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Chapter 305 Pragmatic and Pragmatic

Zhang Cai discovered that his side was in danger.

The theory of qi espoused by Neo-Confucianism was not explained clearly by itself, but was analyzed in detail by its opponents.

In the eyes of outsiders, there is no doubt that Neo-Confucianism has become a theory that deceives the world and steals its reputation.

Once it spreads, Neo-Confucianism will be completely thrown into the dust, and there will be no hope of a comeback.

The period when psychology suppressed Neo-Confucianism had already made people like them very sad, and of course they didn't want to go back to those days again.

Zhang Cai decided to abandon the "qi" debate and return to the original issue.

"What Brother Huang said is indeed exquisite, and what you have learned is also unique. However, the great road in the world is nothing more than the meaning of the scriptures. If you don't study the meaning of the scriptures, how can you understand the Tao? If you don't understand the Tao, how can you practice it? The profound meaning of the scriptures cannot be attributed to Confucianism.

A learned man cannot understand it. This is the responsibility of our generation of scholars, and Brother Huang must not ignore it."

Zhang Cai expressed his opinion.

The greatest avenues in the world are found in the Confucian classics. If you want to seek the great avenues, you must painstakingly study the classics.

These scriptures and meanings are so high-end, how can ordinary people understand them?

Therefore, only those of us who are scholars can master it and then use it to educate the world so that the Tao can be spread.

This is the right way.

But Huang Zongxi's counterattack was very sharp.

"Mr. Nan Guo is wrong. The way of heaven is eternal. It did not exist because of Yao, nor did it perish because of Jie. The scriptures and meanings of the sages were only written in admiration for the way of heaven. However, the way of heaven is as vast as the sea of ​​smoke. How can we stand still and only focus on one corner?"

Zhang Cai said that Confucianism is the way of heaven, and Huang Zongxi said that the way of heaven is Confucianism.

The two statements seem to be completely different, but in fact they are worlds apart.

Zhang Cai replaced all the best principles with the words of the Confucian family. If he does not believe in Confucianism, he is a perverse doctrine and a heretical way.

However, Huang Zongxi made it clear that Confucianism is only a part of the supreme principles of the Tao of Heaven. In addition, there are still more supreme principles that have not yet been discovered.

Therefore, people cannot rest on their laurels and should bravely explore so that they can master more and more truths.

His theory was very correct and impeccable. However, a serious consequence was that it severely damaged the authority of Confucianism.

Song Zhengyu asked sinisterly: "According to what Brother Huang said, is Legalism also the way of heaven?"

How could such a little trick be used against Huang Zongxi? Huang Zongxi immediately counterattacked.

"Then according to Brother Song's opinion, do we need to abide by the Ming Law?"


Song Zhengyu was speechless, retreating steadily, and was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.

He used Legalism as an example, trying to label Huang Zongxi as a traitor to Confucianism, and then gathered more people and made more voices to criticize Huang Zongxi verbally and writtenly.

But Huang Zongxi's counterattack was even more terrifying.

If you doubt that Legalism is not the ultimate way of heaven, well, as a law, the "Da Ming Law" is naturally inherited from Legalism.

If you question Legalism, you question the "Law of the Ming Dynasty".

If you question the "Da Ming Law", you are disrespectful to Emperor Taizu.

Do you want to rebel?

Not to mention this, Huang Zongxi approached Zhang Cai again.

"It is said that Mr. Nan Guo has a lot of knowledge about Yi and dares to ask for advice. Was it possible that Yi was written before Confucius Sheng?"

It is not clear when and by whom the "Book of Changes" was written. Although it is said from ancient times that it was written by King Wen of Zhou Dynasty, it is not credible.

But in any case, the Book of Changes was written earlier than the birth of Confucius, and even before the Analects of Confucius.

Judging from the content of "The Book of Changes", it is more inclined to Taoism than Confucianism.

However, the irony is that many great Confucians have studied the "Book of Changes" throughout the history, and all of them have achieved extraordinary achievements.

Today, it has become a common phenomenon for scholars and scholars to study the Yi Jing. It is not considered that scholars studying the Yi Jing are not doing their proper work.

Not only is it not a failure to do one's job properly, "The Book of Changes" is even one of the Four Books and Five Classics, and is required to be tested in the imperial examination.

But are the "Book of Changes" and "The Book of Songs" considered Confucian classics?

These two works were written earlier than Confucianism, and Confucius was not even born yet.

Huang Zongxi used this as an example, which made Zhang Cai and others unable to refute.

You say that Confucianism is the way of heaven, but are the "Book of Changes" and "The Book of Songs", which are not Confucian learning, the way of heaven?

Since this is the case, then the conclusion of Zhang Cai and others is not valid, but rather corroborates Huang Zongxi's belief that the way of heaven is Confucianism.

At this point in the debate, Zhang Cai and others were retreating steadily and could not regain the situation. The most surprising thing is that the only person dispatched here was a young Huang Zongxi.

Liu Zongzhou remained firmly seated on the Diaoyutai without saying a word, but he was sure of victory.

