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Chapter 295 Ecstasy Fireworks Field

Pear blossoms are like snow and willows are like smoke. Spring is on both sides of the Qinhuai River.

There are cosmetic buildings in the area facing the water, and each family's shadow is reflected in the shadow of Chanjuan.

Zuo Mengeng has known about the Qinhuai River for a long time. Although he has no feelings about it, he is also curious about this man's paradise.

However, when the fleet turned into the Qinhuai River and saw the usual crowds of people on both sides of the river, he couldn't help but be surprised.

The Qinhuai River seems to be no different from other places.

Along the way, the situation in Nanjing was always under control.

After learning that Liu Zongzhou had agreed to come, Nanjing seemed to be facing a formidable enemy, and Zhang Cai and others were ready to prepare.

Zhang Cai even published several theories in succession, intending to gain the upper hand.

The views contained therein are, without exception, the same old ideas.

[My mind is restrained by the laws of the heaven. If the laws of heaven arise, human desires will follow. Those who are thieves will have extremely human desires. Only the laws of nature are selfless, so they can control human desires. Only Confucianists have the laws of heaven, so they can restrain the thieves who pursue their own interests.]

The implication behind the words is to accuse Liu Zongzhou's pragmatism of leading the people to the path of thieves. In the long run, morality will be corrupted and human relations will be ruined.

After Huang Zongxi saw it, he scoffed.

"Tian Tian is here to explain the laws of heaven and human desires, but they are speechless. It is because there are so many such vain people in the world that the country and the people suffer repeated disasters."

Everyone on the boat burst into laughter, not taking Zhang Cai's message seriously at all.

After a short while, the boatman who was leading the way suddenly said: "My lords, we have to turn into the inland river. The big boat cannot go, so we can only stay outside."

Zuo Mengeng was puzzled and pointed to the river in front of him and asked: "Isn't this the Qinhuai River?"

Liu Zongzhou laughed and said: "Zhongheng doesn't know that the Qinhuai River has two waterways, the inner and outer waterways. The inner Qinhuai River is the world-famous Ten Mile Qinhuai."

Zuo Mengeng suddenly realized that he was ignorant.

After discussion, Zuo Mengeng and others decided to only take one boat to enter.

"I'll just stay here."

Although she was quite reluctant, Xu Ruolin still meant what she said.

She knew that when Zuo Mengeng and others went there, they would not only have to quarrel with celebrities, but also be accompanied by famous prostitutes and beauties. But she couldn't show jealousy, so she had to say such things against her will.

How could Zuo Mengeng not know what she was thinking.

"Today, your husband is going to fight with the scholars, and the future is dangerous. They say that a husband and wife are of the same mind, and they are stronger than gold. At such an important time, why don't you stay with me, can you bear to see me lose?"

Xu Ruolin felt happy and felt much better.

"You...you go to the Qin Lou Chu Pavilion. How can we, an innocent woman, get involved?"

Li Banghua happened to hear it and said with relief: "There are not only the Qin Tower and the Chu Pavilion, but also the Confucius Temple, the Imperial College, and the Gongyuan. It is where Jiangnan Wenhua is located. It is so important today, how can it be done if it is placed in the hook fence?"

Come to think of it, today is a grand event for discussing Taoism.

The attendees were all celebrities and great scholars.

Moreover, the outcome of the debate between the two sides is likely to affect the hearts of the world in the future. Even the most deviant people would not dare to arrange such an event in the Qin Lou Chu Pavilion.

After eliminating their inner worries and the nature of women who like to join in the fun, not only Xu Ruolin, Qiao Shi, Xu Ruoxin, and Wang Siyi also came.

As the boat turns from Shuiximen, the scenery on both sides of the strait changes.

The Qinhuai River no longer has the previous grandeur, but has transformed into graceful and elegant. The river width is at most twenty or thirty meters, so that the two banks are connected side by side without distinguishing each other.

Occasionally, small arch bridges cross the river, making this world-famous river irrelevant to the people and the country, and more focused on the customs.

What came oncoming was not only the warm spring breeze, but also the strong smell of powder.

The red windows lined up on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and the musical instruments and zithers that are softer than the flowing water, form a world of their own.

The boat came and faced a gathering of curious people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

It seems that the news of Liu Zongzhou's arrival in Nanjing has already been spread by interested people.

A battle for orthodoxy involves the hearts and minds of countless people.

Although businesswomen do not know the hatred of their country's subjugation, they must know the direction of the literary world in the future. Without the pursuit of literati, they cannot follow the mainstream of the literary world. The value of businesswomen is worse than the pork chopped by the butcher.

Standing on the bow of the ship, facing countless inquiring eyes, Zuo Mengeng's mood was not high.

He frowned and looked at everything here, not hiding his displeasure from the inside out.

Xu Ruolin was by his side. Although she was pleased with his appearance, she was also puzzled.

"When people talk about Qinhuai, they all yearn for it. Why are you frowning like this?"

