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Chapter 239

Anshan Lake in the late Ming Dynasty has gradually taken on the shadow of Dongping Lake in later generations.

Every winter during the dry season, the canal flowing through Anshan Town will be disconnected from Anshan Lake.

But it is far from the level of later generations.

Anshan Town in later generations was seven kilometers away from Dongping Lake, and this area is now covered with lake water.

What is currently troubling the New Army is that the waterways in and out of Anshan Lake are silted up and the water level has dropped, making it difficult for large ships to pass.

If it is Dongping Lake in later generations, there is actually another way to go, and that is the Dawen River on the east side.

But today's Dawen River flows southward into Shushan Lake at Daicun Dam, and the topography is different from that of later generations.

"No matter what, you can't just send small boats into the lake."

Zuo Hua's attitude was very firm.

As a landlubber, he has a natural fear of water.

If they only send small boats, the new army will have no advantage and may lose.

He is leading the battle, and if he loses, he will not be able to hold his head high in the future.

Don't talk about him, the others don't want to just send small boats into the water.

Ren Qi reminded carefully: "Guo Yunbiao has a crossbow under his hands. There are many reeds in the water pool, so it is easy to get hit."

Well, now even the most adventurous person knows it won't work.

If it were on land, facing the opponent's crossbows, the new army would not take it seriously at all. They could fully take advantage of the range of muskets and artillery to destroy the opponent before the opponent's crossbows were fired.

But on the water, it is a water area with complex terrain, and you have no idea where your opponent will ambush.

There was no cover on the small boat, and the soldiers might be wiped out by one round of crossbow arrows.

No responsible officer would play with the lives of soldiers.

Fu Yijian thought for a long time and felt that he had thought of a way.

"Senzuo, why not widen the river channel to allow large ships to enter and exit?"

The one who came with the army this time was Feng Benyu, deputy director of the Logistics Department.

He was in charge of engineering in the original General Logistics Brigade. Zuo Menggeng has not separated logistics and engineering for the time being, so his position is the deputy minister responsible for engineering.

"We have calculated the water level and found that the water level in the Huitong River is lower than the water level in the lake. Even if we dig out the silt and widen the river, it will still be impassable because of the difference in water levels on both sides."

The water level of the canal in winter is one to two meters lower than in summer.

Don't underestimate this water level difference.

It is precisely because of this that the waterways and canals are cut off.

Again, insufficient water sources are the cause of the flow interruption, not just widening the river channel.

On this day, everyone discussed for a long time, but no effective solution was ever found.

Zuo Menggen had no choice but to order the entire army to be stationed temporarily until the results of the research were available.

Feng Benyu returned to his tent, but he tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

He is a native of Linqing and read some books when he was a child. Later, his family declined and he had to learn carpentry to support his family.

When Chaoguan Wharf was being repaired, he was recruited because of his good skills.

Because Zuo Menggeng paid his wages well and provided meals, Feng Benyu had a great time working at the dock. When the time came to recruit soldiers for the new army, he gritted his teeth and signed up.

He was literate and good at craftsmanship, so he quickly rose through the ranks in the General Logistics Brigade, and it didn't take long for him to become Zhang Yan's deputy.

Feng Benyu never thought that he could still be an official in this life.

Although the officers of the New Army are not very prestigious, having so many people under them obeys their orders makes the feeling different.

By the time the new army was established, all the units had changed drastically.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that sooner or later, logistics and engineering will be separated.

Even Zhang Yan talked to him many times and asked him not to slack off to avoid missing a great opportunity.

This time there was going to be a water fight, so Zuo Mengeng took him out, maybe he would be of great help.

Now that the whole army is in trouble, again because of the passage problem, Feng Benyu feels that if he cannot solve the problem, he will be derelict in his duty.

When they were planning to establish the engineering corps, Zuo Mengeng told them personally.

What are the responsibilities of the Corps of Engineers?

Make roads when encountering mountains and build bridges when encountering water.

Now the passage for the entire army to advance is blocked. As engineers, we cannot solve this problem. Isn't that a dereliction of duty?

Feng Benyu tossed and turned and couldn't sleep, always thinking about Fu Yijian's words in his mind.

But what he was thinking about was not the situation here in Anshan Town.

Finally, I couldn't bear it anymore, so I got up and woke up the guard again.

"Call a few people and borrow some horses from the cavalry regiment."

The guard was asleep, but the boss didn't want to.

