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Chapter 307 Practical

"If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools. Isn't this the truth?"

"The words of the sage are the most reasonable."

Asked and answered, no one had any objections.

First, this sentence was said by Confucius, and Confucian disciples did not dare to question it; second, this sentence is indeed a wise saying, no matter how many years have passed, no matter where in time and space, it remains the most truth.

Liu Zongzhou's purpose was not here either.

He then asked: "Have you ever learned this truth and practiced it from time to time?"

This time, even Zhang Cai said in a serious voice: "I will examine myself three times every day and I dare not deviate."

Since it is a wise saying, who would not follow it?

Liu Zongzhou laughed and started to answer questions.

"The principles of Heaven's law have been learned and used by us in order to understand how they are. However, do you understand the way to sharpen weapons?"

The scene suddenly fell silent, and everyone was stunned.

The angle of Liu Zongzhou's question was beyond everyone's expectations. Not only had everyone not thought about it from this aspect, but they also didn't know how to do it.

But is Liu Zongzhou’s question wrong?

of course not.

Everyone knows that in order to succeed in something, you need to make good tools first. This is how people have understood it for thousands of years.

But Liu Zongzhou asked a Confucian scholar about his weak side: Do you know how to make tools well?

No one present could answer this question, only Liu Zongzhou's voice penetrated into the depths of everyone's souls.

"Knowing that you need to use tools to do things means you know how it works; not knowing how to use tools means you don't know why it is done. If you don't know why it is done, you can't do it even if you know it is done. We, the scholars, know this, and we need to know more.

That’s why.”

The scene suddenly became lively, and everyone was talking a lot. Many people were scratching their heads and scratching their heads, and they were extremely happy. They all felt that they had learned something and had a deeper understanding of knowledge.

If future generations listen to Liu Zongzhou's words, they will not think they are so remarkable.

Because later generations’ understanding of wise sayings is based on a large amount of scientific knowledge.

For example, "water flows to lower places," and everyone in later generations knows that this is caused by the gravity of the earth.

But in this era, people also know that "water flows to lower places" is the truth, but why water flows to lower places is a question that people in this era have never been exposed to and cannot answer.

Liu Zongzhou only used a famous saying from Confucius to turn superficial thoughts into real talents and learning that are close to practical application, and the natural effect is extraordinary.

Zhang Cai tried his best to resist.

"The way to make sharp tools is what the craftsmen do. We, the scholars, should make good use of the craftsmen for our own use, and we can achieve things."

Liu Zongzhou rejected it on the spot.

"What you read on paper will eventually make you realize it, but you will definitely know that this matter must be practiced. Do your words conform to the original meaning of practical learning? Since it is what a craftsman does, can the craftsman be a scholar? If you practice it, what is the difference between a scholar and a craftsman?


Zhang Cai was stunned and speechless, and did not dare to express any more words.

He instinctively sensed that Liu Zongzhou's words were dangerous.

He originally advocated practical learning, but now he said that he wanted to learn from the achievements of craftsmen.

If you just sit back and enjoy the success, is that still practical learning?

Furthermore, since "knowing why something is so" is the work of a craftsman, is the craftsman considered a scholar?

Confucianism advocates learning and practicing it from time to time. If the scholars know why, it must also involve the field of tools. Are the scholars also craftsmen?

But if scholars and craftsmen are lumped together, is the division of scholars, farmers, industry and commerce still correct?

If he dared to say that this class division was correct, Neo-Confucianism would immediately become a false theory that could not be practiced and was doubted by the world.

He dares to say that this class division is incorrect, so the Three Cardinal Guidelines and Five Constant Rules are also wrong?

Moreover, this class division was promoted by Taizu of the Ming Dynasty. If he disapproved of it, wouldn't it be suspected of rebellion?

Zhang Cai suddenly discovered that no matter what he said, there would be many dangers.

I had no choice but to keep my mouth shut.

But by not saying anything, in the eyes of everyone, it was acquiescence that Liu Zongzhou was right.

At this moment, Zhang Cai completely lost the capital to fight and had completely lost the debate.

But no one noticed his frustration, because Liu Zongzhou's lectures had become the protagonist.

"When we study, we must not only know what is happening, but also why it is so. Only in this way can everything in the world be stagnant. The sage said that we should practice benevolent government. But how to implement benevolent government? Why implement benevolent government? Some people may say, we should take it lightly

The corvee and the small tax are resting with the people. How to make light of the corvee and the small tax? What is its significance? How to implement it? What are the specific steps? There are countless clues in it, and one hair will affect the whole body. If there is no check, the benevolent government will also become a bad government.

