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Chapter 258 Sniper Rifle

Once it comes to the military field, Zuo Mengeng immediately takes to the water.

Unlike the previous political and ideological issues, which really tortured him to death, he only made a little progress after going through so much.

In the military field, he is the great master of this era.

When he decided to teach the officer cadets in person, he immediately chose "On War".

This is an area in which he specializes, and he can even remember the punctuation marks throughout the book.

After a lesson on the essence of war, not to mention the officer cadets, even Liu Zongzhou and others and the Xu family suddenly became enlightened and had an essential understanding of war.

"War is a continuation of politics. This is a very good and subtle statement. In the past, when literati of our generation talked about war, they just said that war will lead to death. Now it seems that war is not necessarily a bad thing in many cases."

After class, Lu Shanji chatted and expressed his feelings.

Zuo Menggeng said with a smile: "As long as the war is fought well, not only is it not a bad thing, but it can also earn unimaginable benefits. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty did not understand this. As a result, when he conquered the Xiongnu, he spent several lifetimes of savings and family wealth.

It’s all used up.”

When Sun Qifeng saw him using Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty as an example, he asked: "Zhongheng, in your opinion, what are the benefits of conquering the grassland?"

Zuo Mengeng is like a treasure trove of treasures.

"First of all, after winning, we can capture many prisoners. These are free labor, with almost no cost. We can use these prisoners to build roads and bridges. Especially transportation in dangerous areas almost all depends on human lives.

.If these captives are used, the labor of our Han people can be reduced or reduced. Is this a move that benefits the people?"

When everyone heard this, their expressions were wonderful.

Corvee service has always been a difficult obstacle for common people in feudal society, and it often became the source of social unrest.

I believe the people will also be happy if we use foreign prisoners of war to reduce the corvee of our own people.

Li Banghua was filled with emotion.

"Only for this reason, I am afraid that the people all over the world will support the imperial court in the war."

If you think about it carefully, this is really the case.

This is a matter of interest and what people want.

Zuo Mengeng added: "In addition to prisoners of war, we can also use the large area of ​​grassland in Saibei to develop animal husbandry. The Central Plains has a large population, but there is very little meat to enjoy. We use the grassland to raise cattle and sheep and sell meat.

In the Central Plains, this is undoubtedly a large amount of income. It can not only enrich the national finances, but also improve the people's diet, and it is also a good deed."

Xu Erjue thought he was wishful thinking.

"Nowadays, there is famine all over the land and countless people are dying of hunger. How do you still think that everyone will eat meat?"

Zuo Menggen asked rhetorically: "Is meat not food? The Central Plains has limited arable land, and the amount of food it can produce has been determined for a long time. Even if the level of farming is continuously improved, it is impossible to satisfy everyone's consumption. In this case, it is necessary to use food from outside the region to make up for it.

Isn’t it appropriate to take advantage of the shortcomings of the Central Plains?”

Xu Erjue had nothing to say. Even if he didn't like Zuo Mengeng, he knew he was right.

Hou Xun put his hands behind his hands and sighed.

"There are many heroes in ancient and modern times, but no one has ever thought of this. From this point of view, opening up borders and expanding territory is a good strategy for China's long-term peace and stability."

Okay, let these people realize the importance of opening up new territories. Zuo Mengeng’s lesson will not be in vain.

Bai Xiaoqi found him after class.

"Take a seat, Zhao Sanyang has made a novel gadget. Can you help us see if it is useful?"

Zuo Mengeng followed him to the junior class and found Zhao Sanyang.

Zhao Sanyang secretly joined the New Army behind Zuo Mengeng's back. In the battle of Qingshui Pass, he would rather die than retreat. He set an example and defended the artillery position, successfully blocking Hou Jin's attack.

After the war, due to meritorious deeds and the expansion of the new army, Zhao Sanyang became a company commander.

After the establishment of the military academy, he got the opportunity to further his studies.

But this kid is a restless person. When he got to the military academy, he had more time and he actually figured out new things.

"That day we held a shooting competition, and I used a telescope to report the target to them. I found that the target that could not be seen with the naked eye could be seen clearly with the telescope. I thought, if this is the case, then use the telescope to help with aiming, right?


Zuo Mengeng took the flash cap gun from Zhao Sanyang's hand, and when he saw it, he couldn't laugh or cry.

It turned out that Zhao Sanyang tied the monocular telescope to the gun body with a rope, and then drew a crosshair on the lens with a pen.

Is your name Shunliu?

