imperial court is used to boasting, but I think this famous general is also a good guy. How many times have we fought water battles with the army over the years, and which one did we lose?"

Guo Yunbiao reprimanded: "Don't underestimate the enemy. Zuo Menggeng can even defeat the Tatars, and the holy aunt is even more afraid of him. Be careful of suffering losses."

But when he heard that Zuo Mengeng was still in Dongchang Mansion, Guo Yunbiao finally felt a little more relaxed.

He has made up his mind that after killing Li Qingshan tomorrow, the entire army will retreat to Dongping Lake. If Zuo Mengeng really dares to enter the lake, then let the officers and soldiers see what a dragon in the water is.

All doubts gone, he finally felt hungry, so Guo Yunbiao planned to go get a bowl for dinner.

As soon as he leaned over, he noticed that the rice bowl was shaking slightly.

He thought he was dazzled, so he looked carefully and found that not only his rice bowl, but also the earth seemed to be shaking.

In a moment, the deafening sound of horse hooves approached rapidly, and continuous screams could be heard outside the camp.

"What happened?"

Guo Yunbiao and the others suddenly stood up and looked into the distance.

I just watched a cavalry charge from the west, carrying the blood of the setting sun on its back, and had already crashed into the camp. Wherever it passed, blood was everywhere, limbs were flying everywhere, and chaos had arisen.

The first person to crash into the camp was naturally Wang Siyi.

This girl was riding on dark clouds and covered with snow. Her horse was so fast that she even lost a little distance from the people behind her.

When she rushed to the outskirts of the camp, the White Lotus Sect rebels were still a little unable to react.

Wang Siyi's men showed no mercy. They opened their bows and arrows, and shot seven or eight people to death in an instant.

Now the thieves finally knew it was an enemy attack.

But with such a large group of cavalry charging towards them, no one dared to attack them unless they were stupid, and they all ran back howling.

One by one they were infected, and the camp exploded in an instant. Countless thieves retreated, tying all the friendly forces together, but no one thought of resisting.

Wang Siyi shot more than ten people to death, then she put away her bow and arrows, drew out her two axes, and just charged in without caring about what was behind her.

The cavalry following her fired a round of muskets, then switched to grenades, throwing them in both directions.

The serial explosions completely destroyed the will of the thieves, and also caused fires that spread everywhere.

After doing this, the cavalrymen switched to sabers one after another, and chased the passage that Wang Siyi had carved out, slashing all the way.

It's a long story, but the whole process only took a minute, and half of the entire camp had already been drilled through.

Looking at the power of the incoming enemy and the chaos on his own side, Guo Yunbiao felt cold all over. He knew that the defeat was certain, and he couldn't accept it for a moment.

Zhao Si was still alert and grabbed him and started running back.

"Dharma protector, leave quickly. We can make plans after we return to the water village."

Dong Biao also knew that the situation was critical, so he picked up his long ax and moved forward to meet him.

He felt that his martial arts skills were good and wanted to buy time for Guo Yunbiao to retreat.

Wang Siyi killed very happily and quickly reached the front.

Dong Biao looked at the speed of her horse, suddenly raised his long ax, and shouted like thunder.

He had already thought that even if he couldn't kill the man on the horse, it would be enough to kill the horse.

It was said that at that time, just before Dong Biao's ax fell, Wang Siyi waved her hand and sent out a bunch of things. When it arrived in front of Dong Biao, she unfolded it all, and it turned out to be her usual riding whip.

The tip of the whip wrapped around Dong Biao's neck, but when Wang Siyi returned his hand, Dong Biao, who usually boasted of his immense strength, flew up like a rag.

Screaming in terror, it flew a long distance in the air, and then smashed straight to the ground, causing dust to fly.

In fact, Wang Siyi had already killed him by throwing him to the ground, but the subsequent cavalry still trampled over him, turning him into a puddle of mud.

Guo Yunbiao and Zhao Si were running for their lives. Seeing this scene, they were really frightened.

With Guo Yunbiao's martial arts, if he wanted to defeat Dong Biao, he would have to take one to two hundred moves. As a result, such a master could not even hold back a breath when he was in the hands of an enemy general.

The helmets of the cavalry regiment are different from the flying saucer hats used by the new army. Instead, they use the "Yong" helmet.

As for why we don’t use flying saucer hats…

Just try it on a horse and you will know.

Therefore, "Seeing the Dragon Removes Armor" misleads the audience.

Dong Biao died with one move, completely destroying the fighting spirit of the thieves. Everyone started to run away, only regretting that their parents had lost two legs.

But halfway through, there was another chaos ahead, and a group of cavalry was also coming to kill them.

Now the thieves ran no matter which direction they were running. They ran wherever there were no officers and soldiers.

Keep running, keep running, as long as you run faster than others you can survive.

This situation caused great trouble to the cavalry regiment.

There are only a few of them, so even if they spread out and chase them, they can't completely wipe out the enemy.

In the end, thousands of people ran back to the lake, got on the boat, and fled back to the waterfront with Guo Yunbiao in embarrassment.

Except for a few who were lucky enough to escape, most of those who did not board the ship were killed by the swords of the cavalry regiment.

Guo Yunbiao fell into the boat and stared blankly at the cavalry rushing back and forth on the shore, his whole body trembling.

Although there are many horse thieves in Shandong, he is no stranger to cavalry. But this is the first time he has seen the power of such a large-scale cavalry.

With such a terrifying army here, wouldn't it be impossible to get out of the water in the future?

Wang Siyi, Zuo Fushunli, Liu Yiyuan, and Zuo Shi joined forces. Seeing the fruitful results, everyone was in a good mood.

If we say the biggest benefit of this battle is that it has improved the self-confidence of several people.

This was the first time that the battle was fought without Zuo Mengeng, and it was fought so beautifully.

With this foundation in place, they will not be uneasy wherever they go on expeditions in the future.

This chapter has been completed!
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