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Chapter 266 The Profit-seeking Nature of Capital

Although Wang Weiran was cheated, he gained a lot, but it also gave Zuo Menggeng a clear understanding of the profit-seeking nature of capital.

How could the Geng family, Zhang family, etc. not be close friends of the Wang family?

But when huge benefits appeared in front of them, they took action without any hesitation.

Taking the glass sales in the northwest region controlled by the Wang family as an example, if they operate normally, the annual income will be at least around 100,000 taels.

For this wealth, the Geng family and the Zhang family did not hesitate to turn against each other.

Although Wang Weiran solved the problem by vomiting blood, they still made a lot of money.

After all, Wang Weiran's mortgage needs to be handled by them.

Zuo Mengeng knew Zhang Zonghuan and Geng Ruchi very well.

Are they bad people?

From Zuo Mengeng's understanding, it is obviously not the case.

But why are these people so fierce when they see benefits?

Is it capital or people who pursue profit?

Zuo Mengeng encountered a new topic.

He knew very well that this was something he had to figure out. Otherwise, there would be trouble in the future.

In the March financial statistics, in addition to Fuyao Group, off-season vegetables have improved to a higher level.

This year, due to the participation of large households in Dongchang Prefecture, the scale of the vegetable company has more than tripled.

Not only does the sales area cover the entire Dongchang Prefecture, it also extends to Jinan Prefecture.

As soon as the off-season vegetables were put on the market in Jinan Prefecture, they were enthusiastically sought after.

Although vegetable prices are a bit cheaper than last year, they are still high-priced items.

Compared with the oral enjoyment, the price of off-season vegetables is nothing to the rich.

For example, Wang Xiangchun's family ordered more than a thousand kilograms of fresh vegetables in one go...

Prince De's palace was even more arrogant and even wanted to monopolize the business, but was driven back by the responsible Wang Yun.

King De originally wanted to use force, but Wang Yun drove his horse and showed Zuo Mengeng's sign, and all the families in Jinan Prefecture immediately became honest.

Ever since the quarrel between Zuo Mengeng and Prince Heng, everyone in Shandong knew that this guy was a thorn that should not be messed with.

Because Heng Fan had offended him, not only had he not been granted the title, but he still carried the name of a prince. The entire Qingzhou Mansion was still being ravaged by the White Lotus Sect, and Prince Heng's Mansion was shocked three times a day.

Think about it, the reason why Jinan Mansion can be peaceful now is because Zuo Mengeng's men are stationed here, and the thieves from the White Lotus Sect don't dare to cause trouble.

If this offends Zuo Mengeng and he withdraws his troops in anger, then the Jinan Prefecture will have great fun.

Although there is no longer any desire to seize the industry, there are many people who are jealous when they see the profits from off-season vegetables.

The Wang family even sent people to discuss the right to sell off-season vegetables in Jinan Prefecture.

In the face of huge interests, Wang Xiangchun had long forgotten the unpleasant trouble he had with Zuo Mengeng.

Everyone thought Zuo Mengeng would sternly refuse, but they didn't expect him to readily agree.

"We still can't penetrate into Jinan Prefecture, but it would be a pity not to seize such a big market. Anyway, it can bring us a lot of profits. Who can we leave it to? A little personal grudge cannot be dealt with.

Compared to the overall situation. Otherwise, why should I keep Wang Weiran?"

After hearing his explanation, everyone felt more and more that Zuo Menggeng had the appearance of a politician.

Speaking of Wang Weiran, Geng Zhangguang revealed a situation.

"Wang Weiran came to test me several times to inquire about the situation of the New Army. He also mentioned the weapons of the New Army many times. I suspect that he has ulterior motives."

Zuo Mengeng sneered.

"There is no doubt that he has ulterior motives. It is estimated that Donglu got information about our army and asked him to spy on it."

Tang Gudai and others ran away from Qingshui Pass. After returning, they would definitely talk about the difference of the new army.

Huang Taiji and other Houjin senior officials are not fools. As long as they understand the battle, they will know the tricks of the New Army.

It is impossible for Huang Taiji not to pay attention to such a powerful enemy.

The Jurchens are too conspicuous, and Shanxi businessmen will inevitably be taken advantage of by them.

Zuo Mengeng didn't care about this kind of thing.

"Wang Weiran is free to move around in Linqing, but he is not allowed to approach any major military camps or major factories. If he is dissatisfied, just tell him directly that he is not allowed to enter or leave important military areas."

Liu Yiyuan had some doubts.

"In this case, will Wang Weiran be given an excuse to cause trouble?"