Zuo Mengeng pointed to the romance and luxury on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and asked: "Look at this place, it's bustling, the gentlemen are dissolute, the beauties are as beautiful as jade, and being in a state of drunkenness and wealth, has it ever helped this chaotic world?"

Xu Ruolin was solemn.

She is not an ordinary young lady, she has also experienced life and death thrills. When she thinks about the countless poor people struggling in the world, she can't help but feel repulsed by this place.

Yang Chao, who was following Xu Ruolin, was not convinced.

"Women of my generation have been reduced to Zhangtai, but there is nothing they can do about it. Although we have noble aspirations and are not weak in men, the general thought wrong."

There was a sneer on Zuo Mengeng's lips.

"Your mother had a noble ambition, but she turned around and sold you. If you really have a noble ambition, you should be like General Qin Liangyu. Guarding the golden house and jade bowl, indulging in flattery and false fame, and writing two acid poems, is it true that your ambition is noble?"

Yang Chao was left speechless, and the values ​​he had developed since childhood were greatly impacted.

Zuo Mengeng looked back at her and said, "This is the Qinhuai River. You have to think about it carefully. If you like the life here, I will send you back."

Yang Chao's face turned pale and he was frightened.

"I...I don't want to go back."

In the past few days on the ship, she had seen how Xu Ruolin, Xu Ruoxin, Wang Siyi and other women lived, and she felt as if she had entered a new world.

It turns out that as a woman, you don’t need to serve others with sex or compromise, and you can live such a free and unrestrained life. Looking back on the past, what I have learned is really unsightly.

Seeing that she was determined not to go back, Zuo Mengeng said: "Your name is just for entering the industry. Since you want to live a new life, let's make peace with the past. From now on, your surname will be Liu Mingyin, and your given name will be:


Yang Chao tasted it softly, "How are the willows hiding in the willows? I see how charming the green mountains are, and the green mountains should be like this when they see me..."

Then he showed a happy smile.

"Liu Rushi thanks the general for the name."

Yes, Yang Chao was Liu Rushi, the first of the famous Eight Beauties of Qinhuai.

When she ran to the ship, Zuo Menggeng didn't know this yet. But on the way to Nanjing, the New Army's powerful intelligence capabilities reported everything to him.

Of course Zuo Mengeng would not allow people around him who didn't know the truth to exist.

Zuo Menggeng couldn't help but feel vain when he thought that Liu Rushi was his crush. But he still had to warn her, lest she fall back on her old ways.

Zuo Menggeng did not attach too much importance to the so-called Eight Beauties of Qinhuai.

The left and right are just scheming bitches in the vanity fair. The so-called praises of women and men are mostly compliments and boasts from literati and sluts.

If we really look into their life history, apart from their emotional entanglements with various men, we don't see any vigorous and righteous deeds.

Take Liu Rushi for example, if she really has the sentiments for her family and country as advertised, when Qian Qianyi's water was too cold, she didn't cut off her robes.

After Qian Qianyi was arrested and imprisoned by the Qing court, didn't she run to save him?

I don’t think she dislikes Qian Muzhai’s softness!

Therefore, in Zuo Mengeng's mind, the so-called Eight Beauties of Qinhuai are just that.

The only thing worthy of praise is that Liu Rushi received an elite education since she was a child and is more talented than many penniless women in the world.

This was the reason why he kept Liu Rushi with Xu Ruolin, just to find a helper for Xu Ruolin.

The inner Qinhuai River has meandered several times and is no longer quiet, but it is becoming more and more prosperous.

Surrounded by feasting and entertainment on both sides of the strait, we arrived at the Confucius Temple Pier.

At this time, the pier was crowded with people, rubbing shoulders with each other. Everyone was looking forward to it. When the boat of Zuo Mengeng and others appeared, there was a continuous shout.

The arrival of Tian Wenzong detonated the city of Nanjing.

But Zhang Cai and others standing at the front of the crowd were all frowning and in a terrible mood.

The purpose of their invitation to Liu Zongzhou was to openly refute Liu Zongzhou's views and reshape the orthodox path of Neo-Confucianism.

Now it seems that in Nanjing alone, those who admire and admire Liu Zongzhou's teachings are like crucian carp crossing the river.

Don't do it wrong. Instead of refuting Liu Zongzhou, you set up a platform for him and send him to become a god, right?

"Mr. Nan Guo, please be careful. From the perspective of the younger generation, there are probably not many scholars in Nanjing who would be tempted by Liu Niantai."

The person who whispered to Zhang Cai, named Ji Yingzhong, was the backbone of the restoration society and had been presiding over the affairs of the restoration society in Nanjing. As Zhang Pu, Zhang Cai's loyal supporter, this time he was even more of a pioneer in Zhang Cai's campaign.

Zhang Cai was silent and looked at the expressions of everyone around him, feeling even more worried in his heart.

This chapter has been completed!
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