"Minister, it's dangerous to run around in the dark in the middle of the night."

Feng Benyu slapped him on the forehead.

"The military situation is like a raging fire. How can we sleep if it is not properly resolved? Go quickly."

The guard was excited, his sleepiness disappeared, and he hurriedly called someone to borrow the horse.

In the cold wind of the vast night, Feng Benyu led a dozen surveyors out of the camp and went all the way.

This trip lasted three days.

Feng Benyu was also a ruthless person. He used three days to walk around the water park again.

If he hadn't reported it in advance, everyone would have thought he had escaped.

But when he came back, he was acting crazy.

"Come on, everyone, I've found a way."

Feng Benyu didn't care that his face was dusty and unshaven, and he directly pulled out the map.

As soon as they heard that there was a way, everyone was surprised and joined in one after another.

Zuo Hua even got closer.

"Old Feng, if you really have a way this time, brother, I will be your matchmaker and find you a young lady."

Feng Benyu cursed loudly.

"Go to hell, you better look after yourself first."

Zuo Mengeng pressed down his excitement and said: "Minister Feng, tell me what you think."

Feng Benyu swiped his hand on the map and ran dozens of miles away.

"We were in trouble earlier and only thought about the waterway in front of us. I've been investigating everywhere in the past few days and found that there is another place that can be used."

His hand clicked on a location called Yupo Village.

Seeing that everyone was confused, Feng Benyu chuckled and said: "Look, everyone, this is the Daqing River, which is only a hundred meters away from the water park. And this is the Jindi River, which is only more than twenty meters away from this dry river. If we are here

Construction has started on these two places to divert water from the Jindi River into this section of the river and connect it to the Daqing River. After digging through the Daqing River and Anshan Lake, can we use big boats to berth in the water?"

Everyone looked at the map and looked at each other in confusion. They had no idea that Feng Benyu's idea was so crazy.

Is it possible?

While others were still hesitant, Zuo Mengeng felt that it was really feasible.

Because he remembered that the Daqing River that Feng Benyu mentioned was the Daqing River that the Yellow River later diverted into the sea.

The Jindi River is a tributary of the Yellow River, and the main channel next to it will be the future channel of the Yellow River. A section of it was still used as a canal when the Yellow River diverted the Huaihe River and entered the sea.

Just let the Jindi River flow into the canal and then dig out the east bank of the canal to complete the diversion of water from the dry river while keeping the canal open.

According to Feng Benyu's idea, the river channels are basically ready-made. They only need to be dug to connect the water of the Jindi River to the Daqing River, and then the Daqing River and Anshan Lake are dug. The distance of more than 100 meters, as long as there are enough manpower, is no more than

It can be completed in four or five days.

After all, this is a combat need, not a water conservancy project, so it doesn't need to be considered so carefully.

By doing this, you can attack the water park in at most half a month.

If you don't do this, you will have to wait until the water rises in spring next year.

Feng Benyu’s next sentence provided even more evidence.

"According to our ministry's observations, the channel of the Daqing River is much higher than the water berth. As long as it is dug through, the water will flow to the water berth, and there is absolutely no problem in using boats."

Mao Yuanyi was a little hesitant.

"Will doing this affect the water supply of people along the coast?"

No need for Feng Benyu, Zuo Mengeng just thought of it.

"We are just temporarily digging it up for the war this time. After the war is over, we will restore it to its original appearance."

When everyone thought about it, it was almost winter and there was no demand for agricultural water, so it really wasn't a big problem.

Liu Yiyuan is the most decisive.

"Then let's do it."

The generals present voted one after another and unanimously approved Feng Benyu's strategy.

Zuo Mengeng made arrangements immediately.

"Mobilize all the new soldiers in Linqing. If we can't fight, we can still dig trenches."

In order to rush for time, he was not afraid of scaring others.

Four days later, more than 18,000 new soldiers, together with the fourth regiment, began work under the command of Feng Benyu.

During this period of time, Feng Benyu had already led people to calculate the required ditch width.

If you want to carry a tank boat with 400 materials, the water depth needs to be three to four meters and the width needs to be eight to ten meters.

Based on the existing manpower, the construction period is up to ten days.

The second group spread out along the coast and was responsible for monitoring the situation in the water pool.

Guo Yunbiao, who was still sitting back and relax, must have never imagined what kind of surprise would be waiting for him.

This chapter has been completed!
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