No one thought of challenging Liu Zongzhou.

Even his disciple Huang Zongxi couldn't defeat him, so who would humiliate himself?

Huang Zongxi became the focus of the scene.

He was no longer confined to his seat, he stood up and walked back and forth in the field, talking as he walked, and no one dared to question his reckless behavior.

"The way of heaven is vast and boundless. The accumulation of scholars and sages for thousands of years is just the tip of the iceberg. However, time has changed and the world has changed. Today's world is no longer the same as it used to be. We study poetry and books hard and sharpen our minds. This is knowledge.

Isn’t it possible? Is it because you are not sincere in seeking knowledge?”

At this moment everyone shook their heads in denial.

They don't have the guts to make these people stand up to the sages. But when it comes to their drive to study and learn, they still have the confidence.

Huang Zongxi's voice couldn't help but rise a few degrees.

"If what we have learned to this day is the way of heaven, why is the current world so depressed? There are some of us who hold court curtains, some of whom work hard, some who run around to inspire, and some who seek knowledge and exploration, but for the people of this country, there are some

How can I help?"

His words began to get closer to the core essence, and also caused everyone to think deeply.

In the past, there was the debate between Neo-Confucianism and Psychology, then Donglin was founded, and today the restoration of society is in the ascendant. All these are not the achievements of one day, but the efforts and revolutions that last for hundreds of years.

There are definitely not a few people with lofty ideals who are fighting for this, and many of the people here have even experienced it.

But the cruel fact is that, despite these sacrifices and blood-soaked struggles, the world is still inevitably in decline, the people of Li are becoming increasingly difficult, and the threat from alien races is getting worse day by day.

These facts are far from being explained by a villain stealing a temple.

There is no one here who raises this point of view without the sense of humor. It will only add to the laughing stock.

After all, it is not that the sages of Donglin have never controlled the court in the past, but the effect...

What is the real root cause of the increasing poverty of the country, the country, and the people?

This is the question that scholars should think about.

Huang Zongxi was rude and aimed directly at Zhang Cai.

"Mr. Nan Guo and Mr. Xi Ming advocate practical learning, abandoning fame and fame for true knowledge, and regaining the true meaning of learning. Is this a good statement?"

Zhang Cai was calm on the surface, but his heart was in turmoil. He didn't expect Huang Zongxi's attack to be so violent, almost pointing at his nose.

But what Huang Zongxi said was exactly what he and Zhang Pu said and did, and he couldn't deny it.

Furthermore, Zhang Cai thought to himself and didn't realize there was anything wrong with his words and deeds?

In today's Shilin, there are indeed many people who are obsessed with fame and opportunism in reading, without understanding the true meaning, just to cope with the scientific examination.

He and Zhang Pu called on scholars to abandon the concept of fame and return to the essence of learning. Is there anything wrong with this?

Unfortunately, the gap in ideological realm caused his moment of peace to be destroyed again.

Huang Zongxi's sound is like the great Lu Hong bell, spreading to all directions.

"But what true knowledge can be obtained from a pile of old papers? No matter how much you learn about righteousness, can you increase agricultural production? Can you strengthen the army and destroy the captives? Can you resist disasters and avoid disasters?"

Ask three questions in a row, going straight to the core.

Zhang Cai and Zhang Pu's so-called practical learning and emphasis on practice are just narrow-minded actions that follow the rules and regulations of Confucian classics.

These knowledge cannot increase agricultural income, nor can they build a strong army to defeat foreign enemies, nor can they resist natural disasters.

And the hungry people, the eagerly awaited Jin Dynasty, and the continuous natural disasters were exactly the dark clouds above everyone's head in the late Ming Dynasty.

Huang Zongxi was full of confidence. No matter whether he knew Zhang Cai or resumed society, no one could refute his point of view.

He knew exactly what Confucianism taught.

In the vast sea of ​​brilliant Confucianism, no trace of practical learning can be found. When urgent practical problems need to be solved, that is when Confucianism is blinded by its empty and pragmatic approach.

And this is the essence of Liu Zongzhou’s “pragmatism”.

If Zhang Cai and others dare to argue with him in these areas, Huang Zongxi will laugh three times, knock them all over, and stomp on them a few more times to make them die.

Sure enough, Zhang Cai and others were all suppressed.

Because they were all caught by Huang Zongxi.

When it comes to people's livelihood, production, wealth and other practical fields, they have made no achievements.

Don't talk about increasing agricultural production, I'm afraid people like rice seedlings can't tell the difference.

Even if they understand farming, it will not help, because everyone knows that farming is not Confucianism.

Now Huang Zongxi wants them to solve these urgent practical problems from Confucian texts. Even if they read all the Confucian masterpieces and even invite Confucius from thousands of years ago, they still can't solve them.

Confucianism without the support of essentialism and methodology is just a beautiful sand sculpture.

When the strong wind of reality blows by, it inevitably collapses and falls apart, revealing its empty core.

This chapter has been completed!
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