Zuo Mengeng frowned coldly, not wavering at all.

"Am I the one who cares about this? There are places where even you are not allowed to enter. Why is he an outsider? The more straightforward you tell him, the more trouble you can save. There is no need to be pretentious in this kind of matter."

Everyone looked at each other and realized that Zuo Mengeng was becoming more diverse.

When it came to cooperating with Wang Xiangchun just now, he was flexible and changeable. Now when facing Wang Weiran, he was tough and principled.

But no matter what, everyone thought about it carefully and found that what he did was really right.

Wang Weiran couldn't say anything since he made it clear that no prying eyes were allowed in the important military area. Otherwise, he really had ulterior motives.

When the time comes to really attack him, he will be asking for it.

Everyone doesn’t know that sometimes rejection is also a very important skill.

After finishing the official business, it was time to set off south.

Huang was extremely concerned about Zuo Menggeng's marriage and sent it to the dock in person.

"After the wedding is held in Songjiang Mansion, you must return quickly. We can't delay here."

According to the wedding customs at this time, going to Songjiang was actually considered as getting married. Many times, after picking up the bride, he would return immediately.

If the distance is far, even the groom will not go there in person, and the groom’s family will send a wedding team to make things worse.

In "Marrying the Right Man in the Wrong Sedan", it was because of this method that the two brides changed their husbands.

However, Zuo Mengeng gave Xu Ruolin absolute respect and planned to hold the wedding now in Songjiang Mansion and another one when he returned to Linqing.

This is a bit like the marriage customs of later generations.

Zuo Mengeng and Xu Ruolin bid farewell to the Huang family and boarded the ship heading south.

The team on this trip was very large.

In addition to Zuo Menggeng and the Xu family, there were also Jiangnan scholars such as Liu Zongzhou, Li Banghua, Huang Zongxi, Wang Siyi, Zhang Haogu and Chen Zilong.

Liu Zongzhou is going back to Zhejiang to sort out his housework.

He will live permanently in Shandong in the future, and his family affairs in Zhejiang need to be dealt with.

Huang Zongxi also wanted to go home and catch his two younger brothers.

In his words, the two younger brothers cannot be wasted in Jiangnan, and it is more serious to come to Shandong to help.

Li Banghua has the simplest mind.

Now that we have decided to rebel, the court may be aware of it at some point, so the safety of our family is very important. It is safest to come to Linqing and be protected by a large army.

As for Wang Siyi and Zhang Haogu...

Just joining in the fun.

I heard people say that Jiangnan is good, so I wanted to go and visit it.

Especially Zhang Haogu, Zuo Mengeng seriously doubted that this guy had impure intentions.

Chen Zilong and others obtained the manuscript of "The Complete Book of Agricultural Affairs", printed a copy, and prepared to take it back to Jiangnan.

Although they saw and learned many new things in Linqing, they still would not return home for a moment. In their minds, Jiangnan was obviously better.

Zuo Mengeng didn't force it either.

Anyway, the situation will reverse in the future and one day they will wake up.

If they really don't wake up, the new army will not be afraid of more enemies like this.

A large group of more than ten ships sailed south along the canal from Linqing, and were entertained by various families in Dongchang Mansion. There were countless precious gifts, and this alone would probably make this trip impossible.

All the expenses were earned back.

When he arrived at Anshan Lake, Zuo Mengeng specifically stayed for a day to check the status of the fishing company.

Now the entire water system of Anshan Lake has been completely opened.

Li Qingshan and others also cleaned up the waters of Anshan Lake under the guidance of fishery experts, making the geographical conditions for fishery farming more favorable.

Tens of thousands of fry have been sown into different breeding areas, as well as aquatic vegetables such as lotus root, water bamboo, water chestnut, and mugwort. While increasing output, it can also improve the ecological environment of Anshan Lake.

"We have lived on Anshan Lake all our lives, and we never knew we could do this. From now on, we will be like farmers, and we will have endless income, so there is no need to worry about starving!"

Li Qingshan stood at the bow of the boat, looking at the vitality on the lake and feeling filled with emotion.

At this point, he no longer had any worries about surrendering to Zuo Mengeng.

Fuck you charlatans!

Fuck lawlessness!

To hell with your ease!

Compared with these major undertakings that can keep the villagers fed and clothed, nothing else counts.

"Work hard and you will understand that poor people can also have different ways of living."

Zuo Menggeng felt the change in Li Qingshan's mentality very clearly.

This made him very happy.

Transforming a habitual bandit who robbed families into a talented person who can produce wealth and benefit the world is undoubtedly a huge achievement.

This chapter has been completed!
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