.This is the meaning of knowing why it is so.”

Everyone was fascinated by what he heard, and some even wrote quickly and recorded what Liu Zongzhou said.

"Benevolence" is the core concept of Confucianism and the core element of the definition of Confucianism in ethics, politics, society and many other aspects.

What is benevolence, how to explain benevolence, and how to practice benevolence have always been subjects of Confucian thinking and study.

What is benevolence? After thousands of years of research, Confucianism’s understanding of this subject is broad and precise.

How to elaborate on benevolence? Confucianism has a vast number of brilliant works, which are also solid enough.

Only how to practice benevolence is the crudest aspect of Confucianism.

Just like the phrase "light corvee and poor fortune" often mentioned by scholars, it has been said for thousands of years, and the ears of those who listen to it are calloused.

Is this correct?

Of course.

How can we take the corvee lightly and pay the low endowment lightly?

Anyone who has studied administration knows that there are profound considerations in economics, sociology, administration, management, demography, geography and many other disciplines behind it.

Officials with Confucian origins may be able to know the specific implementation methods if they have been honed in the officialdom.

What's terrible is that even these officials who have practiced it will not record their practice methods and processes.

Looking at their records, they can only be summarized into four simple words: "light corvee and thin fu".

As a result, what those who come after us still see is the ultimate definition of the clouds and mountains, but they cannot see the path to the ultimate definition.

The principles explained by Liu Zongzhou are not profound, but he hopes that Confucian scholars can personally practice the principles of the Tao, and then tell more people about the "why" of it, so that more people in the world can have a clear understanding of the principles of the Tao.

And a deep understanding.

Logically speaking, no one can refute Liu Zongzhou's point of view.


Once Confucian scholars really do this, it means that they will leave the pile of old papers and enter the real world to use situations in the real world to disprove knowledge.

Regardless of the result of such counter-evidence, it means that Confucianism has since embarked on a practical path.

Obviously, there are many things in Confucianism that cannot be proven in reality, and there are also many things that can be proven.

After practical verification, Confucianism will inevitably become more pure, and only the part that has been empirically verified can have vitality.

Obviously, what is it that does not have vitality?

It is precisely the theory of destiny, the three cardinal principles and the five constant principles, class division, etc. that maintain the basis of the rule of feudal society.

Once these things are proven to be useless and meaningless by reality, it means that the ideological foundation of feudal social rule begins to collapse, which will inevitably bring about the ideological liberation of the world.

This is the profound meaning of Liu Zongzhou.

Using the original doctrine of Confucianism, we call on scholars to know what it is and why it is so, and vigorously promote practical learning.

The practical science of Zhang Cai and others is just to call on scholars to do what the saints require, but his practical science is to call on scholars to know why they should do what they do.

This difference is undoubtedly a further step and more convincing than Zhang Cai's practical theory.

But once the scholars followed it, it would inevitably bring about great changes in Confucianism.

In today's world, except for a few people in this camp, there are no people who can appreciate Liu Zongzhou's intentions.

At the very least, Zhang Cai and others were just frustrated that they could not refute Liu Zongzhou's views, and had no idea that this great Confucian master was actually poaching Confucianism.

Even if they want to continue to resist, all they can do is maintain the doctrine of Neo-Confucianism.

However, the intellectual concepts of the two are one that is self-contained and rotten, while the other is that of rivers flowing straight down and vast waters, which are completely incomparable.

People in the world are pursuing profit, and after comparison, there is no suspense about how to choose.

This debate, which Zhang Cai painstakingly created, is destined to set the best stage for Liu Zongzhou’s practical theories.

If today's scene spreads, it won't take long for it to spread all over the world.

Zuo Mengeng, Huang Zongxi and others thought hard and didn't know how to spread new ideas, but Liu Zongzhou used his strength to do it.

From this aspect, the Grand Master is worthy of being a Grand Master. His methods are far beyond what young people like them can match.

Everyone present stared blankly at the majestic Liu Zongzhou, and they all felt impressed. At the same time, they also decided the outcome of this debate.

Zhang Cai was sitting still, his figure had become a bit sluggish at some point, and his rickety appearance was incompatible with this high-spirited spring day.

He understands his ideal...


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