But I have to say that Zhao Sanyang's idea has been proven to be very useful by history.


How to make a flash cap gun into a sniper rifle?

Please, the flash cap gun has a range of 900 meters and has rifling, so why can't it be used as a sniper rifle?

Although the accuracy cannot be compared with later generations of firearms, it can still be used to kill targets three or four hundred meters away.

Of course, doing it like Zhao Sanyang is definitely not possible.

"Have you tried it? What's the hit rate?"

Zhao Sanyang scratched his head.

"Within two hundred meters, it's okay. The error is not big. Ten bullets can hit seven. Beyond two hundred meters, if ten bullets can hit three, it's pretty good."

Zuo Mengeng asked: "Do you know why?"

Of course Zhao Sanyang didn't know, so he looked over curiously.

Zuo Mengeng uses this crude sniper rifle to explain to everyone.

"First of all, your fixed mirror method is not perfect and has not been accurately calculated and matched. In other words, the target you aim at through the mirror and the target aimed at the barrel may not actually be the same."

Zhao Sanyang turned pale and anxious.

"Then what to do?"

Zuo Mengeng showed them the way.

"Go to the musket factory to find craftsmen and ask them to make special parts for installing the mirror. You must ensure that the mirror is strong and reliable, and can match the aiming of the musket."

He added: "You still have to go to the telescope factory and ask them if they can make a special sight."

In Zuo Mengeng’s opinion, this shouldn’t be difficult.

Monocular telescopes and multiple scopes are actually similar. The difference is that the lens of the scope needs to have a front sight and a scale. But with the craftsmanship of the craftsmen, there is still no problem in making this.

"One more thing, this musket is not good. The barrel is too short, and the workmanship is not exquisite enough. The error of bullets hitting long-distance targets will be so large. If you want to make a specialized sniper rifle, you must let the craftsmen strive for excellence."

Finally, Zuo Mengeng mentioned the essentials of sniping.

"For long-distance shooting, wind speed and gravity are also factors that need to be considered. You must learn to calculate the trajectory affected by wind speed, wind direction and gravity. Only in this way can you ensure that you can hit the target at a long distance."

As soon as they heard about the calculation, all the officers turned into bitter faces.

"Then... let's forget it. It's okay if we don't do it."

"Look at your moral character. You shrink back when there are difficulties. Do you still have the spirit of a soldier?"

Zuo Mengeng scolded them and introduced them to the advantages of sniping.

"You have all been on the battlefield, and you know how difficult it is to kill an enemy general. Many times, you can't get close at all. If you can kill the enemy general through sniper technology, wouldn't it be very useful?"

When he said this, several people's faces changed instantly.

"Hey, yes!"

"If during a battle, the enemy general was suddenly killed with one shot, wouldn't that mean he would win directly?"

Zuo Mengeng pointed out again: "That's not all, sniping can also be used for assassination. One or two killers can sneak into the enemy's city with sniper rifles and set up ambushes in secret places. They can easily snipe and kill important enemy figures, which is more valuable.


Bai Xiaoqi and Zhao Sanyang felt itchy after hearing this. They no longer felt that there was any difficulty and took action immediately.

It is indeed not difficult to add a sight to a flash cap gun and add sights and scales to the sight.

After hearing this, the craftsmen all said it was easy to make.

But in terms of musket craftsmanship, we encountered difficulties.

Bi Maokang, Zuo Dai, Jiang Wei, Yang Gui and others all hold the same view.

"The gun cannot fire accurately at a distance. In addition to being difficult to aim, the craftsmanship of the barrel is also a problem. Even if the barrel is made longer, it will not work."

"where is the problem?"

After Zuo Menggen learned about it, he personally inquired about the matter.

Bi Maokang said: "The barrel made of wrought iron is not smooth enough, which seriously hinders the exit speed and accuracy of the bullet."

Zuo Mengeng didn't understand and asked: "Isn't the inner chamber of the gun barrel polished?"

Zuo Dai is already a qualified weapons expert, and said with a wry smile: "Senzu, you don't know something. The characteristics of wrought iron are destined to not be smooth enough no matter how polished it is. When we tested, we even smeared the inner chamber.

Oil, the effect is still very poor.”

When they heard that the craftsmanship was not up to standard, everyone was depressed and could not find a solution for a while.

However, a voice came from the door.

"Why not use a steel barrel? I know a way to make the barrel smooth."

Everyone was surprised. They turned around and saw that the person lying at the door talking was actually Chen Shuangjin.

This chapter has been completed!
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